"LGBTs, pluralism, liberalism – all these 'isms' are against Islam and it is compulsory for us to fight these," declared Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Thursday, according to independent news website, The Malaysian Insider. He was speaking at an event comprising 11,000 Islamic religious leaders and mosque committee members from around Malaysia.

His comments follow his comments made during a book launch in late June that deviant aspects such as liberalism, pluralism and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) would not have a place in the country, reported state-run Bernama news.
At the latest event, Najib also said the government supports human rights, but only within the boundaries of Islam. He further advised Muslims to avoid discord which could threaten those who safeguard Islamic principles.
“If the nation falls into a state of chaos, who will safeguard these people?” he asked.
“There are so many attacks on our religion. LGBTs, pluralism, liberalism, Seksualiti Merdeka. We must stand strong and defend the government,” he added.
Seksualiti Merdeka, an annual sexuality rights festival held in Kuala Lumpur since 2008, was forcibly cancelled by the police in November 2011.
In June, Najib expressed disappointment toward US President Barack Obama’s stance on same sex marriages in a statement issued by Malaysia's Foreign Ministry. It said that while Malaysia does not intrude upon another country's domestic issues as the values of foreigners differ from those of Malaysia, Malaysia “will not compromise or work together with any parties in or outside of the country to recognise the LGBT community and its rights”.
His comments follow opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's remarks the day before in which he had reportedly said he agreed with discriminating against gays to protect sanctity of marriage.

According to another report by The Malaysian Insider on Wednesday, Anwar answered in the affirmative when asked by defence lawyer Datuk Firoz Hussein: "Should we discriminate against homosexuals?"
"We don't give space to homosexuals and uphold the sanctity of marriage," Anwar said, adding the law must be "crafted in a way we must believe the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman".
"We do not promote homosexuality," he added.
However, Anwar also insisted that archaic laws – referring to Section 377 of the Malaysian Penal Code which criminalises unnatural sexual offences including gay sex – should be reviewed as it is used "only used for political reasons”.
Earlier this year, Anwar was acquitted of a charge of sodomising former male aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, with the High Court ruling that the prosecution had not done enough to prove Anwar had committed sodomy against Saiful.
Malaysia's 13th general elections must be called by March 2013. It is widely expected to be a close contest after the ruling UMNO coalition suffered its worst result in 40 years during the 2008 elections.
Malaysian LGBTS should vote wisely in upcoming elections
Ahmad Hafidz Baharom Alam Shah, an openly gay social commentator in Malaysia, was asked by Fridae to share his insights and thoughts about the spate of anti-gay bashing by Malaysian politicans:
"This is all political, since it is a well known fact that no party wants to advocate or even discuss LGBT rights until after the next Malaysian General Election due to be called at any moment as the current government's mandate ends in March 2013. Till then, expect the bashing to continue as politicians from both sides try to win votes from the Malaysian Malay majority, which is roughly 60 percent of the population.
"One side now wants to maintain the status quo of which sodomy is a federal crime while another wishes to abolish this because they think it is archaic and abused purely to arrest politicians.
"If you are true to yourself and know that you are in fact a member of the LGBT community, you know who to vote for."
Click on the "Malaysian LGBTS should vote wisely in upcoming elections" link below to read more.
Reader's Comments
#5. Agreed, we only get to see the few maniacs spouting hate and death, but the cameras switch off when the millions of peace loving and tolerant Muslims go about their daily lives, I guess it does'nt make good TV.
I've never really subscribed to the idea that the more militant Muslims are frustrated by the perceived 'superiority' of their faith, yet has so little influence on the global stage.
Politics and religion, quite a heady mix! These two dick heads are appealing to the conservative vote, it's a trick which doesn't go down well and it's quite a risk. Many Malaysians must be rolling their eyes when they hear this claptrap. Whoever is elected it's to be hoped they just get on with running the country and leave the gays alone.
The country hasn't even progressed past racial quotas or women's rights in terms of social reforms. They should just focus on education, healthcare and economic reforms that actually brings clear tangible results. While they're at it, make the public sector independent non-partisan.
The anti-LGBT propaganda should not even on the list of these people...
