Gay and bisexual men account for around one in every three new cases of HIV in China, according to an UN report citing official statistics released by China's Ministry of Health. However, according to government figures, less than half of the MSM population has access to HIV testing services and less than 15% of HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) who need treatment are receiving it.

Approximately 5% of men who have sex with men in China are living with HIV – 88 times higher than the national HIV prevalence of 0.057%. In the city of Chengdu, more than 10% of the MSM population is living with HIV. Across China, HIV prevalence is generally higher in cities and urban areas, reaching almost 20% in some south-western cities.
Government officials, civil society and UN representatives met a workshop held in Chengdu, China, last Thursday, July 9, and discussed a new five-year strategy that calls for a "dramatic scale-up in the coverage of HIV prevention and treatment for the MSM population" in Chengdu and promotes the participation of community-based organisations in the city’s response to HIV. Participants included senior officials from China’s Ministry of Health, government officials from Sichuan Provincial Health Bureau, representatives from civil society and Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
“Cities have a critical role to play in the AIDS response,” said Mr Yang Xiaoguang, Director of Chengdu Health Bureau, speaking at the workshop.
“By working to build a strong, multi-sectoral response in Chengdu, with meaningful community participation, we can scale up coverage of prevention, treatment and care services among MSM and halt the spread of HIV in our city,” he added.
Tong Ge, Coordinator of China’s MSM Health Forum and a participant in the Chengdu workshop, noted the importance of ensuring strong cooperation between government and civil society. “By building on the experiences of cities like Chengdu, which already have well developed AIDS responses, we can help to promote multi-sectoral collaboration on an equal, orderly basis and strengthen the response to HIV nationwide,” said Mr Tong. “The next step will be to implement similar strategies in other cities nationwide,” he added.
Reader's Comments
That's because "men who have sex with men" are always targeted for HIV Antibody testing, which doesn't test for any HIV (virus); but the antibody which is "presumed" to be antibody for HIV.
33% gay and bisexual, 33 % straight and 33 % children ?
That's beacuse people have more access to the so-called HIV Antibody Testing facilities in cities and urban area. I'm sure HIV prevalence is generally lower in Artic and Antartic too.
No reason to be in denial just work at getting our health correct.
and therefore they have nothing to worry about.This has to do with the lack of proper education on this subject throughout Asia and still in many other parts of the world.
To No.5, "Gay and bi-sexual men have been the scape-goat for HIV long enough"
We should take a good look at those people in the early 1980s who got really sick and died of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - AIDS is a catergory of 30 different previously known diseases, AIDS is not a new disease). They are mostly Gay who lead a "fast track" lifestyle, visiting bath houses, take drugs and poppers (for the bottoms only because it relax the anal), having more than 1000 sex-partner per year, lots of alchohol and cigarette, lack of sleep, lots of antibiotics to deal with other Sexually trasmitted disease eg. Syphillis, Crab, Gonorrhea and Bateria infections. This is only a small part of the Gay community and they were from cities like Los Angeles and New York. Mind You AIDS was initially called GRID (Gay Related Immune Dysfunction).
To No.7, "...many many commercial sex workers and drug addicts..."
You are right when You mention drug addicts but studies have shown commercial sex workers are not down with AIDS as many have predicted since HIV is labeled as a STI. Only a small portion of sex workers who are also drug addicts ever developed AIDS associated diseases. If HIV is really a Sexually Transmitted Infections, the statistics would show those infected with HIV are 50% male and 50% female because a virus cannot discriminate between sexes. But the real hard facts show us in developed countries like the USA and in Western Europe, Male account upto 90% of HIV+ and Female only 10%. The reason is more Male do drugs than Female in developed countries.
Everybody should know a breathalyzer is use to detect the blood alchohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. Breathalyzer is carefully calibrated by comparing them to alchohol; no HIV test if you look at the literature that comes with them has ever been calibrated by comparing it to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Infact the instruction actually says that they PRESUME that "the presence of antibody implies presence of the virus". HIV test has got a well documented, huge list of 60 things in established medical literature which show these tests are completely NON-SPECIFIC. If Breathalyzer were validated on that basis, You will have people convicted of drink-driving, with the test which is never been compared properly with alchohol, and which is known that TEA, COFFEE, FRUIT JUICE, COLA & MILK can produce false-positives. You'll never been able to convict anybody for drink-driving on that basis; but that's the basis on which people are given a diagnosis of biological death sentence (HIV+ equals to AIDS and Death eventually) everyday!
This is the worst part of getting a result which states your blood sample shows Reactive to the Antibody presumed to be specific to HIV (HIV+) in Asia. 1/3 of people tested HIV Antibody + committed suicide in South Korea because the stigma, humiliation and fear that they will encounter by living a Life as a HIV Antibody + in the Korean society. I dont know about the Japanese in this scenario. Perhaps You guys can find out more.
