singapore AIDS group seeks volunteers for MSM outreach project |
Volunteers needed for Action for AIDS' HIV/ AIDS/ STI prevention programme for MSM in Singapore. Action for AIDS (AfA), Singapore's only AIDS advocacy group, is re-launching its HIV/AIDS/STI prevention programme targeting Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). AfA is seeking volunteers (who may or may not be MSM themselves) to be involved in conducting a needs assessment survey, developing safer sex material for various media, offering counselling services, conducting outreach at various real and virtual MSM venues, and organising safer sex workshops and awareness-raising events. Training will be provided when necessary. Interested individuals can contact Roger Winder by email or phone 64722207. HOW YOU CAN HELP SURVEY Teams Research team - Quantitative sociological research experience useful - Duties: planning surveys and FGDs, developing questionnaires, analysing data, suggesting follow-up - Dates: 1st survey: Aug 2002 week 1, Sep 2002 weeks 2-4, Jan-Mar 2003; 2nd survey: Jan-Feb 2004, Jun-Jul 2004 Focus Group Discussion Facilitators - MSM preferred - At least one Chinese speaker - Duties: conducting/facilitaing the FGDs - Dates: Aug 2002, weeks 3-4 Scribes for Focus Group Discussions - MSM preferred - One of the 3 has to be proficient in Chinese - Duties: recording FGDs - Dates: Aug 2002, weeks 3-4 Data Entry team - Basic IT skills - Duties: entering data from questionnaires - Dates: - 1st survey: Nov 2002 - Jan 2003; 2nd survey: Apr -Jun 2004 Chinese Translator - Duties: developing Chinese questionnaires - Dates: 1st survey: Sep 2002, weeks 2-3; 2nd survey: Jan - Feb 2004 Anonymous Test Site Survey Team - Free on Wed 6.30-8 or Sat 1-4 - Duties: distributing & collecting questionnaires - Dates: 1st survey: Oct-Dec 2002; 2nd survey: Mar-May 2004 ________________________________ OUTREACH Teams - Training in Apr 2003 - Duties: distributing & collecting questionnaires, handling queries, distributing material - Dates: 1st survey: Oct-Dec 2002; 2nd survey: Mar-May 2004; outreach from Aug 2003 onwards Club Outreach Team - Preferably regulars at bars/pubs/clubs - Useful if someone in the team knows venue owners Cruising Outreach Team - Preferably regulars at saunas/cruising areas - Useful if someone knows sauna owners Virtual Outreach Team - Preferably familiar with MSM portals, websites & e-groups - Useful if someone in the team knows owners ________________________________ COUNSELLING Teams - Training in Apr 2003 - Dates: On duty from May 2003 onwards Telephone Counsellors - MSM preferred Virtual Counsellors - MSM preferred - Currently active in MSM chatrooms, IRC, etc. Face-to-face Counsellors ________________________________ Information, Education, & Communication Team - Dates: Mar-Jul 2003 Creative Team - Duties: developing messages, visuals, material Photographers, Graphic Designers, Illustrators Uninhibited Male Models for Visuals [no pornographic shots, not to worry] ________________________________ VIRTUAL RESOURCE Team - IT savvy - Preferably active in the MSM community - Duties: running a virtual bulletin board with information on MSM venues, groups, events, medical and legal contacts, etc. - Dates: from May 2003 onwards ________________________________ IT SUPPORT Team Duties - Dveloping e-questionnaires - Setting up framework for data entry - Assisting the Virtual Teams - Developing material for the Internet ________________________________ WORKSHOP Team - Running safer sex & sexuality workshops - Dates: Aug 2003 onwards ________________________________ EVENTS Team - Organising or helping at MSM events Training will be provided when necessary. Interested individuals can contact Roger Winder by email or phone 64722207. |
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