This is just frustrating..
in the article "isms" are against the value of Islam... i have nothing against any religion... so why is this harsh criticISM so big on the dialogue of this prime minister... so sad to hear such harsh words coming from someone who should BE open minded since the country he leads is not made of robots... people are not made from the same mold... our minds do not work the same way...
another BIG step back... LGTB bashing... or any kind of bashing... something not nice coming from a leader...
Yeah malaysia has no place for LGBT but is a breeding ground for corrupt to the core politicians like him. The French court has enough tangible evidence to subpoena him any time now for taking multi million dollar bribes in the Scorpene submarine case. He is also linked with the murder of the mongolian model Atlantuya and the court has been swayed to cover up his identity as the murder mastermind.
Dont be bother with him as the world and many malaysians know about the skeletons in his cabinet and that his political days would be over soon!
His grandpa is bisexual.
and one of his son or nephew can be bi or pure gay(cant help)
then he knows...
if he is really straight man(gentlemanly) will never say that...
people just ignored only,
WTF ?@#$%^&* he was talking? islam cant do homosex
out there have many many Islamic are doing opposite what he was saying..
He is mabuk crazy, because of he knows he is gonna to loose in next election...
Interesting article!
How Japan keeps ISLAM at bay!
How Japan keeps Muslims, Jehaadis at bay
They are indeed a very evolved race. Something we Hindus sadly lack, in spite of having an equally great, or shall we say even better ethos than any other religion.
Have you ever read in the newspaper that a political leader or a Prime Minister, from an Islamic nation has ever visited Japan?
Have you ever come across in any newspaper that King of Iran or Saudi Arabia has visited Japan?
Japan, a Country keeping Islam at bay.
1. Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam and Muslims.
Ponder over the following facts:
a) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
b) In Japan permanent residentship is not given to Muslims.
c) There is strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan.
d) In the University of Japan Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
e) One cannot import ‘Kuran’ published in Arabic language.
f) According to data published by Japanese government, it has given temporary residentship to only 2 lakhs Muslims, but they need to follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious ritual in their homes.
g) Japan is the only country in the world having negligible number of embassies of Islamic countries.
h) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam at all.
i) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
j) Even today Visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign company.
k) In majority of the companies, it is stated in their laws that no Muslims should apply for the job.
l) Japan government is of an opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist and even in the era of globalization, they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.
m) Muslims can not even think about getting a rented house in Japan.
n) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole colony stays alert.
o) No one can start a Islamic or Arabic ‘Madarsa’ in Japan
p) There is no personal law in Japan.
q) If Japanese women marry a Muslim then she is banned.
r) According to Mr. Komico Yagi (Head of Department, Tokyo University) “There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it.”
s) Freelance journalist Mohammd Juber toured many Islamic countries after 9/11 incidence and at that time he even went to Japan. He found out Japanese are confident that extremist can do no harm in Japan.
Article Source http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/13946.html
Remember, he who shouts the loudest about something, usually is.
So pathetic.
nothing much, Bulan Puasa (fasting) meh
He scared of doing fasting meh, so complained and condemned loh.
Because every night he has being drinking and enjoying sex (dont know with males or females)? hahaha
(he has being cheating to the citizens)
Mulut yang cakap Tuhan Tuhan, Tangan yang panjang panjang..
Now he cant cheat to the GOD, God is coming down.
so he get stressed up, start blaming around...
The God he believe is coming down, so become narrow space for him.
He has being drinking and have affairs in everyday with (males or females/ both i heard)
So he scared the God chopped of his small size Penis loh.
The only thing worse than Religion, is Tradition.
I really feel bad for our brothers and sisters in Malaysia. I have been there 3 times in my life and find it a lovely country. But once you remove the same political party (they have been pretty much in charge since 1957) it will improve.
Malaysia suffers due to the religious bigotry that exists. Malaysia suffers due to the ethnic bigotry that exists. Tradition in this case is the worst thing that has happened to this lovely country. Just get rid of the Muslim majority and it will improve 100 fold.
