Malaysia’s state-run Bernama News reported last week that “avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures one could take against Influenza A (H1N1).”

"Whether you believe (the article) or not, it's up to you," says Health Ministry Director General Tan Sri Ismail Merican (above) on whether avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are preventive measures one could take Against H1N1.
The report quoted “an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy” Dr. V. M. Palaniappan, the author of several books including 'Ecological Healing System'. Dr Palaniappan is reportedly a former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya and is not a medical doctor.
Quoting Dr Palaniappan, the news report goes on to explain that masturbation and homosexual activities causes the body to “develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.”
"Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection," he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.
He also recommends the consumption of alkaline food and drinks such as coconut water that could neutralise excess acid in the body and could be used as an herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.
The report did not contain any other information about the H1N1 virus or other precautions to minimise the risks of contracting the virus.
Several days later, when asked to comment about the accuracy of the report in Bernama News, Health Ministry Director General Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican reportedly refused to comment on the article.
Ismail told the reporter from The Sun: “That is an article. If you read an article and you digest it, whether you believe it or not, it’s up to you. There was no mention of the ministry of health. I wouldn’t want to comment on that article. Pandai-pandailah (use your discretion)."
Reader's Comments
Even better, one would wonder if the kind doctor would like to ask pathologists performing the autopsies to prove his theory. Heck, perhaps even include the related questions in a questionnaire for those infected.
Now I would call this guy a jerk, but considering his stance on masturbation, the term wouldn't apply.
(News from the Planet of the Apes)
...more on this moronic statement...
The Malaysian Government Thinks that Homosexuality Causes Swine Flu
by Michael A. Jones
categories: Decriminalizing Homosexuality, HIV/AIDS, International Gay Rights, LGBT Health Care, LGBT Science
Published August 09, 2009 @ 06:05AM PT
Swine Flu
Every so often there's a story on the global health circuit that is so absurd, it causes our proverbial record to scratch. Like the time that South Africa's former Health Minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, said that ingesting lemon juice and potatoes could help treat HIV. Or when evangelical groups like Word Relief, who received millions of U.S. federal dollars in PEPFAR funding under President George W. Bush, told people in countries like Mozambique, Kenya and Haiti that condoms don't work to prevent STDs.
Well, now it's time to count Malaysia's government-run news service as part of the global health lie factory. Today they're out with an article from a physician that says homosexuality and masturbation make the body an easy target for Swine Flu (otherwise known as H1N1). The scary part is that the news service in question, Bernama, runs their stories in nearly every part of the country. Lies and misinformation, get ready to spread.
The doctor at the center of the article, V. M. Palaniappan, used to teach ecology at the University of Malaysia. Maybe he should have stuck with ecology instead of wading into the waters of global health. Here's his rationalization behind his theory, which almost reads like a non-sequitor from Alaska's former governor. Check it out:
Dr. V. M. Palaniappan said that homosexuality and masturbation caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.
"Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection," he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe....
Ah, yes. It's only the homosexual sex that causes friction heat. Must be all that dance music we listen to while getting it on...
Two words come to mind. Medical crackpot. Yet the government of Malaysia gives this guy a voice with which to reach people across the country, and offer medical advice. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Malaysia criminalizes homosexuality with penalties ranging from twenty years in prison to whippings and beatings. Or that Malaysia's ruling political party is so vehemently anti-LGBT, that they even have a sub-section of the party known as the "People's Anti-Homosexual Voluntary Movement."
Anyone else thinking that we could start a reality show under the title of, "When Countries Attack Global Health"?
Unconventional Methods To Prevent Influenza
By Sajad Hussein
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 (Bernama) -- Avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures one could take against Influenza A (H1N1), according to an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy.
Dr. V. M. Palaniappan said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.
"Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection," he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.
The former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'.
Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1).
Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralise excess acid in the body.
Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.
For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralise it by drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days.
He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.
According to Dr Palaniappan, excessive physical activity like running a marathon should be avoided as it produced acid due to excessive metabolic activity.
Similarly, he said, keeping late nights without adequate sleep and working without proper rest could also increase the body's acidity which in turn, lowered immunity and made the body vulnerable to viral attacks.
Dr Palaniappan's blog: discusses the therapy in more detail.
Beauty is...
stupidity goes right down to the bones.
Wasn't it a previous health minister there that claimed homosexuality was caused by eating okra/ladies fingers?
There are some weird and worrying ideas around, but KL remains for me, whether you're gay or straight, one of the friendliest and most hospitable places around.
Those government officials are going to burn in hell!!!
Actually it was a researcher in one of the local universities. No one ever found the finished research paper though.
Can Malaysia get any worse besides the already fucked up Islamic induced law? The explanation to this (which lacked serious elaboration) is conclusively absurd in every way. How about some big talking about the spread of HIV which straight people are NOT spared from?
Now I pity this old man. He must have a miserably shallow sex life... whether you believe it or not.
