Yet another Singapore film, Becoming Royston revolves around a teenage boy (Alvin Neo) who dreams of becoming a famous filmmaker like Royston Tan.
Growing up in a small fishing village, he desperately wants to escape his humdrum existence. He finally runs away to the city where he finds work in a shabby video store in a shopping mall. One evening, he meets the sexy and dangerous Shu An Onn who encourages him to work towards his dreams...
Directed by first-time director Nicholas Chee, Becoming Royston was shown in short episodes on the Internet and has only now been given a full theatrical release. And as much as we want to like this low-budget indie film, we find it very hard to. The plot is dismally predictable and the characters are one-note. Direction and acting leave a lot to be desired, while the cinematography is amateurish.
Not recommended.