I think people should start thinking and wake up from the dream, that HIV = AIDS = DEATH! So many innocent Lives has been sacrificed in the name of HIV/AIDS. US$ Billions and billions of fundings each year has been directed in the wrong direction for more than 26 years now, and yet there isn't a glimps of light at the end of the tunnel. The biggest failure in HIV/AIDS research is not that they can't find a CURE for AIDS; infact the biggest failure for them is they can't find a CAUSE for AIDS!
Forget about the vaccine, they used to said the vaccine will be available in 2 years, that was by the US Secretary of Health, Margaret Heckler in 1984. And yet, where is it now in 2011? The fact is everyone tested HIV Antibody + has got the vaccine in their body that the medical research are looking for. They always tell us the vaccine is still "years away", because if they marketed the vaccine to the public, then people who have been vacinated with HIV vaccine will be tested HIV Antibody + in HIV testing too.
First they say the Antibody indicates you're infected with HIV, so you're in great danger of getting AIDS, now they want to vaccine HIV negative people so they too can have the Antibody to HIV! So please tell me what's the point?
I'm not saying our Gay "lifestyle" is not good. What i'm trying to say is we should give ourself a chance to look back and reflect what is the real cause of this immune deficiency syndrome. If we get emotional at issues like "Gay (fast-tracking) lifestyle might be the cause of AIDS/GRID", and dismiss that issue all together just to justify our lifestyle is not the problem, and it never causes anything harmful to us, then we might never get to the real cause and help the people who need help most.
The reality is only a small portion in the Gay community who lead this "fast-tracking" lifestyle and they were the first to get sick and died from AIDS (or GRID). I'm not saying because they are of small portion therefore not significant, i just hope that people can distinguish between people (both gay and straight) living the fast-tracking lifestyle and the rest who are not, and try to see the different outcome to their behaviour.
Until this very day, no man on Earth can prove that HIV is the cause of AIDS. I mean prove as in proper documented scientific research papers complete with peer review. If You could find one for us please, that would be very much appreciated. Until then, it is all based upon a hyphotesis by Robert Gallo in 1984. I hope You are aware of the difference between a hyphothesis and a scientifically proven HIV causes AIDS based on the "Koch's Postulates".
P/S: Koch's postulates are four criteria designed to establish a causal relationship between a causative microbe (HIV in this case) and a disease (AIDS or GRID). The postulates were formulated by Robert Koch and Friedrich Loeffler in 1884 and refined and published by Koch in 1890.
1) don't feel the need to go for a HIV checkup as they think it mostly a "gay men's disease";
2) who do contract the disease under-report their HIV status- for obvious reasons?
Besides, if "1 out of every 3 HIV new HIV cases in China are gay/bisexual" men, then wouldn't that make the remaining 2 out of 3 of heteros??? So based on this factual account, I'm curious to know how the Chinese media recently acquired habits of phrasing such cliched stuff about HIV sufferers like they used to do in the West ; such as (eg) "majority of Aids sufferers are gay/bisexual men" or " HIV infection on the increase among MSM" ?????
Has Rupert Murdoch spied on & infiltrated the Chinese press???
To No.24, I too would like to give it a rest. But when You think of how many people, healthy people had died because of the AIDS/HIV treatment AZT they were given in the 1980s and 1990s. And how many more will be sacrified on the altar to HIV/AIDS? It's a matter of life and death here. It's not like treating Syphillis with a few jabs. People are give toxic drugs everyday, DNA chain terminator drugs to control the spread of so called HIV, yet the scientific community had failed its duty to prove that HIV really causes AIDS.
Those who are on AIDS/HIV treatment die of liver failure because of the amount of toxic they had taken on a daily basis, their body had been poisoned with these so called "Life saving drugs". Try to take a look at the insert of these ARV drugs, none has claimed the drugs are saving Life, in facts some are even labeled "Black Box" drugs, which means people had died and could die taking these drugs.
Guys, What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?
>> HOUSE OF NUMBERS full documentary film (2009)
I somehow kind of agree with u on this. AIDS seems to be a more complicated disease than one which just originates from HIV which one can get from sexual transmission.
I do believe that AIDS is a result of a combination of the following:
(a) Excessive use of drugs which damage the body immune system ultimately
(b) Excessive use of poppers which has high level of nitrites which could induce cancer in the human body
(c) High consumption of liquor
(d) Excessive sex which opens the human body to all types of infection, which ultimately damage the immune system
(e) Little body rest due to overexhaustion (probably cause by gays over clubbing, lack of sleep, smoking etc)
Interestingly, the present medical research to find HIV vaccine are all based on strengthening the human immune system as a solution. Scientists have accepted the fact that a human can live with HIV as long as a normal human if they have the right antibodies to fight or control HIV. Perhaps, they realised that some HIV positive guys are living as long as others without the medical treatment.