Remember this is the same bunch of losers who wanted to out law TOMBOYS! Get rid of much of the Malay government and give the Ethnic Chinese there a shot. They cannot be as stupid as this. This man and his religious bigotry is an embarrassment to his country. If his religion is that screwed up he should get rid of that too. Although I do not see any great intellect there that has a fighting chance to do that
But I leave you with a quote that I have always loved and I see proved time and time again...
"Man and religion are incompatible"
LGBTs, liberalism, pluralism are enemies of Islam.
LGBT exists therefore it is part of NATURE.
Liberalism is Humanity's road to freedom and equality.
Pluralism is the Diversity of Nature.
Therefore, Islam is the enemy of NATURE & HUMANITY!
I think Great Britain (ex-colonial master) should consider Malaysia's Independence annulled and UN should categorise them as subhuman or animal for the fact that Malay muslim hates freedom (liberalism) and humanity (pluralism).
Liberalism and Pluralism does not have a place in their Religion and country? Does anybody in that country understand the definitions of what the words mean? They simply mean FREEDOM and HUMANITY! If this religion or any religion in the world does not support freedom or humanity, what kind of people belong to this type of religion if they are not free or considered human? I agree with the phrase that phonograph78 (#32) said, "Man and religion are incompatible".
Intelligent leaders embrace difference and see the value of diversity, and someone in his position should be prepared to govern for all. His comments are divisive and villifying and are chants straight from the book of hate, perpetuating hate. He should be absolutely ashamed of himself, he is not fit to govern.
I always find it incredibly bemusing that those who consider themselves to be religious and people of faith, feel so incredibly threatened by a few minority secular interest groups (LGBTI community etc) who in essence simply seek to be treated with dignity and fairness under the law. Clearly something he would not be capable of conceptualising let alone give any thought to a proper hearing or debate on the matter.
Are these peoples belief in their faith such a thin veneer, so shaky and uncertain that they need the impost of draconian laws and life principles to control other secular members of their society??
The archane sodomy laws that still persist in Malaysia are a throw back to the British colonial period and interestingly are still embraced by conservative Islamic Malay values. Prior to arrival of the British, these laws did not exist. Time to throw off the shackles of the colonial past folks and to move into the future, and not just because some politician is frightened of having his political career delayed by faux and vexations sodomy charges and court hearings!!
The motivitation to be rid of them is that they are archane and have no place in a modern world or in a thriving pluaristic society.
Good Luck Malaysia!!
It's hard to rid Malaysia of a fundamentalist Islamic government. What I think needs to happen meantime is for all the non-Malay groupings to unite under one banner, and welcome the liberal thinking Muslims into their grouping and defeat the fundamenalists that way.
Only bastard straight men are accepted into the society. They can have many wives(sex slaves) as they wish and treat them like a piece of trash.
It's a shocking and appalling attitude still existing in 21st century.
No politician ever gives his real opinion at an election; they all say what they think the electorate wants to hear. The more their comments avoid dealing with matters of direct interest to the majority, the safer it is that to assume fear of the election result.
Most Malayians would not know a gay if they saw one - to them a gay is an effeminate man or a butch woman regardless of whether they are in fact homosexual.
Many leaders of religion are fearful of losing their influence over their followers as the followers become more interested in the material things that are now coming into their economic grasp and less in those parts of the religion that do not affect their daily lives.
Don't forget money is power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This applies to both political and religious "leaders"
A random quote i found..
"No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody."
We also pay taxes, help with the country's economy and we are basically human beings too. The only thing that matters is who we love and who love us. They should be more liberal and emulate our neighboring countries like Singapore and Thailand who do not discriminate against their citizen. Please correct me if i'm wrong. Appreciate knowledge.
As much as I love Malaysia, nonetheless, I do not want to live in the shadow of fear, doubt and hypocrisy. Perhaps, it's timely to consider being an asylum in Britain due to Malaysian government's strand/stance in LGBTA persecution.
Now this simple idea of controlling the less intelligent has fallen to those who are themselves less intelligent. This creates a mess of the magnitude that we see here. That government is run by religion and religion is run by government. A truer circle jerk was never better devised. It is very reminiscent of a group of circus elephants each holding the tail of the previous. The end result is they go no where.
