I am just simple human being, with full of respect love and passion. I'm loving and care to one friend and mostly to someone special in futures. And I like to explore and challenges my self in what matter in life situation For me it doesn't matter how far we are or how old we are because fulfillment of true love compassion and love with be the one of our foundation and to create a true essence of meaning of love. All i know about what was the meaning of love was!! Showing of Kindness, Respect, Discipline and Understanding and Forgiveness, And the was a key of being truly by it self and also don't ever be selfish, Must importantly we must be honest and loyal because in that way you will find a peace and understand in one situation in relationship. WE JUST KEEP IN OUR MIND THAT LOVE IS SO GIFTED THAT BELONG TO OUR HEART AND SOUL,
Male | 35 | 5' 7"170cm / 143lbs65kg | Filipino
Sampaloc, Metro Manila, Philippines
Interested in Men for Anything
Online: 1 year ago