The US/West and its pharmeceutical giants have been making tonnes of money supplying us with HIV drugs, and if someone comes with a vaccine, what will happen to their business? Its a cruel world out there. Lots of us thought everything is so plain and simple. Its not.
There are dozens of accredited and responsible doctors in the West who believed that HIV doesnt cause AIDS. Perhaps, a gay who is under heavy influence of lifestyle drugs, liquor, stressful life regiments and then come into contact with sexually infected (STI) persons are more likely to develop AIDS as their body is not able to fight all these infections.
And as HIV drugs get less toxic from time to time, more and more HIV sufferers who are under medication can still look forward to a healthy 20-30 years lifespan. Gone were the days when HIV patients have 7-10 years to live under toxic HIV drugs like AZT. Sooner rather than later, one will be surprised that HIV drug will just be a 'placebo', i.e. containing no drugs.
You really think all those fatalities in Africa and China have been out clubbing? You take stupidity to a new level of achievement.
Regarding the toxicity of HIV/AIDS drugs, the pharmaceutical industry has succeeded in their marketing strategy. In 1987 they sell the 1st generation HIV drugs AZT (which is a banned chemotheraphy drug due to it's high toxicity-but it's somehow OK to treat dying AIDS patient). Before 1987, 7000 died from AIDS annually in the USA. In 1987, 70000 died from AIDS, after taking the AZT! The fact is no one survive from AZT, the whole generation of gay HIV+ was killed by AZT! Big Pharma knew they can't sell AZT forever, so here comes "drug cocktails" in 1996. Of course people taking the less toxic "drug cocktails" seems to live longer than those who took AZT. That's why the Big Pharma are claiming the cocktails are "live saving" when compared with AZT. I doubt the Big Pharma will come up with "placebo" drug. If the HIV is not killing people (as we are now getting more and more HIV+ "long-term-survivors" w/o treatment), at least the drugs are. They are already struggling to keep up the annual death toll of AIDS. It's embarasingly low that in some country more people died from falling down the stairs than died of AIDS! No joking!
p/s: people who developed Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) in the 1980s were (Bottom) gay men who use recreational drugs exclusively to the gay population ie. Poppers (Nitrite inhalent-to relax the anal). That's why they called KS a gay cancer and hence the name GRID (Gay-related Immune Deficiency) prior to the name AIDS. The manufacturer of Poppers is Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline). Guess what, GlaxoSmithKline also manufacture Anti-retroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS.
"These products have also been part of the club culture from the 1970s disco scene to the 1980s and 1990s rave scene.[4] Poppers have a long history of use due to the rush of warm sensations and dizziness experienced when the vapours are inhaled."
"...other cases have shown that serious adverse effects can occur. In a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine, an ophthalmologist described four cases in which recreational users of poppers experienced temporary changes in vision.[6] There is some evidence to indicate that even occasional use of poppers may affect vision.[7] With heavy long-term use there is a potential for neurological damage.[8] Accidentally swallowing or aspirating the liquid, rather than inhaling the vapours, is certainly dangerous and can prove fatal.[9][10]"
Source: Wikipedia
People can die just from taking the AZT or ARV. As we know any HIV+ human being will be prescribed HIV drugs by their doctors. Even thought they are perfectly healthy, w/o any sign of opportunistic infections, especially true with the "hit hard hit early" slogan nowadays. Babies and children who did not live excessive lifestyles, hardly drank, never used drugs, they too died because they were given HIV drugs. You must know what are the drugs like, what are the drugs doing to the body and what are the side effects. Have You ever question why are we treating HIV+ people with ARV drugs that are immune supressive when we are talking about saving somebody's immune system from collapsing?
As for people in Africa and some poor parts of Asia, try to look into the environment they are living in. Do they have clean drinking water? Do they have proper sanitation? Do they get nutritious meals everyday? Do they have access to medical care? Please do not forget Malaria and Malnutrition too can kill people. Why are we not focusing on these basic life threatening issues but put our 110% effort in testing everyone with HIV tests and pumping ARV drugs into Africa and Asia?
Please do yourself a favour today, and start thinking, start questioning.
In your delightful little back-and-forth on the causes of HIV/AIDS, you miss unprotected anal sex out of the equation COMPLETELY. In your considered scientific opinion (which you openly and shamefully admit has been formed through Wikipedia), AIDS is caused by poppers, alcohol, clubbing, diet and fatigue.
