GoooooooooooDay Everybodies :) You ask me for money, Then It Is Over!
男性 | 55 | 5' 7"171cm / 145lbs66kg
Chicago, Illinois, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 拍拖對象
在線上: 4個小時前
Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Parker. I hope I can meet
more people through here, and I hope I can find
someone older than me. I don't like people younger
than me. Because he is mature and steady, he has
deep social experience and rich knowledge and
experience. In mature and steady men, they are rich
in ideas, respect and trust, and will not be as
conscious as young people. Don't let me pull you
down. lf you are young and want to communicate
with me, please keep mutual respect, trust and
男性 | 39 | 5' 10"179cm / 167lbs76kg
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
對象為任何人作為朋友, 拍拖對象, 傾偈對象
在線上: 10個小時前
男性 | 54
California, United States
對象為男生作為朋友, 傾偈對象
在線上: 一日前
Hello all
男性 | 74 | 5' 8"172cm / 174lbs79kg | 白人
Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States