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21 Mar 2001

president orders arrests of gays in nambia

Gay and lesbians fear for their safety after the Namibian President orders their arrests, imprisonment or deportation if found.

The President of Namibia, Sam Nujoma has ordered the arrests of gays and lesbians, according to The Namibian.

Mr Nujoma was addressing students at the University of Namibia when he said that: "The Republic of Namibia does not allow homosexuality [or] lesbianism here Police are ordered to arrest you, and deport you and imprison you too."

While Mr Nujoma has criticised homosexuality in the past, it is believed that this will be the first time he has ordered police involvement. It is unknown what action the police can actually take.

The president's remarks follow similar comments by Namibia's Home Affairs Minister Jerry Ekandjo last year. It was reported that he had urged newly graduated police officers to "eliminate" gays and lesbians whose conduct he equated to "unnatural acts" such as murder - "from the face of Namibia".

However, there have not been any reports of any arrests made so far.

While article 10 of Namibia's constitution outlaws discrimination, there is no specific mention of sexual orientation. Although it is not a crime to be gay or lesbian, sodomy is illegal.

At the address, he also spoke against alcohol abuse in Namibia, saying this led to domestic abuse such as men beating their wives and children and even cooking their wives. He also blamed alcohol abuse for contributing to the spread of HIV-AIDS as it caused people who had been drinking to go home with "any man, any woman".


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