Watchmen is the most intellectual superhero film we've ever seen. Profound and contemplative, it ponders the questions that other superhero films barely ask, such as "Can you really save the world?" and "Should a few lives be sacrificed for the greater good of mankind?"
These somber philosophical reflections are interspersed with the origin story of each superhero and occasional action sequences, culminating in a final scene that will satisfy some and perhaps baffle others.
The story revolves around a group of retired superheroes who come together when one of their own, the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), is killed at home by an intruder with superhuman strength. His friends, the good-hearted Nite Owl II (Patrick Wilson), the sexy Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman), the mysterious Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley), the corporate genius Ozymandias (Matthew Goode) and the all-powerful Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup), are all determined to find the killer...
Directed by Zack Snyder (300), Watchmen is remarkably faithful to its comic book source. The 1980s comic series written by Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore is considered groundbreaking because it demonstrated the maturity of the comic book form, and has consistently listed among the best books of all time.
The film version preserves the books' intelligent dialogue, complexity of each character and a sophisticated stylish storytelling. The production designs are stunning, as are the camerawork and soundtrack. Though not for everyone, Watchmen is destined to be a cult classic for fanboys for generations to come.
Watchmen is the must-watch film of March.