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Articles by 'Sharon Saw'

Christmas, Buddhist-style

Christmas, Buddhist-style

This holiday season, Sharon Saw presents some tips and principles behind gifting for Buddhists, and everyone else!
What is Dharma?

What is Dharma?

This week, Sharon reveals what Dharma is and more importantly, how it can guide a person to lead a happier and more meaningful life.
What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

Even if you do no wrong but just hang around at home watching TV, you are still collecting negative karma by wasting your precious human body.
What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Don't let "labels" restrict you from being who you truly are, says Sharon Saw.
Precious human life

Precious human life

This week, Sharon Saw discusses on how we do not truly realise the preciousness of our human life. 
Anger management

Anger management

Control your anger before it controls you. Sharon Saw tells you how she does it; and no, you don't need a therapist.
Tantra: It ain’t about sex!

Tantra: It ain’t about sex!

Tantra to the uninitiated usually conjures up images of the karma sutra, sexual intrigue and mystique. But what is it really about and how does it relate to Buddhism?
A wild goose chase

A wild goose chase

Liking or disliking something is not “reality" but a result of our our afflicted perceptions which might lead us to mistakenly believe that we can get happiness by trading in our partner for a 'better' one until we get too tired and decide to ‘settle’ for less.
Coming out (in more ways than one)

Coming out (in more ways than one)

Having converted her Buddhist family to Christianity, Sharon Saw’s partner now faces coming out as a Buddhist .
If not now, when?

If not now, when?

If we had one more day or week to live and that was it, would we be doing the same things we're doing now?

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