Using condoms properly and consistently lowers the risk of HIV and sexually infected infections. However, there are too many reasons why people do not use them, including cost and accessibility. The programme will also make condoms available through the medium through which most gay men meet others for sex - the Internet.

Based on the 2009 MSM Sex Survey, over 75 percent of gay men used the Internet to meet other men for sex in the past six months, by far the most popular "venue" (vs. 22 percent at saunas, 12 percent at public cruising places, etc). The same survey also revealed that only 54 percent of the respondents said they used always used condoms for anal sex with casual sex partners.
The Combat AIDS campaign allows a user to order a box of 30 condoms online which can be picked up or delivered. Each limited edition box contains 30 Combat AIDS condoms, 30 sachets of water-based lubricant and a safer sex leaflet containing information on using condoms properly.
Since its founding in 2001, Fridae has worked closely with a number of gay saunas and NGOs on HIV prevention and public education programmes. Combat AIDS is one of Fridae's safe sex initiatives which started in 2004 to address a common complaint that the cost of condoms was an impediment to saunas making condoms freely available.
Fridae then took the unusual step of manufacturing its own brand of condoms "Combat AIDS" – a pun on the fight against AIDS as well as the tools you use to fight it with – after successfully negotiating a deal with the manufacturer for "Ansell Lifestyles" condoms. By ordering direct from the manufacturer, Fridae could procure the condoms at bulk prices (the minimum order quantity is over 100,000 condoms per order), thus passing on the savings to the gay saunas and NGO's who buy them at close to cost.
"Fridae takes a very serious view to men's sexual health, and Combat Aids is a logical extension of how we empower our members to take personal responsibility." Says Dr Stuart Koe, CEO of Fridae and a long time AIDs activist since 1998. He also holds a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota specialising in HIV therapy, and is one of the members of the Working Committee on MSM and HIV/AIDS set up by Singapore's Ministry of Health, a Board member of Hong Kong's Aids Concern and founding Trustee of Singapore's Action for AIDS Endowment Fund.
"Every sexually-active male member of Fridae should get their hands on a box of Combat AIDS condoms. There is simply no excuse not to have them – condoms save lives, it's easy to order, they're delivered directly to your mailbox, and you never ever have to run out."
The free Combat AIDS condoms are only available for order by registered Fridae members (membership registration is free). Members are responsible for postage and handling charges if the condoms are delivered to them. Fridae members in Singapore have the additional option of picking up the condoms at Sportsmenasia or Fridae's office at no charge. An "Express Delivery" option is also available for same day emergency orders for those who have "spontaneous dates" and need an emergency supply of condoms and lube at short notice (this option is for Singapore addresses only). Members are limited to one order per day, while stocks last.