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26 Jun 2017

LGBT Students in Philippines Face Bullying, Abuse

Human Rights Watch highlights how discrimination and lack of support in Philippines education undermine right to education.

LGBT students across the Philippines experience bullying and discrimination in school according to a report released last week by Human Rights Watch.

The report, titled “‘Just Let Us Be’: Discrimination Against LGBT Students in the Philippines,” details widespread bullying and harassment, discriminatory policies and practices, and little support that mean many LGBT are denied their right to education.

While Philippine law provides protections against discrimination and exclusion in schools, this is not always fully implemented by lawmakers and school administrators, according to the report.

“LGBT students in the Philippines are often the targets of ridicule and even violence,” said Ryan Thoreson, a fellow in the LGBT rights program at Human Rights Watch. “And in many instances, teachers and administrators are participating in this mistreatment instead of speaking out against discrimination and creating classrooms where everybody can learn.”

Human Rights Watch conducted in-depth interviews and discussions with 98 students and 46 parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, service providers, and experts on education in 10 cities in Luzon and the Visayas.

“President Duterte has spoken out against bullying and discrimination against LGBT people in the past, and he should do so now,” Thoreson said.

Watch the video report below:


1. 2017-06-26 20:54  
Another backward Asian Country!
2. 2017-06-26 22:45  
yes, another Asian country that has yet to treat ALL gays, lesbians and transgenders with respect, dignity and equality; i do recall a game show in their country where their audience mocked people who had HIV; when the announcer(s) mentioned about a family member of a contestant who had the disease, people in their audience were laughing and making jokes, not a good sign and it makes them look real stupid; the announcers had to correct their audience and tell them that it's a very serious issue that needed to be dealt with; of course, the Filipino people have no idea what they are doing, as always, and having a president that does not regard gays, nor does not like gay marriage, doesn't help either; so yes indeed, another dumbass backwards Asian country that really needs to get their act together in terms of recognizing gays and lesbians as human beings
修改於2017-06-26 22:46:57
3. 2017-06-27 07:58  
Religion Religion Religion...... always pushing arcadian rules and laws on people and trying to control them. We need less religion and more free thinkers in this world. I simply hate what religion does to people. Worshiping a god or gods is fine but keep your business, your business and stay out of others!
4. 2017-06-27 14:48  
HRW stepping in where they aren't wanted again. Why don't they concentrate on the USA and let the rest of the world do its own thing?

修改於2017-06-27 14:49:26
5. 2017-06-27 20:56  
6. 2017-06-29 06:02  
I just came back to Vancouver from Manila and my BF and I where holding hands most of the time and no one really said anything.
7. 2017-07-03 21:14  
Yes we need more Gays there to show affection in public.
When Gays start boycotting Catholic church there only then will people take notice but Philippino men lack confidence to do such a thing.




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