The lower budget of the two superhero movies opening this week. No surprises if a majority of the audiences opt for Watchmen. Not that we'd disagree with their choice. Apart for one single reason, hotbod Chris Evans.
The eerily precocious teen actress Dakota Fanning plays a "watcher", or someone who can see the future. Looking into the future, she knows that she must find Chris Evans who is a "mover", or someone who fling objects around just by thinking about it. Together, they must look for Camilla Belle the "pusher", or someone who can put ideas into people's heads.
There are others who can heal wounds, who can track human scent, who can kill someone by just screaming, who can do you care?
Now if only screenwriter David Bourla can deliver a more refreshing script and director Paul McDuigan can direct a more coherent, less clunky picture, we'd all be the better for it.