Any not under any circumstances by blood-to-blood transmission through anal sex.
Seriously? Are you bug chasers or just buffoons? Where do you get this crap? Are we in the Middle Ages?
Why oh why do my fellow gay men continue to rubbish decades of empirical research in some pathetic attempt to avoid the main issue - that anal sex is more likely to lead to transmission of ANY blood-borne disease. I've been alarmed at the laissez-faire attitude to condoms among MSM in China, and these findings are no surprise at all. STOP MAKING GODDAMN EXCUSES YOU SELFISH, IRRESPONSIBLE NOBODIES.
If you enjoy anal sex, use a condom every time. Stop pretending like this is difficult, or not the issue. It isn't difficult and it very much is the issue. Maybe a healthy immune system does reduce your risk. But then again, maybe it doesn't. A condom does. Proven time and again.
Would you go deep-sea diving without oxygen just because you were good at holding your breath?
And please, please, please stop pouring ignorant scorn on the scientists and NGOs trying to save pathetic know-nothings from killing themselves and their partners through indiscriminate sex.
Quoting Wikipedia, indeed! The world scientific community know way more than you do about how pathogens affect the human body. Listen to them, for all of our sakes! MSM were the progenitors and the initial victims of AIDS, and now it's everyone's problem, and still we refuse to accept our crucial role in spreading, or defeating, this pathogen.
Wake up, grow up and take responsibility!
For your information, according to the 10 years Padian Study published in 1997:
"We followed 175 HIV-discordant couples over time,
for a total of approximately 282 couple-years of
follow-up (table 3). Because of deaths as well as the
break-up of couples, attrition was severe; only 175
couples are represented in table 3. The longest duration
of follow-up was 12 visits (6 years). We observed
no seroconversions after entry into the study."
"The results from our study,
including both the characteristics of participants and
observed risk factors for transmission, confirm the
significant contribution of both injection drug use and
infection with other sexually transmitted diseases."
Maybe You should find out how "intimate" the relationships can be between the Pharmaceutical companies, drug approving authorities, scientists, doctors and NGOs. Maybe You never heard of "politic" & "greed".
Condom is not going to save anyone, if people continue to use recreational drugs & poppers. Why are we still saying AIDS is everyone's problem?
"Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits"
Look at the statistic, the data, the facts ! I'm more than delighted to cite You other sources if you think Wikipedia is all about crap.
1) Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis:
2) Prof. Peter Duesberg's Official Home Page:
3) Dr. Roberto A. Giraldo's Official Home Page:
4) The Perth Group's Website:
5) The larger "Virus Myth" Website:
6) Excellent Media Productions Critical of the "Infectious HIV Theory of AIDS":
7) Alive And Well Information Network:
8) HEAL New York:
9) HEAL Portland (Oregon):
10) Henry Bauer's HIV/AIDS Skeptic Site:
11) We are living proof that "HIV" Does NOT
cause AIDS, if "HIV" even exists at all:
12) The Truth About HIV/AIDS Revealed:
13) The AIDS Trap brochure:
1) 'AIDS: Virus or Drug Induced?' edited by Peter Duesberg,
(ISBN:0792339614) 1996.
2) 'Inventing the AIDS Virus' by Peter H. Duesberg, (ISBN:0-89526-470-6) Published Date:1996
3) 'Oxidative Stress in Cancer, AIDS, and Neurodegenerative Diseases' by Luc Montagnier (ISBN:9781420002928) Publication Date:1998
4) 'Ten Lies About Aids' by Etienne De Harven, M.D., with Jean-Claude Roussez (ISBN:9781425154264) Published:Oct 2008
5) 'Positively False; Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS' by Joan Shenton (ISBN:1860643337) Published Date:1998
6) 'Fear of the Invisible' by Janine Roberts (ISBN:0955917727) Published Date:30 Jun 2008
7) 'What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS was Wrong?' by Christine Maggiore (ISBN-10: 0967415306) Published Date:31 Dec 2000
8) 'Goodbye AIDS!' by Maria Papagiannidou-St Pierre
(ISBN:0955917735) Published Date:6 April 2009
9) 'AIDS and the Doctor of Death' by Alan Cantwell
(ISBN-10:0917211251) Published Date:1 April 1988
10) 'A World Without AIDS' by Steven Ransom
(ISBN-10:0953501256) Published Date:1 Jun 2000
11) 'The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering, and Genocide from the Medical Industrial Complex' by John Lauritsen
(ISBN-10:0943742080) Published Date:1993
12) 'Cocaine, AIDS and Intravenous Drug User' by Samuel R Friedman (ISBN-10:1560230045) Published Date:3 Nov 1991
