19 Aug 2009


Bruno is loud, vain, flamboyant, smug, bitchy, rude, selfish, dishonest, outrageous, mean and oversexed. What’s to like?


Director: Dan Mazer

Language: English

Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alice Evans, Trishelle Cannatella, Sandra Seeling, Ben Youcef

Release Date: 20th August 2009

Rating: R21 (Crude Sexual Content)


British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen – who produced and stars as Bruno – has not done any favours for the gay community. 

Before the film was released, there was talk that Sacha was taking on the role of a gay fashionista named Bruno in order to expose homophobia among common folks. Done in mockumentary style, the film’s modus operandi is this: Drop Bruno in a group of unsuspecting ultra-conservative/religious heterosexuals and see how they react to his open gayness. 

It sounded delicious.

But now that we’ve seen the film, we doubt those were Sacha’s real motives. For starters, there’s absolutely nothing likeable about Sacha’s representation of gay men. Bruno is loud, vain, flamboyant, smug, bitchy, rude, selfish, dishonest, outrageous, stupid, mean and oversexed. Sacha seemed to have picked the worst stereotypes about gay men and stuffed them into one giant dick of a role, just for the pleasure of pissing on everyone.

Now smart people may argue that Sacha is playing on a satirical note so fine that few will get it. But then again, what’s so enjoyable about an A-grade A-hole ambushing people with aggressive gay behaviour? Somebody please let us in on the joke.

Straight people who hate gay people will hate gay people even more after they watch Bruno. If Sacha wanted to put up a mirror for homophobes to see themselves, this is not the way to do it. But if Sacha wanted to play a mean flaming queen so he can offend millions of people, strengthen his reputation as a shock jock, and make more money as an entertainer… then yes, this would be the way to do it.

We do not recommend watching Bruno. 

Bruno is so July 2009.