25 Jun 2019

Supreme Court hopeful in the Philippines slams LGBT people

Jeremy Benigno Gatdula said same-sex unions would not be 'contributory to common good’ in his hearing.

A leading law professor who is hoping for an associate justice post in the Supreme Court of the Philippines spoke out against LGBT people at his hearing. Jeremy Benigno Gatdula told the Judicial and Bar Council same-sex unions were ‘not a valid definition of marriage’. ‘It is not contributory to common good’, he said. Gatdula also said the Philippines granted LGBT people rights ‘over and above what is given to other people’. ‘I do not see how that can be a discriminated sector [LGBT] when they’re holding so much power in society’ he is reported to have said. ‘They clearly have leadership in media, they have clear leadership in business and politics’, he also said.

‘They can make the mayor of Manila do a gay pride parade whereas all other sectors cannot do so. They can make multinationals create an entire marketing programs to support their cause’. He also said there was no way to prove a person was LGBT. ‘So how will it be possible for us to construct a legal system to be able to account for something that even the scientific community is having a difficulty with?’ Gatdula asked.

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