13) 'The Origin, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory' by Henry H. Bauer (ISBN-10:0786430486)
Published Date: 1 Jun 2007
14) 'Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS?' by Rebecca Culshaw (ISBN-10:1556436424)
Published Date:28 Feb 2007
15) 'The Gravest Show on Earth; America in the age of Aids' by Elinor Burkett (ISBN:0-395-74537-3)
Published Date:11 Dec 1995
16) 'Aids: Failure of Contemporary Science' by Neville Hodgkinson (ISBN-10:1857023374)
Published Date:17 Jun 1996
17) 'Impure Science; AIDS, activism, and the politics of knowledge' by Steven Epstein (ISBN-10:0520214455)
Published Date:10 Sep 1998
18) 'The Great AIDS Hoax' by Terry C. Fry
(ISBN-10:1558300058) Published Date:Feb 1990
19) 'Deadly Deception: Proof That Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS' by Robert E. Willner (ISBN-10:0964231611) Published Date:Jan 1995
20) 'John Crewdson, Science Fictions: A Scientific Mystery, A Massive Cover-Up, and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo' by John Crewdson (ISBN-10:0316090042)
Published Date:Feb 2002
21) 'AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century' by John Rappoport (ISBN-10:0954659015) Published Date:12 Dec 2003
22) 'Ending The AIDS Myths' by Andreas Moritz (ISBN:9780976794493) Published Date:July 2006
23) 'Rethinking AIDS: The Tragic Cost of Premature Consensus' by Robert Root-Bernstein (ISBN-10:0029269059) Published Date:26 Mar 1993
24) 'Antibody Politic: AIDS and Society' by Tamsin Wilton (ISBN:1873797044) Publication date : 07/06/1994
25) 'Serious Adverse Events, An Uncensored History of AIDS' by Celia Farber (ISBN:1933633018) Published Date:2006
P/S: this list is not complete
1) 'House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic' by Brent Leung (2009)
2) 'HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?' by Stephen Allen (2000)
3) 'AIDS Inc.' by Gary Null (2007)
4) 'The Other Side of AIDS' by Robin Scovill (2004)
5) 'The Science of Panic' by Isabel Otaduy Sömme & Patrizia Monzani with Arantxa Martinez (2011)
6) 'The Real Heroes of AIDS' by Gary Null
7) 'Living Proof The Lindsey Nagel Story'
8) 'Deadly Deception' by Dr Robert E. Willner MD Phd
9) 'AZT Sucks'
10) Positively False - Birth of a Heresy (Trailer)
11) Aids Rebellen Teil (German)
Thanks for all the effort that you have made in explaining to these ignorant people. I still however believe that AIDS is an accumulated disease from years of overexposure from Drugs, Liquor, Unprotected Sex (multiple infections), and stressful life.
Our immune system is complex. It can be a strong fighter to all diseases if we have a strong immune system.
I think I've already done everything I can to make people open their eyes and heart. If they choose to be ignorant, it's totally up to them, it's their Life, they can do whatever they want with it.
I support the "Lifestyle Hyphothesis" too. Let Time be the witness and prove how wrong did this "experiment" went. Maybe 100 years later our future generation will study a topic - how USA gave AIDS to the World.
Truth passes through three phases:
First it is ridiculed.
Second it is fiercely and violently opposed.
Third, it becomes self-evident.
— Arthur Schopenhauer
I'm glad we are already at the second phase now, after 30 years, and unfortunately at a teribble cost of more than 300,000 lives!
1. In the above response, you're disputing "fact," not "truth," and using Schopenhauer's words entirely out of context in the process.
2. The Padian Study recorded the "strong contribution" intravenous drug use made to new infections. Dangerous lifestyles open people up to risky sexual behaviour, and sharing needles WILL spread HIV. I wouldn't question that finding, and neither would doctors.
However, the Pagian Study did NOT at any point question the established fact that HIV is a blood-borne pathogen, that attacks and weakens even healthy immune systems to the point that they can no longer fight off opportunistic infections. You still haven't responded to my main criticism, which is that implying that healthy people won't get HIV is the kind of dangerous thinking that worsens the already alarming spread of this pathogen among MSM.
3. I admit unfamiliarity with many of the works and publications you cite above. But your accusation that I am unaware of the role greed plays in this debate is somewhat hypocritical. Plenty of authors are willing to lie through their teeth to benefit from royalties attached to a book about a controversial subject. Ample literature claiming tobacco use to be beneficial to the human body was published well into the 1950s. People got rich off it. Many more died as a result. Conspiracy theorists are rarely more moral than pharmaceutical executives - they just carry less clout. The same applies to documentary filmmakers.
