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14 Sep 2012

Sexual orientation and gender identity issues excluded from draft ASEAN human rights declaration

NGO representatives have rejected the draft of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration as LGBTQs and other minorities get no mention at all in the draft which has been set for ratification by the regional bloc's 10 member-states at their summit in Cambodia this November.

According to the Filipino news website interaksyon.com, NGO representatives to the Civil Society (CSO) Forum on ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), who met in Manila Sep 10-11 ahead of their consultation with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights on Sep 12, have rejected the draft declaration and proposed amendments.

It is not officially known who the opponents of including sexual orientation and gender identity issues in the ASEAN human rights declaration are.

Alex Au, a prominent Singaporean gay rights activist and blogger, wrote on his blog that he had been informed by an LGBT group in Manila that representatives (one each) from Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei had been given directives by their respective governments to oppose any mention of SOGI in the Asean Human Rights Declaration. Representatives from Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia were however “very” supportive of inclusion. Au wrote that the Indonesian representative even voiced his view that SOGI be stated at least once in the declaration.

The CSO representatives said in a joint statement issued on Sep13: “During the consultation, CSO representatives expressed grave concern that the draft Declaration prepared by ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) still falls short of international human rights law and standards, despite the assurance the AICHR expressed in the first regional consultation with civil society organisations on 22 June 2012 in Kuala Lumpur that the AHRD will comply with international human rights law and standards.”

One of the reasons listed was the failure of the draft declaration to protect the rights of specific groups including LGBTs.

The statement noted: “The rights of individuals, groups and peoples whose rights are subject to frequent and systematic attacks in ASEAN, and therefore deserve specific protection, as developed in international human rights standards, are either mentioned in one or two words or not mentioned at all. Women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers are barely mentioned, whereas the rights of minorities, LGBT/Q persons, Indigenous Peoples and persons deprived of liberty get no mention at all.”

The representatives recommended that a new section to be included in the Declaration to protect these specific groups with more elaborate protection of their rights and have submitted a detailed recommendation for the wording of this section although it was not included in the statement.

Ging Cristobal, of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, was quoted as saying that the AICHR members seem “to have made up their minds that sexual orientation and gender identity (as criteria for discrimination) have no place in the declaration.”

The AICHR “overlooks the violence, discrimination, and even death that the LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals) experience from state and non-state actors,” she said.

Some AICHR members cite religion and culture as bases for denying LGBTs their rights, and say their sexual orientation and gender identity are abnormal.

“Even the World Health Organization has disputed this,” Cristobal said.

“We are not asking for special rights. We are only claiming our basic human rights,” she said, adding that of the 10 ASEAN member-countries, only Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand have been supportive of LGBT rights. Non-discrimination, non-violence, and equal protection are crucial for future of ASEAN, Cristobal added.

She added that the AICHR process has lacked transparency – from the selection of representatives to the body, to consultations on the draft and the criteria of who would be invited to the consultations, and how AICHR representatives vote.

Uncaptioned photograph of AICHR repesentatives
via aichr.org/aichr-representatives

Au wrote on his Yawningbread blog: “Malaysia’s AICHR representative, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, as reported to have said, ‘I cannot use my personal decision since together with Brunei and Singapore, we have strict instructions from the government to oppose LGBT rights inclusion in the declaration,’ suggesting that his personal views conflicted with the instructions from his government.”

Au added: “From the floor, comprising various civil society groups, a member of a Malaysian Muslim Youth Group — believed to have been invited to the consultation by the Malaysian government — declared his opposition: ‘Even if we agree that LGBT persons should not be discriminated against, they are abnormals and should not be in the declaration and should be deleted…’ Ging Cristobal, an LGBT activist from the Philippines, rebutted his statement and again recommended the inclusion.”

It was noted that some AICHR representatives remarked that the Malaysian representative was out of line.

A campaign is underway to lobby the AICHR to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights before the Declaration is adopted in November 2012. 

Reader's Comments

1. 2012-09-14 20:08  
This is the link to the civil society submission that contained the recommendation to include SOGI and LGBT in the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration-- http://www.scribd.com/doc/105676931/Philwomen-Recommendations-2nd-Regl-Consultation

The recommendations were: (1) to include SOGI in the preamble,

"Every person is entitled to the rights and freedoms set forth herein, without distinction of any kind, such as sex, race, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, language, religion, political or other opinion, national,social or ethnic origin, citizenship, economic status, birth, disability or other status."

and (2) cite LGBTs as part of the marginalized groups needing special attention

"The rights of women, children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender (LGBT) persons and vulnerable and marginalized groups are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of human rights and fundamental freedoms."

