In the new public service campaign video by GLAAD, titled "Jackie Chan comes out…", Chan is heard saying, “It’s not enough to talk about those fighting for freedom, for equality, until you are one of those fighting.” He continues as he is seen literally walking out of a closet, "I'm Jackie Chan and I'm coming out of the closet as a friend fighting for equality."

While Chan is a household name across Asia, the 58-year-old isn't known to be an advocate for LGBT equality or human rights in general in his native Hong Kong. In fact, the Hong Kong-born star was embroiled in some controversy last year and in 2009 when he suggested that the right to protest should be limited.
GLAAD is an US non-governmental media monitoring organisation which promotes the image of LGBT people in the media.
Titled Coming Out For Equality and helmed by director Brett Ratner, other participants of the campaign Tamala Jones (Castle), Giada De Laurentiis (Food Network), DeRay Davis (21 Jump Street), Hudson Taylor, Jaime King (Hart of Dixie), Jason Alexander (Seinfeld), Kristen Johnston (The Exes), Sarah Shahi (The L Word), and Pauley Perrette (NCIS). Additional participants and videos will be released later this month.
GLAAD announced last year that it was developing the campaign with Ratner after he stepped down as producer of the Academy Awards in 2011 over an incident in which he used an anti-gay slur (“rehearsing is for fags”) as a joke at a press conference.
Reader's Comments
Incidentally, given how this site regularly, randomly follows pro-gay developments in other countries, perhaps someone in Fridae might like to look into the news in Ireland last week of a cross-society Committee, comprising the public, politicians and religious figures, voting in the clear majority that gay people Should be allowed to marry and have full, equal marriage rights?
This committee was tasked by the Irish Government to investigate and make a clear expression of the Irish public mood on gay equality; as such, that view must now be acted upon by the government, most likely with a public referendum in 2014. Polls regularly show a figure of approx. 74% of Irish people being in support of full and equal gay marriage here.
There. Now you don't need to run That story... :-P
If you all came out we'd need a new country!
Jackie is NOT 68 as you put it. Check his filmography and you can estimate his age. You are an old man yourself.
What is that supposed to mean? Bi means one likes both sexes, pure and simple!
It means that there are (lots of) gays who are in denial about their sexual preference. So they make up this "bi-sexual"- identity to cover up the fact that they are homosexuals, plain and simple. They are so scared by the possibility, or he social stigma attached to the possibility, that they are not "real" men. So they come up with this lame-ass excuse of 'yes, I like men. But I also like women, so therefore I am not really gay. Let's call it "bi-sexual" and everybody is happy'.
They are, of course, deluded fools. And cowards as well.
Why are there so many gays that are simply ignoring the fact that bisexuality is a sexual identity like being heterosexual or homosexual. In fact, I think bisexuality is a more frequent sexual identity than any other else. Please show bisexual men and women respect by recognize them as equals. Bisexuals are not potential homosexuals that have not confirmed their "true" identity.
If Jacki Chan is bisexual, or not-so what?
Let us positively embrace him taking an officiial stands for gay rights.
Thank you Jackie Chan!
--from an "old" man who lived through police persecution and gay criminality.
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