Please drop the holier than thou attitude. You're no messiah finally bringing the facts to light. Don't imagine for a moment that your views will protect you against infection if one of your partners, God forbid, turns out to be HIV+. Consider the feelings of those who have lost loved ones. And use condoms.
The only prominent denialist you missed was Thabo Mbeki. The guy who guaranteed one in 10 South Africans would be HIV+. I'm happy to add him to this little pantheon of sages on your behalf.
Please stop rebuking opinion made by others. U have yr right to your own opinion. But what I am trying to say is that when a person is exposed to consumption of multiple lifestyle drugs, drink liquor excessively and running an unhealthy lifestyle (eg. stress, smoking etc), chances that his immune system is going to drop and expose to AIDS faster are even higher. Unless you do believe that taking drugs, drinking liquor and running an unhealthy lifestyle could extend your mortaility.
You might be right that HIV virus does exist, but it will not be easy to infect one who has a strong immune system to fight off this virus, thereby reducing the probability of infection. One whose body immune system is already badly damaged probably has a X10 times chance of getting infection.
There could be many reasons that affect our body immune system. It might not entirely be caused by HIV alone. Some people died from cancer or many other conditions. But as time goes by, the survival of HIV+ patients have increased from an average of 6-7 years to 25-40 years from the time of infection. AZT drug is to thank for the rapid deaths of all the AIDS patients in the 1980s...everyone knows that by now. But with the advent of the less toxic HIV drugs, humans are more able to endure HIV in a longer period of time with lesser side effects. But interestingly, not everyone responds to the same drugs in a similar fashion. This shows that our immune system is complex and unique to every individual. Perhaps our best defence and our best cure is our own immune system.
There are thousands of cases of HIV+ who have lived beyond 60 years old and still living healthily without HIV drugs. But what I can see are those gays who run unhealthy lifestyles seldom live beyond that age. They either died from AIDS or from other complications like drug overdose, cancer, stroke etc...And there are also healthy HIV+ who died early cause they couldnt accept the trauma and psychological depression of being infected with HIV. Silent killer.
Plenty of healthy people have died from AIDS complications caused by HIV infection. Of course a healthy immune system helps fight the infection, but oftentimes it doesn't, or just prolongs death.
Almost all the above citations have been debunked by the scientific community as AIDS denialism, much of it funded by faith healing, Roman Catholic and herbalist organizations. Christine Maggiore was a ringleader of AIDS denialism. Both she and her two children were HIV+ and she denied them treatment because she believed a healthy lifestyle would keep them alive.
All three of them are now dead. Guess what killed them?
Plenty of healthy people have died from AIDS complications caused by HIV infection. Of course a healthy immune system helps fight the infection, but oftentimes it doesn't, or just prolongs death.
Almost all the above citations have been debunked by the scientific community as AIDS denialism, much of it funded by faith healing, Roman Catholic and herbalist organizations. Christine Maggiore was a ringleader of AIDS denialism. Both she and her two children were HIV+ and she denied them treatment because she believed a healthy lifestyle would keep them alive.
All three of them are now dead. Guess what killed them?
With all due respect:
First I would like to make it clear to You, HIV has never been proven scientifically to be pathogenic. Nobody in this Universe can come out with a study that concluded HIV is a sexually transmitted virus, including Robert Gallo who claimed he had found the AIDS virus. Yes, i agree that people need to refrain from unprotected sex, from getting other STI eg. Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Hepathetis A,B,C, Herpes etc. But not for HIV. Look at the statistics (i believe the truth always comes from facts), if HIV can be transmitted by sexual contact:
1) Why the 9 men to 1 women ratio in HIV+?
2) Why the 5 black to 1 caucation ratio in HIV+?
3) Why more pragnent women tested + than unpregnant women?
4) Why people can have AIDS w/o being HIV+?
5) Why the usage of pycho-active drugs correlate with the AIDS death in USA?
6) Why a retrovirus that only takes 24 hours to reproduce will only attack the immune system after a 10 years latent period?
7) Why more than half of HIV+ (on treatment) are dying from liver failure and heart attacks despite these are not categorised as AIDS opportunistic infections?
8) Why the blood sample need to be diluted 500 times in HIV Antibody test? (The max dilution for other STI test is 15 times)
9) Why do Doctors have to know one's sexuality & drug use to determined one's HIV Antibody test result if the test alone is accurate enough (99.9% as they claimed)?
10) Why in the 1980s Gay White Male was the group with highest risk of HIV infection; but in 2010 Heterosexual Black Women is the largest growing group of HIV+ ?
Unless you're thinking HIV with just 3 DNA is capable of sex and race discrimination, have the intelligence to differentiate pregnant women and have superpower to jump from GWM to HBW! Or maybe GWM is suddenly changing their preference for HBW?
