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Stay Safe Online

Dear Fridae User,

Over the last few weeks we have been upgrading our systems to try and stop you receiving spamming messages.

Unfortunately we live in a world where some people do not play by the rules and we want to help protect you from these people. 

Now that all members have unlimited messages on Fridae we want to make sure the experience is as good as possible. 


We have now put a number of safeguards into our systems that attempt to identify spamming messages which are flagged up on our systems. These are the first steps in a much larger program of security updates to protect you, our members.  

Our system is designed to learn and will analyse messages for typical spamming activity. 

You might be asked to complete a captcha question when sending messages. This happens when the system identifies something suspicious in a message. If you receive one of these, all you need to do is confirm that you are a real person by performing the simple task and your message will be sent. 


Please help us to stop these people taking advantage of our members by remembering the following points.


  1. If someone you have never heard from before sends you a message which includes their email address and asks you to email them they could be collecting email address. Talk to them before you send personal contact information.
  2. People claiming to be in the military, especially in the USA are often spammers. They would usually use a picture of themselves in military uniform.
  3. People asking you for money or asking to help them get money out of their country should be viewed as highly suspicious. 


Recently we have seen some spammers trying to get people to sign up to a personal authentication website. They claim this is to prove you are a real person. These are in fact sites designed to get your credit card details from you. Please do not fill in any information on these sites. If in doubt as us to check it out. If the site is suspicious we will contact the hosting company and ask them to investigate and if necessary shut the site in question down. 


In general please be careful, giving out your email address or telephone number could lead to you receiving more spamming messages on those mediums or worse. If you view something suspicious let us know by emailing support@fridae.asia. Any account acting in a suspicious way will be suspended until the member can justify their actions. 

Filed under: , safety
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Fridae New Lower Prices are Here to Stay


You may have noticed we have changed our Perks Prices, and they have not gone up!


It has been many years since the Perks Prices changed. Over the last few weeks we have been looking at what we offer for Perks and the cost.

We have also been looking at the new features we have coming in the next few months, not only for Perks members but also for free members. 

It is our wish to make all features of the platform accessible to as many people as possible. We would love to make everything completely free but unfortunately the Fridae platform has fairly substantial running costs that must be covered. 


So we have taken the decision to substantially reduce the Perk costs. Our 12 month package has now been permanently been reduced by 20%.


Fridae gives more flexibility in pricing options than any of its competitors and now with prices that give great value for money.

Perks Prices will now be the following:

1 Week - $1.99

1 Month - $5.99

3 Months - $15.99

6 Months - $22.99

12 Months - $39.99

Filed under: , fridae, perks
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