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Looking for friends and dates :-)
Male | 54 | 5' 7"170cm / 154lbs70kg | Chinese
Birmingham, West Midlands England, United Kingdom
Interested in Men for Anything
Online: 1 hour ago
I come from Shanghai, China, and now I work and live in San Francisco.
Female | 46 | 5' 6"167cm / 112lbs51kg | Chinese
San Francisco, California, United States
Interested in Anyone for Friendship, Relationship, Chat
Online: 2 hours ago
Looking for a lifetime relationship
Male | 68
Cathedral City, California, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship
Online: 1 hour ago
Male | 55
Central, Singapore
Interested in MTF for Friendship, Relationship, Action
Online: 2 hours ago
-------- -------
Male | 5' 7"169cm / 149lbs68kg | Caucasian
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Interested in Men for Anything
Online: 2 hours ago
I'm an English guy living in France where I run a small private dining, country restaurant; I'm passionate about food and cooking, I love entertaining and having friends to stay. I'm single and live alone, gay but very discreet. I have a great life here in this beautiful country location and although my French isn't good, I'm learning. I'm looking for companions for friendship and fun. I can offer bed and breakfast or longer term accommodation in return for help around the house. It's important that you speak English and live in a country that has visa free entry to France.
Male | 76 | 5' 6"167cm / 149lbs68kg | Caucasian
Limoges, Limousin, France
Interested in Men for Anything
Online: 2 minutes ago
Male | 50 | 5' 7"170cm / 125lbs57kg | Japanese
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship
Online: 2 hours ago
Tabby cat
Male | 59 | 5' 11"180cm / 136lbs62kg | Caucasian
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Interested in Men for Friendship, Action, Chat
Online: 1 hour ago
Seeking pure Non-smoker clean-cut face寻纯非烟民无胡须男同
Male | 67 | 5' 8"172cm / 134lbs61kg | Chinese
Geylang, East, Singapore
Interested in Men for Relationship, Action
Online: 10 minutes ago
I'm a caring and intelligent son but trust is a big factor for me, as I think it is very important to the DADDY/SON relationship and in any other relationships in general.
Male | 23
San Diego, California, United States
Interested in Men for Relationship
Online: 1 hour ago


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