17 May 2007

Listen To New Madonna Single "Hey You"

Madonna's new single "Hey You" will be released as a digital charity single to benefit Live Earth, a foundation that is organising nine high-profile concerts around the world on July 7 to raise awareness about climate change.

Well, it is not the entire thing, but at least a good forty seconds of a low-bit rate version. If this is the song that is supposed to mobilize the youth of the world against climate change, I'm not sure if it is going to do the job (despite the subtle marching drum).

What do you think? Like or dislike?

In related news, Sir Bob Geldof makes some interesting remarks about Live Earth in today's issue of The Independent. He argues that Live Earth is a waste of time that "doesn't have a final goal."

"I would only organise this if I could go on stage and announce concrete environmental measures from the American presidential candidates, Congress or major corporations," he tells the British newspaper. "They haven't got those guarantees. So it's just an enormous pop concert or the umpteenth time that, say, Madonna or Coldplay get up on stage."

The paper also writes that Geldof is "irked" by the naming of the global concert event that resembles his beloved Live Aid initiative. "[Live Earth] sounds like Live8. We're getting lots of responses from people who think we are organising it," he adds.

There's nothing wrong with a big and fun (environmentally conscious) pop concert, but I agree with Geldof that this is a great opportunity to also impact legislation.