Like many gay men in Singapore, I've been suffering from severe squinting and profuse nosebleeds - and it's no thanks to the pulling power of Fridae's Nation parties.

Photos (top three) from "Make Love Not War" party at Suntec Singapore, Nation04 at Sentosa
Because of the distracting eye-candy during my countless pre-party SOS trips (aka Shopping-and-Other Sins trips), I found myself in a most unfortunate circumstance: I have absolutely nothing to wear to Nation04!
Ever the optimist and hardcore party animal, I decided not to let such a major setback derail my party plans and resolved to throw all caution to the winds!
In other words, since I have nothing to wear, I will wear NOTHING!
Unfortunately, my oh-so-conservative partner did not share my fashion forwardness and forbade me to step out of the house unless I'm "decently" dressed (read: loose turtle neck with ankle length skirt).
Fortunately, we managed to come to a compromise and showed up at Fridae's "Make Love Not War" party dressed in matching army green cargo pants and temporary t-shirts (read: the sort that will be discarded once we start dancing).
At the opening party, gay men and women storm-trooped into Suntec Singapore Exhibition and Convention Centre decked out in their military regalia and showed armed forces everywhere a thing or two about what constitutes fashionable military gear.
Despite the "ghostly" passageway which looked as if Joey Wong Jo Yin from A Chinese Ghost Story was hired as the event decorator, the main hall was a sight to behold with its multiple giant platforms featuring men-(un)dressed-in-uniform dancing away to drill masters DJ Sawa and DJ George.
Also spotted in the crowd were a group of navy "se(a)men" from San Francisco, military technicians in their overalls, bare-chested pilots, hunks in camos and a "who cares about the theme?" sister all covered in gigantic Petunias plucked from my Aunt Sylvia's garden.
With my party posse, I partied my camouflage knickers off but reserved some energy for the main party event: Nation04 held the next day. Regarded by many in the gay scene as Singapore's big National Day blowout, Nation 04 saw hordes of thrill-seeking gay men and women descending upon the shores of Sentosa.
Thanks to its red-and-white theme, the main party venue was filled with what appears to be wave after wave of pulsating human haemoglobin. Whether singing along to Whitney Houston's rousing "My Love Is Your Love" or dancing away to the beats of the wonderful DJs on deck, the feeling of celebratory cheer and party euphoria was utterly infectious.
Kudos must also be given to the oft-overlooked logistics team for its fast and efficient clearance of snaking queues and the strategic locations of thirst-quenching drink tents which were well spread out over the party grounds.
With its impressive laser shows (ooh!), whirling fireworks (ahh!), eyebrow singeing fireballs (eek!) and dancing musical fountains (wow!), as well as one of the best looking party crowds anywhere (yum!), Nation 04 gets my vote for the party of the year!
After thoroughly soaking my outfit and dousing everyone else around me with my perspiration whenever I execute my pirouettes, I finally decided to call it night. Parading around half-naked, I also managed to reaffirm my mass desirability after counting at least ten over-40 gentlemen and one Bangladeshi toilet cleaner ogling at my celestial body.
On the morning of the closing party, I woke up with aching thighs and worriedly told my boyfriend that I may have been stricken by phlebitis. The unconcerned creature mumbled that I probably pulled a muscle after dancing like a deranged woman at Nation04.
What nonsense! Before I proceeded to boot him out of our conjugal bed, I informed him that that's clearly impossible since I only move excessively during sex and I've been celibate for over the last five hours.
Sore legs notwithstanding, my boyfriend and I (the most resilient members of our party posse) made our way to the sold out closing party - regarded as a recovery party for surviving clubbers.
Held at Zouk, the closing party was hunk heaven as gay men reunite for one final hurray. Compared to the previous two parties, the mood was relatively more subdued as partygoers grooved but generally chilled out.
When the party finally ended, there was a combined sense of closure and reluctance as everyone, buoyed by three nights of euphoric partying, shared a few handshakes and hugs and bade goodbye to old and new friends alike.
And as everyone made their way back to their homes, hotels and countries for some well-deserved shuteye, I would like, on behalf of Fridae, to express our thanks and convey our hope of seeing all of you back at Nation 2005!
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