The following is a statement issued by organisers on Oct 27, 2011:
Malaysians have been fearless these past few years. We have demanded for fair elections, for justice, for democracy. Let us then remember that democracy does not only belong to the majority, or the powerful, or the loudest. Democracy belongs to all. Let’s demand for equal rights and human dignity not just for ourselves, but also for those who are different, whether straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender, asexual, unsure or simply fabulous. Let’s be queer without fear.
Seksualiti Merdeka, meaning Sexuality Independence, is Malaysia’s only festival celebrating the human rights of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. It is organised by a loose coalition of NGOs, artists, activists and individuals and has been held annually since 2008. The festival programme includes forums, talks, workshops, book launches, art exhibition and performances.
This year, our theme – Queer Without Fear – highlights how homophobia and transphobia have negatively affected and continues to affect the lives of untold numbers of Malaysians who are discriminated against and persecuted because of their sexual orientations and gender identities. It is our firm belief that all Malaysians have the right to live and love without fear.
Officiated by Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan. Hosted by Shelah, with performances by Arisha, Elvira Arul, Azwan Ismail, Rozz, PT Angels. Refreshments sponsored by Precious Old China Restaurant.
Malaysians have been fearless these past few years. We have demanded for fair elections, for justice, for democracy. Let us then remember that democracy does not belong to the majority, or the powerful, or the loudest. Democracy belongs to all. Let’s demand for equal rights and human dignity not just for ourselves, but also for those who are different, whether straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender, asexual, unsure or simply fabulous. Let’s be queer without fear.
So join our launch and meet some fabulously fearless Malaysians.

29 Ways Towards an LGBTIQ-Friendly Malaysia is a campaign listing out what to 'say', 'do', and 'think' -- or not -- with regards to individuals with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, in hopes that all Malaysians enjoy the equality that is their right. Some of these ways come alive through visual interpretations by Malaysian and Singaporean artists, designers and young passionate souls who just want to create, challenge and champion for a friendlier Malaysia. Original pieces will be auctioned off in a Silent Auction, and part of the proceeds will go towards Seksualiti Merdeka. A selection of works will be sold as postcards. Artists include Fahmi Reza, Shahril Nizam, Donald Abraham, Foo Chiwei, Shieko, Bibi Chun, Kelvin Atmadibrata and many others. The exhibition is curated by Jun Kit and Pang Khee Teik.
Performance | Presented by KL Word
The KL Word seduces writers, performers and personalities to reveal intimate details and sexual habits. When we liberate our secrets, do they lose the power to haunt us or do they become TMI for our poor unfortunate audience? We dare you to find out. Starring Elektrika Syiok as your host with wannabe-Malaysian Alfian Sa’at, transsexual comedian Tanjung, enigmatic Gyorgy Furioso, wanker Pang Khee Teik and a sexy crew of bared souls.
Fri 11, Sat 12, Sun 13 Nov 2011, 8pm: RAINBOW MASSACRE – Love Out Loud!
Music performance
Admission by donation: Presale: RM35 until Sun 6 Nov. Presale: RM40 after Sun 6 Nov.
At the door: RM45. Purchase your presale passes early at
Enquiries: or Box Office: 017-2BUY-TIX (017-2289-849)
FOR YEARS, WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF LOVE. We spent so many nights thinking how they did us wrong. We grew strong, we learned how to carry on. So over three nights this November, Rainbow Massacre is sticking our collective fingers up all the hate -- and putting a stop to all that whiny self-hating too!
Rainbow Massacre presents three crazy and inspiring nights of queer anthems sung by fierce local singers and drag divas who know what it means to love out loud and proud! Introducing your new host Dara Othman (pictured). And featuring the musical talents of Rozz, Aaron Khaled, Elvira Arul, Poova, Shh Diam!!! Special appearance by Shelah! Musical direction by Nish Tham. Produced by Jerome Kugan.
Sat 12 Nov, 2pm: POLICING SEXUALITY: Sex, Society & the State
Talk & book launch | Presented by Julian CH Lee

Spanning every continent and 3,500 years of human history, Monash University lecturer Julian CH Lee gives us the low-down on sexuality and address why societies and states have sought to constrain the sexual behaviours and identities of their members. Drawing on his book, Policing Sexuality, which will be launched at this event, Lee will draw out some of the complexities and variations on how and why sexuality is such a preoccupation for governments everywhere. This one-off talk will be the place for the quick and dirty on the policing of sexuality.