I challenge Karpal Singh (a true Statesman) to defend him...........I think he will not!!!
Damn contradicting and they are not sure what they are talking about.
Stupid biatch!
Or better still, STOP BREATHING altogether!!
When one stops breathing, one dies. Following from which, one cannot possibly still be susceptible to any A(H1N1) infection. * Like, DUH!! *
"Whether he believes me or not, it's up to him."
you never know what the implications may be.
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Masturbation and Gay Sex Cause Swine Flu, Apparently
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Swine flu infections are on the rise in Asia, particularly in India, Thailand, and Vietnam, according to the World Health Organization. But only Malaysia, where 2,252 cases and 38 deaths have been reported since May, has proposed a radical preventative solution: stop masturbating and having gay sex.
These activities apparently make one's body heat up, become "hyperacidised," and thus more susceptible to the H1N1 virus, reported Bernama, the Malaysian government's national news agency.
But get this: "normal sexual union" is perfectly safe! Hurrah! Score another one for heteros!!!
The Malaysian government then went on to state that it also believed the world is flat, gravity does not exist, and unicorns are very, very real.
What goes around comes around: in this instance the infamous canning for once would be well deserved !!!
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If the perished are all gays, his statement would be correct, at least, to the surface.
Another case of a Malaysian trying to 'boleh'....but ending up 'belah'
Saturday, August 15, 2009
In this (unavoidable) lengthy article, which is essentially an explanation to the many queries and criticisms (both negative and positive) put up by the agitated and appreciative readers of the blog, I have attempted to present a clear picture of the differences between sexual union (between a male and a female) and excessive masturbation in relation to virus infections. It may be offensive to some. Please read the introduction below, before beginning to read the main text.
A few people have been questioning the validity of my statement that said body’s high acidity gives room for virus diseases and that masturbation and homosexual activities can acidify the body.
Some have used a decent language, while a few others have used abusive words, which should not appear in a blog that is going to be read by many.
So, it occurred to me, to be fair to all, that I should not allow the posting of both positive and negative comments in the blog. For this, I owe an apology to all those who had posted their views.
However, the doubts raised by both groups of people are genuine. Therefore, I thought, I should present a detailed picture of the entire phenomenon so that my interpretation of information will become justifiable.
Since the new concept requires a thorough understanding of the entire phenomenon, I have to necessarily use certain words and descriptions in the area of sexology.Such words and the related descriptions may be felt offensive to some, while they may not be suitable at all for the under-aged.
So, I hereby request all the visitors to this BLOG, to use their discretions, and also guard the children from reading this material.
Women in general and people of many religions may not want to read these descriptions either. Such people should avoid reading this altogether.
In other words, this explanation is meant for those who wish to get clarifications in this regard, and I wish to request them to read it open-mindedly, without any pre-fixed opinion.
I am sure, you would agree with, if not all, at least most of the explanations offered.
Some clarifications…
Many have been wondering as what could be the difference between masturbation and heterosexual unions, and why should the former give rise to acidification.
Let me try to explain it here.
When a vaginal intercourse is held between a man and a woman, the following happens:
If the man happens to be uncircumcised, during the initial penetration, the prepuce opens up (i.e., folds back), and it remains in the same position until orgasm is achieved.
The sensation created by the slipperiness of the pre-coital secretion (that oozes out from both parties) in the vaginal tract gives rise to the immense pleasure which culminates in ejaculation. If a man happens to be a circumcised person, there is no question of prepuce opening up (or folding back).
In both the above cases, there is no room for friction heat to develop.
If a sexual union takes place between a man and woman WITHOUT any love, pre-coital fluid may not secrete. In such cases, the very penetration becomes difficult, and that gives immense pain to the woman as well. It will be only less pleasurable to the man.
There could be a few more reasons (some psychological) for the absence of pre-coital secretion.Anyway, in order to enhance penetration, either one of the couple normally applies some form of lubricant (e.g., KYJelly, fresh juice of Aloe vera leaf, gingerly/sesame seed oil, and the like).
In sexual union, the entire male organ goes in and comes out without creating any friction heat. If a man is going to have sex with a lubricated rubber or plastic doll, the penis movement tends be identical to having sex with a woman.That is to say, the prepuce folds back once, and tends to remain in the same position until he comes off.
Now, let us see what happens when a person masturbates:
The act of masturbation differs slightly between a circumcised male and an uncircumcised male. A man with prepuce intact opens his prepuce, closes back, and repeats likewise numerous times until he comes off.
It is this opening and closing of the prepuce (i.e., the skin, without any lubrication) that gives rise to friction heat.A man without prepuce (i.e., circumcised person) can still bring forward and backward the entire skin (the sheath) but only to a limited extent until he comes off. Here, there is still room for the development of some friction heat.
The other choice for the circumcised man is to penetrate his organ into lubricated (e.g., with Aloe vera juice) and folded fingers in a manner simulating the vagina. In this kind of action, it is the sensation that gives rise to the pleasure and ejaculation, and not the opening and closing of the prepuce. Therefore, there is no room for the development of friction heat.