"...unsafe sex is A-OK so long as they hit the gym and drink wheatgrass." (Comment 44-45)
Unsafe sex is Not OK when there are tonnes of STIs around, let's not move the focal point away from other STIs (with transmittion rate of 1:2-3) to HIV (with a well known transmittion rate of 1:1000). What the whole HIV/AIDS industry doing is draining all the precious resources from researching on other diseases that affect more people and definitely kill more.
"Plenty of healthy people have died from AIDS complications caused by HIV infection." (Comment 44-45)
Talking about AIDS complications caused by HIV infection, do we have a study on HIV+ w/o taking the ARVs so that we can monitor the "progess" of HIV in so-called "killing T-cells and destroy the immune system"? No. Why? Because the HIV doesn't do it, it's the drug (both illicit and prescribed by doctors) that are killing people. There is no funding for any studies that do not follow the "HIV causes AIDS" hyphothesis. You won't be able to see the "Padian Study" if the study at any point question if HIV is a blood-borne pathogen! You don't bite the hand that feed You, do You? It's really funny when Doctors are blaming almost everything on a single virus, and refuse to acknowledge the fatal side effects of these ARV drugs. Heart attack, oh it's HIV; Diarhea, yes it's HIV; weight loss, sure HIV; I wouldn't be surprised if a doctor says if a HIV+ robbed a bank, it's because of HIV too!
I have a friend who got Lactic Acidosis (physiological condition characterized by low pH in body tissues and blood accompanied by the buildup of lactate, a distinct form of metabolic acidosis) which almost killed him, but nobody told him that it was likely AZT that caused it. He also had liver failure 7 years ago which he nearly die and the doctors can't explain it (as we know now it's drug poisoning). I'm glad he did survive AZT and the ARV drugs. Most people died within 2 years of taking AZT! Why do we think AIDS is a deadly disease? Because AIDS patients awere give a deadly treatment. The current ARV treatment still have side effects that can kill.
"Almost all the above citations have been debunked by the scientific community as AIDS denialism, much of it funded by faith healing, Roman Catholic and herbalist organizations."
In Science, the most important process is to never stop questioning. But in HIV/AIDS, the basic principle od science is totally replaced by Middle-Age religion like believes, people can't even raise a question. Scientist who discuss the issue openly are being labelled by the Mainstream AIDS Orthodox as DENIALIST, KILLER, HOMOPHOBIC etc. Doctors have the rights to tell their patients :"You are going to die very soon if You don't take your ARV drugs!" When the patients came back to the doctors, healthy after stoping ARV for years, doctors would just ignore them, don't even want to know what makes their patients get healthier. Doctors only tell patients to stick to the ARV drugs, when the CD4 count goes up, only the numbers matters, even the patients feels like dying. I'm not sure who is the real DENIALIST, the Mainstream AIDS Orthodox who keeps hiding the facts and data from us, or people who just want to reclaim their health.
If AIDS denialism is funded by faith healing, Roman Catholic and herbalist as You suggested, I would say Mainstream HIV/ADIS Orthodox is funded by Pharmaceutical companies that depends greatly on the sales of ARV drugs, and US government agencies eg. National Institue of Health and Center for Disease Control. Even the HIV/AIDS NGOs are being funded by the Big Pharma to help "educate" the public about "life-saving" ARV drugs. You never know how powerful the Pharmaceutical industry can be after the WHO allowed the patent of medical method and drugs/medicine in 1970s. They might have the cure for a disease but if people are cured who will buy their drugs?
"Christine Maggiore was a ringleader of AIDS denialism. Both she and her two children were HIV+ and she denied them treatment because she believed a healthy lifestyle would keep them alive."
"All three of them are now dead. Guess what killed them?"
I don't know what is your intention, but I'm deeply dissapointed after reading your comment. You did not fail like all spokeperson for the Mainstream HIV/AIDS Orthodox, to throw such an irresponsible accusation to Christine's children. Her son is HIV negative and alive, so is her (alive) husband after they had decade of healthy "condom-free" sex Life! Her daughter died from an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. Christine died from pneumonia, imagine the pressure and stress she was under from all those unfair accusations made by the Mainstream media and Mainstream HIV/AIDS Orthodox towards her.