You may see the live updates during the consultation at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Philwomen-on-Asean/102742296493324

2. 2012-09-14 21:42  
I read that Malaysia wants to exclude not only LGBTs but also freedom of religion.

It kind of gives away the fact that they do not fully understand the concept of universal human rights.
3. 2012-09-14 22:37  
ASEAN still has a long way to go when it comes to protecting basic human rights. Nevertheless, props to Indonesia! Cause I was kind of expecting already only Thailand and the Philippines would have the courage to support lgbt rights. Glad that the most populous nations in this region are leading the way regarding this matter. If only Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei would follow suit...
Comment edited on 2012-09-15 23:29:06
4. 2012-09-15 04:41  
I have a feeling that this "sudden" progression that is going on in SE Asian has something to do with the "gay marriage" debate of America. If DOMA is repeal, certainly many small countries, will have to re-adjust their policies on gay and marriage in general. I pray that Obama will get re-elected this year, because God knows what Romney will do to gay people.
5. 2012-09-15 05:00  
kudos to Indonesia, that was unexpected though. i thought they will oppose it. also to Philippines and Thailand of course.

let's hope the rest will soon learn it is very inhuman like woman cannot vote or human slavery law before us.
6. 2012-09-15 18:40  
I think Malaysia & Singapore are going backward instead of forward whilst they are always claimed that they are "BOLEH" & well-developed. I think they like stone age era.
7. 2012-09-15 21:57  
Singapore is not moving forward due to the high influence and presence of religious conservatives in the political and business sphere. There is nothing we can do as many influential people are in the charismatic movement.
8. 2012-09-15 22:54  
As a singaporean, it's disappointing that the govt not only chooses to continue criminalise us just for being who we are but also to deny us basic rights as dignified human beings. Sadly, no politicians (governing or opposition) are brave enough to do what's right - equality for all regardless of sexual orientation. The road ahead is bumpy and long...
9. 2012-09-15 23:48  
"We must cure the democratic deficit that stunts the region"

Alex Au, Singaporean gay rights activist.
10. 2012-09-15 23:48  
"We must cure the democratic deficit that stunts the region"

Alex Au, Singaporean gay rights activist.
11. 2012-09-16 05:59  
I wonder if Google's "Legalise Gay" campaign is aware of Singapore's anti-gay rights position; perhaps they could approach the government about this.

By the way, if I understand correctly, under the Yogyakarta Principles, the words "or other status" would cover LGBs. Ts may be covered under sex.
12. 2012-09-16 05:59  
I wonder if Google's "Legalise Gay" campaign is aware of Singapore's anti-gay rights position; perhaps they could approach the government about this.

By the way, if I understand correctly, under the Yogyakarta Principles, the words "or other status" would cover LGBs. Ts may be covered under sex.
13. 2012-09-16 16:20  
Re comment 12, it's not the responsibility of any private company to lobby the govt. We the citizens should do it ourselves as individuals or as a collective or via civil society groups.
14. 2012-09-16 18:13  
Not sure the supportive assertion from Indonesia really applies in day to day life. There are so many religious fundamentalists here who will outright oppose LGBTQ.

I am surprised as well.
15. 2012-09-16 22:43  
i am glad to at least see Three female in that picture, doesn't matter if they were supportive of LGBT human rights at this point. Somehow....
16. 2012-09-17 17:01  
This is a load of shit from ASEAN. Pink taxes help fund its flashy meetings in luxury resorts, over-the-top expense accounts and first-class travel but with nothing to show for the protection or promotion of LGBT rights. Maybe, we in Pink ASEAN should all move to Canada where there're anti-discrimination and marriage equality laws in place? At least in Canada, one pays taxes just as everyone else does but without the nauseating feeling that one is being screwed by the system and left with no legal recourse. Guess I'd better shut the fuck up and head for Toronto (or BC or Montreal or even Guelph, ON, for that matter)!
Comment edited on 2012-09-18 08:50:44
17. 2012-09-18 20:17  
Why is there a need for ASEAN ? All are signed up already to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by their own choice. Those rights are universal by dint of being human. Not European, or south American, or Asian. Just human. Half of this ASEAN body is just looking for wriggle room.

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