The men, 91 of whom are circumcised, were subjected to touch-sensitivity tests where a standardised instrument was pressed onto 17 different places on their penises with calibrated monofilaments. The men could not see where they were being touched.

Researcher Dr. Morris Sorrells and his team also found that the region most sensitive to fine touch on the circumcised penis was the circumcision scar, and the glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is found to be the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis.
The researchers did not find interaction between age and circumcision status.
Sorrells said: "The most sensitive part of the penis is the preputial opening. The results confirmed that the frenulum and ridged band of the inner foreskin are highly erogenous structures that are routinely removed by circumcision, leaving the penis with one-fourth the fine-touch sensitivity it originally possessed."
The results of the study contradict an one conducted in 1966 by Masters and Johnson in which found no difference between circumcised and intact penises. The study has been said to be insufficiently documented and did not take into account the role and function of the foreskin.
The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers; an educational non-profit organisation which opposes genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children; welcomed the findings.
"We've had anecdotal evidence of a significant loss of sensitivity from circumcision for a long time. Now we have proof," director Marilyn Milos said.
"More work needs to be done. We need to know how this translates into sexual functioning and sexual pleasure. Many circumcised men say they couldn't stand any more sensitivity, but intact men obviously can stand it, so it's a matter of quality as well as quantity. The bottom line is, circumcision takes away sensitivity, which translates into a loss of pleasure, too."
Published in the April 2007 edition of BJU International (the former British Journal of Urology) under the title "Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis," the study can be read on
Reader's Comments
As for 'religious' reasons, no one should be looking at your dick during prayers anyway. I've never understood it other than another way to enforce control and charge a fee for doing it, double ouch!
I can do boys with and without but prefer uncut, my taste I guess.
I would prefer uncut for its erogenous zone.
Now I can forget about circumcision... =D
In that case, I get the best of both worlds!
just remember to wash it for hygine purposes.
I guess not wrong fm me.,
Moslty Chinese most them Uncut more than 80%., & Cut less 20%.
Mostly Malay most them Cut more than 90%., & Uncut less 10%
Some ppl=people like to change, inner forsink with CUT than he cld look doctor adv. & take time Cut he forskin & u may feel abit not same there ...
Also can say clean wan forskin are Cut.,
If forskin not cut ( means uncut )
Mostly u need 2 Clean up there with water or some soap clean up., with CCK=cock/dick/penis ...
As long as we clean it everytime when we take a shower, it should be all right have it uncut.
For Muslims, it is compulsory to circumcise as part of the faith and also for hygiene purposes. Most Catholics does too for the same reason. For some reasons, foreskin tends to be da breeding place for the formation of sediments; which can be very smelly if not properly washed.
So, whether one cut or not, it boils down to personal proper hygiene. Let's not make an issue out of this.
To conclude, with foreplay, I think it does NOT make love-making session less enjoyable either way, but it could be painful for those with very tight foreskin.
Thank god I was circumsized though when I was born! My cock is highly sensitive enough as it is without a foreskin... I have absolutely no problem with stimulation and have never seen a difference in practise for the sensitivity or sexual stimulation of both cut and uncut cocks...
As FLASHMAX below says .... if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
different people have different levels of sensitivity.. cut or uncut.. its not like you suddenly change your mind after reading this article and wanna surgically put back your foreskin..if tats possible too.. if you believe in your religion says so then dont argue with your religion.. if you're too lazy to clean your cock properly then have it circumsized..
In America, where I grew up, WHEN I grew up, more than 90% of all boys were being mutilated, without their sad. Uncut/In-tact penises are so much fun!!
However, have you taken into account the other scientific study released quite recently that just as clearly shows that there is a much greater chance of HIV/STI infection if you are uncut and, conversely, a much lower infection rate for HIV & STIs if you are cut.
Have you also considered the couple of weeks of pain and discomfort than goes with post-pubescent circumcision? I didn't but some of my school-mates did. Ouch !
caesar2000 might well come to another decision if he thought his foreskin was opening the way for infection ... but then maybe not ... penis hygiene according to him is "a crock of doo doo".
posting a hyperlink didn't work here, so just google search...
australasian college physician circumcision
...and click on the fourth result down.
i think we can trust them.
If you are uncut and unhappy then by all means do the cut, you will probably be very happy. You will get more oral sex anyway!!
If you are cut and happy don't listen to anyone who would try and make you feel mutilated or shortchanged. Personally I think you have the best deal whether you chose it for yourself or your parents chose it for you.
If you are cut and unhappy you are impossible to please.
By the way what are the motivations of Chinese who circumcise their sons contrary to Buddhist teaching? Is it a desire to be more Western or what? Some insights would be appreciated.
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