eTaiwan News reported: “Textbooks mentioning gay issues would be introduced in seven study areas from the 2011 school year, according to Taiwan's Ministry of Education.

“The campaign would seek the support of local governments, schools on all levels and the public at large to guarantee the rights of different gender groups to receive education and to root out discrimination, ministry officials said.
“Students should be able to grow up happily in an environment of tolerance and respect, according to the MOE."
"It will give teachers the authorisation to openly discuss homosexuality with students," Wang Ping, secretary-general of the Taiwan Gender/Sexuality Rights Association, was quoted as saying in "Some teachers are afraid of doing so due to opposition from fellow teachers or school authorities," she added.
"We hope the Education Ministry is not just making a publicity stunt, but will make sure that the policy is implemented in all schools," she said.
The Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline also welcomed the Education Ministry's announcement that it is to integrate gay questions into the school curriculum.
"The Education Ministry's decision is a positive move," and necessary to fight prejudice against homosexuality in schools, the hotline's spokeswoman Lu Hsin-chieh said. Some teachers and associations promote the idea to students that homosexuality can be cured, she added.
The report added that the Taiwan parliament passed the Gender Equality Education Bill in 2004, banning discrimination against homosexuals and trans-gender students and teachers in school.