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26 Jul 2006

Wedding plans for George Michael and boyfriend may be in limbo

Gay pop star George Michael and his longtime partner have reportedly put their wedding plans on hold after the star was "caught" on film by a tabloid photographer after an alleged sexual encounter in a park.

Gay pop star George Michael and his boyfriend-of-10-years, Kenny Goss, have put their wedding plans on hold, according to the UK tabloid The Daily Mail. The British star was recently caught after an alleged sexual encounter in a London park with a stranger, who was described by the paper as a 58-year-old “pot-bellied, jobless van driver.”

Former Wham member George Michael and partner Kenny Goss (right).
The News of the World, which published the photographs, claimed that they caught Michael returning to his car after the encounter at London's Hampstead Heath park, a popular cruising venue for gay men. However, the photographs published in its Sunday edition simply show Michael walking to his car at the park.

Some three months ago, Michael who is believed to be worth £50 million (US$92 million), told a British television chat show host about his plans to 'wed' Goss. "I think that we will formalise it definitely from a legal point of view.

"It's absolutely essential that we have the same safeguards that straight couples do. But I want more than a 50 per cent chance of success. I don't want to emulate that.

"We'll probably do it on our 10th anniversary. We'll probably do the formal legal thing then the party.”

The Daily Mail reported that the wedding might now be off, quoting a source close to Michael: "They are reassessing their relationship at the moment so there are no immediate plans. Things are very much up in the air. They do not feel that the wedding is relevant now."

The 43-year-old has insisted in the past that he and Goss, 48, have an open relationship, saying: "Gay relationships are a bit different. I'm sure we'll be allowed to roam if we want to. But we love each other dearly.”

Michael was forced to come out in 1998 after Californian police arrested him for lewd conduct in a public restroom.

In Britain, sex in public is illegal if it is likely to be witnessed by a third party, however, a police spokesman revealed they are not planning on investigating Michael as he was not caught by an officer and no complaint had been made.

Michael is scheduled to embark on a 47-date comeback tour this September, his first European tour in 15 years.


1. 2006-07-26 19:36  
what a new happy family too!
2. 2006-07-26 21:38  
i've always LOVED George Micheal / Wham! i really hope they will get married! they look so cute n happy together
3. 2006-07-26 22:38  
10 years relationship is a blissful thing, but at times boredom creeps in. Open relationship is an excuse of being bored with eachother after living together. That is the weakness amongst PLUs & i hope that i am not judgemental. The 1st time knowing eachother, will be followed by phoning eachother & meeting up with enthusiasm. But as time pass-by.........boredom comes in along with many distractions. Phoning & meeting up will slow down, & finally being with eachother its only based on obligations. I strongly hope that Michael & Goss will get back to eachother & be a happy couple, afterall 10years are worth considering!
4. 2006-07-26 23:50  
Oh George, I do hope that you and your partner are not put off by this tabloid trash. I know he must be a bit shocked as he is not as used to the limelight as you have had to become. I'm sure he'll get over it and rise above it.

To other gay boys out there don't fall nto the trap of basing your realationship on what hetrosexuals do in public. Just remeber what hetrosexual couples do in private, now that's a lot more like out gay life we are just far more honest about it.
5. 2006-07-27 03:06  
wow they handsome couple ,,,,,,i so happy
its love
6. 2006-07-27 03:14  
wow,,,,,,he must lucky one

7. 2006-07-27 03:15  
10 years ,,,,,,,,,love proving anything aledi

10. 2006-07-27 03:27  
Seems George is unable to pass up on a "public" opportunity. Perhaps Kenny is afraid of what George might be up to while on his knees at the wedding and "I do" becomes "do Who?"
11. 2006-07-27 13:40  
Open relationship after 10 years....hrmmm....gay relationship is different and yet we are fighting for the same right as the straight couples. Sound a bit nonsense right?

Why dun he just said, like staight couple, after fucking the same person for ten years, it is fine to go to night club, hookers, mistress and casual fling with co workers and make sure the wife or husband doesn't know about it? Different my arse. Same! Just selfish as everyone else. Cheating and the need to have more sexual partner once u r so called in love is an act of selfishness. Unwilling to let go of inner desire for someone we love is an act of selfish which apply to all.

I hope I clear that up. Am I selfish? Of course I am to certain extend (hello I am only human) but I wish I can learn to be less selfish in love as I grow older and wiser. :)
13. 2006-07-27 13:50  
Looking at George's partner, many would cringe on why George would even look at, let alone, do a much less attractive encounter.

Well, promiscuity is a disease. It has Nothing to do with love. One's boyfriend or partner may be a hunk but if one is caught up and used to the thrill of passing excitement, cheating will happen.

Cheating is not exclusive to gay men. Judgement aside, ALL men cheat because they can and because they are men, not because they are gay. The sooner one recognises, accept, deal and adapt around it, the better. Otherwise, the obvious option is staying single and continue to be someone's elses bedtime story...:)~~

Cheating on a much deeper level is almost always about loneliness. You can be partnered or married but still feel lonely. Being alone is not the same as being lonely. That however does not mean being happily partnered will remove possibilities of wandering.

Being and staying faithful to the one you love takes real CONSCIOUS commitment and effort and also depends on the value and belief system one subscribes to. If you believe an open relationship is ok, then well, that works for you. If you feel that a, "dun ask dun tell" approach works, hey, that's fine too. Bottom line, whatever works for both of you to stay on Top, but keep it REAL..;P

14. 2006-07-28 11:50  
Is it me or has anyone noticed that it's the second time this "outside scandal" has happened during/before he releases a single/album? First was "Outside" followed by his greatest hits album, and now "Easier Affair". Strange timing isn't it? One is tempted to suspect some Madonna-esque marketing trickery at work here. It's too much of a coincidence if you ask me.
15. 2006-07-28 13:04  
Pics here:

the other guy seems eager to talk and happy to be photographed.
16. 2006-07-28 14:07  
can i have u both used condoms?

17. 2006-08-06 18:59  





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