Nation's all time favorites, David S and Victor Cheng were the DJ's of the house until Kate Monroe came on at 4am for Feelin' Good, the closing party.
Every nation the party queens from Japan would definitely dress up in their national costume. The clothes reminded me of the hot Japanese go-go boys, of course I mean before they stripped everything off. In my humble opinion, Nation.VII (please make that happen next year!) should have a theme for national costume so that I can put on my cheongsam.
Hot couture or haute couture? She is setting the best example. A familiar face at gay parties in Hong Kong, Frances already told me during the last party in Hong Kong that she'd give me a surprise at Nation and voila - an impressive feather hat and a corset outfit, making her stand out in the gay, topless crowd. Being a veteran party queen herself, she had no difficulty in shaking her booty in this exquisite outfit of hers and performed some hot dance with many, many men.
Nation's all time favorites, David S and Victor Cheng were the DJ's of the house. They alternated in short intervals to give everyone rhythmic adrenaline shots to keep us going through the night. It was already day three in this party marathon on sun-kissed Phuket, David and Victor sent us one climax after another and we just got more and more energetic.
Toward the end of party, no one was wearing anything. Hot couture turned into skin couture. The whole ballroom was packed with topless and sweaty dancing queens. But no one seemed to mind because nothing pleased them more than feeling the muscles shaking right next to them. And they they knew that someone they have been waiting for all weekend was finally coming...
Reader's Comments
... nation party videos..( no faces were shown lol )
Someone please do a Nation vii
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