When it comes to teenage boys masturbating, they almost all the time secrete the pre-coital fluid.When a man’s seminal fluid is wanted for laboratory examination, the ‘patient’ is encouraged to see nude photographs, magazines or even blue films in a cubicle, so that he would (a) get erection in the first place, and (b) would produce some coital fluid, which would make it easier for him to masturbate and collect his seminal fluid.
If a man does it without any excitement, it may end up in being a dry masturbation. Often unexcited men, by middle age, may not secrete the slippery fluid, and if they happen to carryon masturbating the dry way, their body would get ‘heated up’ to some extent.
If the person does dry masturbation very often (say, once or twice daily), his body is bound to get over-acidified, and this is the kind of person who may develop greater susceptibility for virus infections.
The mistake I made during the recent interview, it appeared to me belatedly, is that I had not used the words “too frequently” or “twice daily” and the like. That must have justified my argument at least to some extent.
When it comes to masturbation by women, needless to say that they cannot avoid friction heat, whether they do it through the vaginal tract, or at the level of the clitoris. If they happen to use a vibrator, it produces an enormous amount of friction heat. Frequent repetition of the act tends to result in hyperacidosis.
Those who are involved in homosexual relationships, after reading this article, should be able to judge for themselves whether or not they develop the said friction heat. There could be several variations in homosexual acts, about which I am not very much aware. I suppose, I should not have assumed in the first place that all homosexual relationships are friction creating.
I sincerely apologise to all those people concerned, especially because (a) they are much upset about my statement, and (b) my saying may not be totally true.
The misconception must have been due to my ignorance of homosexual relationships. I am sorry again to have hurt them, and am equally sorry for not seeking the opinion of research experts in this area, such as Masters & Johnson (who authored books like Human Sexual Response (1986) or their associates, instead of basing it only on logical conclusion.
"Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it."
Stephen Vizinczey,
Hungarian author. that's it then. The good doctor is suggesting sex with lube....and considering his constant mention of aloe vera juice, I am currently unsure whether to criticise him further or refer him to Durex to study lubes and promote it to avoid, as he writes, 'dry masturbation'.
Like Tina Turner sings, "what's LOVE got to do with it?"
Is this guy releasing a NEW book or running for political office and drumming up as much FREE publicity as he can? Enjoy your 15 SECONDS of fame, Doctor!
And I thought what's her name in Singapore who bailed out on the New York University teaching job was'es down right EDUCATED compared to this crap!
Brilliant I say, brilliant. Carry on my fellow acidic homosexuals. U can now be normalized. Just grab some alkaline batteries on your way out of the supermarket everytime & u must never forget your coconut water ya? Boleh? :P
Energizer bunny anyone? No no children, the batteries are for charging coconut water, not charging up your....oops...censorded. LOL!
Pure bull crap.
Can someone wash his brain with soap please...
But seriously, who is he trying to kid?
First, you have a former MALAYSIAn university professor who holds a PhD from MALAYSIA. ( )
Then you have a top executive from the Health Ministry of MALAYSIA saying "Whether you believe (the article) or not, it's up to you."
I wonder whom the Malaysian public can turn to when they are doubtful of a certain health advice or prescription.
The title of his doctoral thesis is: "Litter production and fungal decomposition of Xerospermum muricatum leaf litter in a Malaysian mixed forest ecosystem" ({245} )
I wonder whether he'd gotten his insights into gay sex, H1N1 and masturbation when he researched into the PLANTS and FORESTS in Malaysia? LOL.
purposely makes such a big discrimination issue. HELL la u
accoding to expert, sex contributes 10% of human happiness,
DO NOT magnify the seriousness of gay men sexual activities.
Whatever next ?
Whatever next ?
grow up ppl!!!use ur brain la!!
homosex got heat "normal" sex no "heat" meh?LMAO!
thk heaven tt sg so far ,worse, is the A*ARE thing....
jia you govt,jia you ppl!!!
You know what the wonderful thing about this is? Left well enough alone, idiots will ALWAYS expose themselves as such. Idiocy will always find a voice, and thus bring mirth and laughter to the world.
Malaysia Boleh!
this is malaysia
and in Malaysia anything can happen here!
what's new in malaysia?
i am malaysian
well, i am not joking
Its an easy group to blame for everything, Specialy in Malysia were the term Gay means something dirty or freaky.
Hopefuly not only the Gay community knows better but it woeld be realy fine that also straight, bisexual, Black, white, young, old, woman or man knows but more important that they say that this "so called Doctor" is wrong.
As long others then "gay" dont stand up for that, the Gay community will always get the blame. so easy to blame them and who cares??
Human Rights not availible for Gay in Malaysia?
When I woeld read somethink like this in Holland al my Gay friends woeld Laugh and not only gay friends but also my straight, bisexual, Black, white, young, old, woman or man friends woeld do so.
We woeld say this "so called Doctor" needs a very good doctor.
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