Julian C. H. Lee is a Lecturer in International Studies at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, Monash University. He is the author of the books Islamization and Activism in Malaysia (2010) and Policing Sexuality: Sex, Society and the State (2011), and is also the editor of The Malaysian Way of Life (2010). At last year’s Seksualiti Merdeka he was the coordinator of the programme “Even Educated Fleas Do It”, during which he presented on the proliferation of homosexuality in nature.
Mock Trial | Presented by MyConstitution Campaign, Bar Council Human Rights Committee & Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok
What happens when a lone transsexual woman wants to take on the might of the state to be who she wants to be? Will the court allow her to change her name and gender? Or will allowing it result in a collapse of society as we know it? In this mock trial, we will hear both sides of the story – from the transsexual woman and from the Deputy Minister of Population Control – as they are cross-examined by actual lawyers. The audience shall then act as jury and decides on the verdict!
Performed by Ivanka Bee as the lone transsexual woman, Firdaus Husni as her lawyer, Woon King Chai as the Deputy Minister of Population Control, Aston Paiva as his lawyer, Thean See Xien as Justice Pao. Discussion moderated by: Shanmuga K. Dramaturgy by Alfian Sa’at
Sun 13 Nov, 12pm: DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK HEARTS: Homophobia 101
Homophobia is a scourge. It’s been the source of countless heartbreak, leading many of our best queers to live depressing lives of self-hatred, self-denial and self-rejection. But if we can recognise homophobia for the senseless, time-wasting, unproductive prejudice that it is, we can learn how to defend ourselves against falling victim to it. In this fun interactive workshop, participants will learn how to spot a homophobe, when to stand up for yourself, and when to stir up a full-blown action thriller drama. Wands out!
Sun 13 Nov, 2pm: UNDER A RAINBOW ROOF: The Siti & Pepper Show
Talk Show | Presented by Amnesty International Malaysia
You make your son play football, do male-bonding stuff with him, show him that his responsibility in life is to preserve the family name through his own children. You let your daughter play with dolls, nurture her nurturing spirit and teach her that her biggest dream is to serve her husband and mother his children. Yet your son and daughter could turn out to be anything but straight. How can this be? Is it your fault? No silly, of course it isn’t.
In this live talk show brought to you by Amnesty International Malaysia, Siti & Pepper, both parents themselves, chat with parents who raised rainbow children as well as children who had less than perfect childhood. We’ll also be joined by a psychologist and a children's rights expert who will share how straight nurturing is a myth and how we can protect, nurture and teach our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender children to be confident enough to face a world that may be hostile. Is it good enough to bring up good human beings, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity? We sure think so.
Sun 13 Nov, 4pm: FIERCE & FABULOUS: Shelah’s Finishing School for Drag Queens
Drag Workshop
Our very own drag queen superstar, the fierce and fabulous Shelah, is delighted to present a workshop for all drag royalty wannabes! Learn how to apply makeup with flair, how to choose the right ensemble to impress, and how to groom your drag persona from the inside out. And you will see that drag is not just about sequins and wigs, but a whole attitude to living life fiercely and fabulously, just like Shelah! Participants are expected to come fully equipped (makeup, wig, shoes, dress, etc.) with an open mind.
Wed 2 Nov, 8pm: HUMAN RIGHTS for LGBTIQ: Making it real in Malaysia!
Thu 3 Nov, 8pm: NINE TO FIVE: Sexuality Rights In The Workplace
Sat 5 Nov, 8pm: JUSTICE FOR SISTERS: Nyah Rights Now!
For more info, visit
All programmes are at The Annexe Gallery. Address: 2nd Flr, Central Market Annexe (Behind Central Market), Jalan Hang Kasturi, Kuala Lumpur. All programmes are FREE except for Rainbow Massacre & Justice For Sisters. There are a few events not listed on the calendar. Please email if you are interested or if you have any queries.
Reader's Comments
The Malaysian government should be reminded that just being better than those extremely homophobic Islamic countries is not good enough. Being merely better than other Third World democracies like Uganda is not good enough. Today, the Malaysians expect their government to match up to the developed world's standards, and they deserve such a government.