I think this circus clown needs to hang up his nose and go terrorize someone else. He is an embarrassment to his country and his people. Sadly this is the actions of religion. Now maybe we can all see that this man made idea is really showing its age.
Obviously he must not have read the universal declaration of human right yet. Or he believes that non-Islams are not even human beings?? Then he should at least save and let Rohingya people to resettle in the country! I am really sorry for 'decent' Muslims out there. It's you guys though who can work with us to change their ill mentality!
do you forgot with your own cased?
While ordinary Malaysian people are as lovely (and as horrible) as anyone else from any country - and there are a Lot of lovely Malaysian students in Dublin, Ireland, for example, who seem pretty nice - the Malaysian government would be better advised trying to address the country's international image - which is Not as a modern, progressive country, but as a restrictive, intoleranta and isolationist society that cracks down on those that are different - not just in terms of sexual identity.
You can run as many expensive "Lovely Malaysia..." TV ads as you like, with happy Caucasian couples cavorting along deserted sands - but This is the way that Westerners, at least, tend to think of Malaysia: "Nah, not there... let's go to Thailand instead!"
His kind of strident comments are the opposite of Westerners' ways of thinking, as Western societies still value their religions, faith, cultures and 'values' - and often hypocritically so - but at least are more focused on creating inclusive, tolerant societies.
My own country - Ireland - probably doesn't register on Any Malaysian's thoughts, let alone anyone in Malaysia's government. However, I should point out that Ireland - once seen as a purely Catholic country - has by and large accepted Gay people, for example, without any controversy, with Civil Partnerships also there for gay people (and with the Government trying to work out its duty to gay marriage). Although we have a Long way to go still for true, normal equality, the Fact is that homosexuality is Not an issue, here, for most people - men are Not out in the streets fucking dogs and children, and the churches are Not full of Liberals splashing petrol about with lit matches, trying to kill God.
Opposing 'liberalism' and 'homosexuality' etc is like opposing gravity, or electromagnetism, or photosynthesis. (Not to mention the rather notable amount of gay Malaysians abroad, who speak bitterly of how Their country and leaders treat them.)
It's for these kind of reasons that, sorry, people aren't interested in visiting Malaysia so much from here at least, as 'decadent' Westerners prefer a touch less naked intolerance, oppression and bigotry with their holidays and travelling... :-/
Serves Malaysia right.
I fear for the lives of my friends there when a leader is so anti gay. He reminds me of Hitler.
If things worsen worldwide, you can count on the LGBT community to be the scapegoats.
Take care you wonderful LGBT people in Malaysia. I am thinking of you
since just about everything else he says is a lie, this probably is too.
For you see the right of free speech also comes with responsibility. For while you should have the right of free speech, you are not always protected from what you say. This is very important. I see this here .
This is the same group that tried to outlaw tomboys. I am sorry that is more asinine than almost anything I can fathom. But not content with this little blurb of foolishness the Prime Minister has let out with this mid-evil tirade on what makes for a happy country. On what makes his backward understandings of what makes government work. Religion has no place in government, and government has no reason to be involved in religion. One is fact, one is theory. But allowing himself to speak on authority of a theory, he had damaged fact in government.
He has every right to say that, and now that he has, the back swell that returns from his actions will be rather overwhelming.
For the words of Abraham Lincoln ring out in my ears as I see what has happened here. Lincoln put free speech and the public understands of it in a simple a powerful way and it fits to a tee here.
" It is far better to be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all the doubt".
The Prime Minister has shown he has neither the wisdom or the intellect to follow those simple words. They will come in time to haunt him as there is nothing to protect ones free speech from its abuse. There is a saying that you are what you eat, and for desert you get a fresh and cold serving of what you have said.
Revenge is best served cold. It will as many fire back at the intellectually challenged leader of a confused and outdated government, who's best days are far behind them and who's future seems more certain for a history book, rather than the modern dialog of people and nations.
Chayut Setboonsarng.
Add to this a distorted/twisted interpretation of religion, the high-walled concept of 'Asian Values' which are no more Asian than my Husky dog is Irish but rather universal (post-industrial revolution), and what you land with is a basket-case society unable to discern the right from the wrong, the reality from the absurd, paralysed by fear (largely entertained on a daily basis).