What about Lindsey Nagel, why don't the Mainstream HIV/AIDS Orthodox talks about her instead of spreading the news of AIDS dissidents died from AIDS. A Doctor who challenged the HIV/AIDS hyphothesis died at the age of 80 can easily be accused as an AIDS denialist and hence died of AIDS ! Back to Lindsey, she was adopted by the Nagel from Romania in 1990. Lindsey tested HIV negative in Romania, but HIV+ in USA. She was given AZT treatment by her doctors along with 12 others children in the area. Her parents write to Dr. Peter Deusberg after Lindsey surfered for 2 years from AZT poisoning. Dr. Deusberg (the one who started questioning HIV=AIDS hypothesis) advised them to take Lindsey off AZT. Now she's a healthy beautiful 21 years old, and all the other children who continued taking AZT were all dead by 1994. So tell me how did Lindsey survived her supposedly HIV+ status? and what happened to the other children?
P/S: I too feel reponsible to others who might get the idea into their heads that ARV drug is A-OK so long as they follow their doctor's order and never skip a pill (as if the HIV is really gonna mutate!) I want them to know they were never given a choice by their doctor, and now it's time to discover more about HIV and AIDS, behind the scene !
Thanks for yr immense knowledge on HIV. I guess some people just believe plainly on mass publicity and subscribe to the belief blindly. The media will always portray what they want us to believe in, under the billion dollar influence of the mega pharmaceutical industry, all the evil of brought by the now defunct US economy.
Soon, the truth will be out soon. When people realise that more and more HIV+ patients are living healthily and normally without the need for any drugs. What I hope is that more research are done on these group of people, at the same time, giving alternative viewpoints and research on HIV a chance.
Best thing for a gay to do is to avoid unsafe sex, avoid drugs, have a monogamous relationship.
Instead of wasting so much time and energy making a small group of rich people get richer (royalty from all sorts of STI/STD tests, prescriptions charges, consultation fee, paying for toxic drugs as if they have drugs deficiency etc), why don't we spend more time doing what human being are supposed to do, spend quality time with our love one, family and friends.
So in light of that, let's get a few things straight- pardon the pun:
The truth is that 16,000 people worldwide are infected with HIV every single day. They are not all gay (World Health Organization). In the United States, HIV infection rates have held steady at 40,000 per year, but recent preliminary data suggests those rates are on the rise. African-American and Hispanic women together represent less than one-fourth of all U.S. women, but account for more than three-fourths (76%) of AIDS cases among women in this country (CDC Update, 6/98). Women now account for 43% of all HIV infected people over the age of 15 (New York Times, 11/98). In just over a decade, the proportion of all AIDS cases reported among adult and adolescent women tripled, from 7% in 1985 to 22% in 1997 (CDC Update, 6/98).
Further, more than 30 million people around the world are living with HIV or AIDS, and by the year 2000 that figure will reach 40 million (UNAIDS/World Health Organization, 12/97). They are not all gay. AIDS now kills more people worldwide than any other infection, including malaria and tuberculosis.
Now for the disturbing part: In the US, African-American, Hispanic and young white women are being exposed to HIV through heterosexual sex with male partners who use intravenous drugs. As a result, HIV rates are climbing disproportionately among these populations in America, and these women often do not have access to effective medical care. In Africa, Asia and India, HIV has always been and remains an OVERWHELMINGLY HETEROSEXUAL disease. ..and that, of course, includes China, too.
(Note to the purveyors of the "AIDS Is God's Wrath on Homosexuals" theory: Your deity appears to be somewhat inept at determining sexual orientation; it occurs to me that your God bears a more striking resemblance to bumbling Aunt Clara on those Bewitched reruns.)
FACT: Women contract HIV; Women get AIDS,too. So let's talk about what's going on. The female genital tract (vagina) is normally populated by a flora, helpful bacteria like those "active cultures" you see on yogurt containers. This flora (lactobacilli) produces hydrogen peroxide to kill invading organisms and lower the pH level in the vagina, making it less hospitable for foreign organisms. A loss of lactobacillli lowers the natural protective barriers and leads to an increased risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Recent studies conducted by the American Society of Microbiology confirm this. In a study of 144 female sex-workers in Thailand, those with loss of vaginal flora were twice as likely as those with a normal balance of vaginal organisms to contract HIV. A study of 657 female sex-workers in Kenya showed that the risk of contracting gonorrhea rose by 78% in women with low levels of lactobacilli.
Finally, a disturbing survey emerged from the 12th World AIDS Conference. A University of Illinois study indicated that lesbians aren't necessarily engaging in risk reduction activities. Of 82 lesbians who reported vaginal sex within a six month period, only four used a barrier. Of 18 who had vaginal sex with a man in that interval, only one-third used a condom. I can almost hear you saying, "Oh, lesbians don't get HIV or STDs." Another myth. Lesbians who share dildos or vibrators risk infection. Lesbians who engage in unprotected sex with men risk infection. Straight, gay, bisexual or lesbian, the risk is real for EVERYONE.
This documentary from the UK might help you understand more about HIV, and what really causes AIDS.
The AIDS Catch documentary:
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