For example, raiding gay bathhouses, which provide the gay community a space to enjoy their own privacy without imposing on the public, is an unwise move. You can't stop the gay community from having sex even if you close down all these bathhouses. What will result when gays don't feel safe in bathhouses is they will be driven to decentralized public places like public parks, toilets, car parks and void decks, which creates even more problems for the gay community, the government and the public.
I urge the Malaysian government to allow the organisers to hold these events as long as they do not pose any threat to internal security by touching on the sensitive topics (e.g. terrorism, religion, race). You can't mute the LGBT community by clampdowns. Instead, you should engage the LGBT community directly. As of this writing, Australian Foreign Minister Rudd and former Australian judge Michael Kirby are going to urge all Commonwealth member-states that haven't repealed their anti-gay laws to do so. One consensus that anti-HIV experts have arrived at is that anti-gay laws such as s377 impede efforts to fight the epidemic. You are urged to abolish this law by either tabling a Bill to repeal it or allowing the NGOs in your country to file a constitutional challenge to it.
Also, I urge the organisers to beware of crossing the line by touching these sensitive topics. We don't have to offend any religious or racial groups while promoting human rights. We want our space, and so do these groups theirs.
"Commonwealth, heal thyself"
Oct 25th 2011, 10:20 by R.M. | SYDNEY/ 'The Economist' (extracts from this article)
A RIFT over human-rights reforms threatens to unsettle a summit meeting of Commonwealth leaders to be held in Perth, Western Australia, over the weekend of October 28th-30th. ...
...A report prepared by an Eminent Persons Group says that the Commonwealth, unless it improves its record on issues such as gay rights and forced marriage, risks becoming irrelevant.
...Leaked sections of the report accuse the Commonwealth of indulging in hypocrisy. Its apparent failure to speak out when its values are violated, the authors conclude, “is seen as a decay that has set into the body of the organisation, and one that will occasion the association’s irrelevance—if not its actual demise—unless it is promptly addressed”.
The group’s members included Tun Abdullah Badawi, a former prime minister of Malaysia, and Sir Malcolm Rifkind, a former British foreign minister. But the most outspoken among them must be Australia’s representative on the Eminent Persons Group, Michael Kirby, a former High Court judge. In speeches he delivered in Perth this week and to the Lowy Institute, a think-tank in Sydney, in early October, Mr Kirby said the Perth summit may be the Commonwealth’s last chance to renew itself: “If this report is not accepted at CHOGM [the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting] 2011, it will be a failure of CHOGM and a failure of the Commonwealth.” He drew an unflattering contrast with the Commonwealth’s release of another Eminent Persons Group’s report—on South Africa, 30 years ago—which helped to end apartheid.
Mr Kirby, who is openly gay, wrote in his recent memoir about growing up gay in the repressive climate of Australia in the 1950s. (Not without some flair. Mr Kirby devotes one chapter to discussing the “obsession” he developed with the actor James Dean; he saw the film “East of Eden” 24 times in 1955.) Australia and several other members of the original Commonwealth, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, have since decriminalised homosexual acts. But Mr Kirby says the fact that homosexuality remains outlawed in 41 of the Commonwealth’s 54 member countries amounts to a form of “sexual apartheid”.
The report calls for all such laws to be repealed. It argues that they compound the stigmatisation of gay people and impede efforts to fight the spread of AIDS. Quoting United Nations figures, it says that while the Commonwealth comprises about one-third of the world’s population, it includes more than two-thirds of people with AIDS. Mr Kirby says: “Part of the reason for this may be the difficulty which the Commonwealth has demonstrated in tackling issues of sex and sexuality frankly and openly.”
In a speech to the Royal Commonwealth Society in London last year, Mr Kirby was even blunter about “this congenial club” and how to save it. “So this is the point that has been reached in this evolution of the Commonwealth of Nations,” he said.
A failure of action, particularly if it is persistent, and in the face of other worldwide condemnations, makes the Commonwealth look spineless, ineffective, irrelevant and even lifeless. Once that point is reached, the questioners and the doubters will hold sway. The future of the Commonwealth will be imperilled.
For Mr Kirby, the report poses something of a personal conflict...
...While he admires British imperial history, he complains that the British left behind “an unfortunate legacy of morality in Commonwealth countries”. This “baggage of empire”, he says, includes the laws against gays which are common to Britain’s ex-colonies. No such legacy followed the French, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish or Belgian empires.
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