While Thai television has long been broadcasting lifestyle programmes for women, Passport for Men is set to make history as the first Thai lifestyle TV program to target men.

Passport for Men hosts Tong, Beige and Chan (top of page: left to right and above: top to bottom).
The first episode of the 30-minute weekly variety show opens with the three hosts awakening from their sleep - in the same bed - who will later present their own segments.
Focusing on general living and lifestyle trends, producers say the programme is suited to men regardless of their sexual orientation.
Explaining what inspired the programme, Vitaya Saeng-Aroon, director of Cyberfish Media, and one of the show's four producers told Fridae: "Up till now Thai TV has lacked any content that shows men how to live and be their best. Most of the airtime is occupied by programs for women from dawn 'til dusk. It's time for us to speak out and make our demands heard."
"What should a guy who cares about his looks do? How does he find a great condo? Or prepare a quick and healthy meal? Men need advice on these topics too," he added.
Cyberfish Media and the show's production firm, PFM Production, acknowledge that their programme would be of interest to companies looking to reach their male clientele and are looking for the "right communication channel to effectively capture their target groups."
"We are the bridge to take their products to their consumers. The market of 'for-men products' is growing tremendously in Asia, as it is elsewhere in the world. Why not have a TV program that rides the wave of this growth?" he said.
Vitaya also highlighted a commonly articulated concern that Thailand and other Asian countries are "overwhelmed with Western-looking guys from the Western media" and hopes for the show to further promote Asian bodies and Asian faces in the media.
"Consumers will love to see models and TV hosts who look like them," he said.
He added that Passport for Men has been conceptualised to appeal to a wider audience beyond its domestic viewers and plans to feature English subtitles in its next stage of development.
Passport for Men broadcasts every Sunday at 8.30 pm starting Mar 9 on MVNews (Channel 26) through MVTV Cable Network, with simultaneous streaming on www.mvnews.net. From Mar 10, the show will be available for download or streaming on its website: www.ppformen.com, which will also offer archives of earlier shows. Sneak previews are shown below.
Passport For Men
Episode 1, Part 1
Episode 1, Part 2
Episode 1, Part 3
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