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10 Jan 2002

stephen gately splits with boyfriend

Ex Boyzone member Stephen Gately has broken up with his long-term partner, Eloy de Jong, formerly of Caught in the Act.

Openly gay singer Stephen Gately has broken up with his boyfriend of three years, Eloy de Jong formerly of Dutch boy band Caught in the Act, reported the The [London] Mirror.

Stephen Gately (left), the first boyband member to come out and former boyfriend, Eloy de Jong
The couple has put their Amsterdam house up for sale, and Gately has returned to Dublin to live with his sister. The 25-year-old singer is the first boyband member to come out while still a member of Irish boy band, Boyzone.

It is thought that the public spotlight on them and their relationship led to the split. According to the report, a source close to Gately said, "They are still good friends but have gone their separate ways now. Things had become strained between them, and there was always a lot of pressure in their relationship because of the fame. They have had almost three happy years together, but they have been in the public gaze all the time."

Stephen, then 23, first met de Jong in 1995 at a show business event and began their relationship in November 98.


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