If the govt of Malaysia believes that homosexuality is unnatural, I'd retort that a single party having governed a country for fifty-five years by hook and by crook is monstrously again (the betterment of) human nature.
But Najib never read the Gettysburg address, I guess.
Have pity on Malaysia.
So glad i left Malaysia last year...
their titles should be b(owel)m(ovement), such inflexible muslim dogma cannot be tolerated in the modern world!!!!! Get rid of these troglodytes!!!!!^^
You're fucking kidding me, right?
God made me. Is God deviant?
What are you afraid of from gay people? We are but the same as you. We have fears and joys. Our fear is you will lock us up, beat us with our (our) Police, or taught us for who we are (not for what we do to others, just who we are).
This is not the words of Islam; I know because I fuck a Muslim boyfriend and he just cries mmmmm mmm. These are the words of an violent, angry, sad man. Wish you peace Mr PM of all the people who live in your land.
Indonesia is totally different than malaysia. Malaysia is a one of those great country who has nothing else to talk about, then they talk about gays.
Indonesia? you never been here dont you, at least being gay, trans, or lesbian is not illegal in indonesia. you have no idea, how open indonesia to gay lately. and I notice there is plenty of malaysian, arabian, indian muslim gay who migrate to indonesia (jakarta and bali) why? because we're so much open than their country.
Far too much injustice veiled in pointless rhetoric.
the U.S.A's southern baptist preacher, redneck, republican..
ultra right wingers who will tell you that God loves everyone
except those who are not like them.. malaysians families are
just like families in anyother country they all have gay people
or relatives in them ... why does the PM continue to focus on
putting down human beings for being born gay... it is always
boing to be 1 step forward and 2 steps back ...but we still
keep trying for inclusion
how i become an enemy of that
i do nothing to them
He sounds desperate. Divide and conqueror, blame the devil.
When did GLBT become such a threat to the stability if a nation? Well it would be if it grew up and started acting like one.
i believe... when a person hate us that much... in future his son or grandson... will be "one to fight for.. LBGT right!
1. Son of a civil war criminal (incited racial killings of ethnic Chinese minorities in 1969)
2. Son of the NEP founder (making non-muslims 2nd and 3rd class citizens)
3. Murderer
4. Sex offender
5. Corrupt swine (with his filthy piggy wife) raping the country inside-out
6. Hypocritical delinquent/ flip-flopper
7. Racist and bigoted trash
@ 21 quotes a militantly Hindu nationalist source to augment his argument against Muslims. That is like reading Hitler as an authority on Jewish issues and agreeing to his 'solution' to the 'Jewish question'. Or better still, like agreeing to Pakistan writing a scathing expose on India. #crap
Yes, it can be accepted because Religion is enemy of God.
Religion want to be as God
No.....we can not accept that
Because that is character of satan.
Satan always want to be look perfect because satan make competition with God.
LGBT will always never been perfect because we are LGBT is Human, not satan.
But, Hey..you are malaysian
you should not fight each other, bad or good people.
Because you only made fighting by religion.
Malaysian should be strong.
I know that malaysian made mistake because you are growing.
Religion always dig your mistakes to make you fighting each other.
Religion will never stop to dig your mistake to fight each other, to hate each other.
But we are Human, we are not religion, everybody made mistake
and we should forgive each other. wake up each other.
Every countries should be alert.
Religion will always dig your mistake to make you fighting.
The kindness of religion just camouflage or cosmetic.
LGBT malaysian must forgive malaysia moslem because they only victims of Religion that come from middle east. They are laughing now hearing malaysian fighting trigered by Middle east religion.
Stop..LGBT should not hate moslems in malaysia.
Malaysia Moslem just victims of people from middle east who want more power and invasion.and money :-)
Malaysian will not make chaos
but Religion will make chaos
You must think positive to malaysia people.
That they will not make chaos in any situation
but Religion/islam will make chaos in many situation
because concept of religion is to dig mistakes
You see group of penguin? even when no food.
do they make chaos?
No..only other animals make chaos..that is religion
Najib Rajak, paid by middle east to get power by sacrifice malaysia people, and make malaysian hate each other
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