Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, the creator of Borat and Ali G, has been revealed to be behind two cage-fighting events in the US state of Arkansas, both of which ended with two fighters stripping to their underwear, kissing and "rubbing one another," said a news report quoting local police. It is not clear if Cohen was one of the fighters.

A poster advertising the Fort Smith event promising US$1 beers, ''hardcore fights'' and ''hot chicks.''
A spokesman for Cohen declined to say whether he was behind the events but it is known that the British comedian is currently in the US filming undercover. The film revolves around Bruno, a camp and gay Austrian entertainment/fashion reporter character from the Ali G show, with a penchant for - you guessed it - mesh T-shirts.
Attendees, who each paid US$5 per entry, were told to leave their phones and cameras in their cars, and made to sign release forms agreeing to appear on camera.
At the two events held on consecutive days in Texarkana and Fort Smith, the kissing fighers had to escape via a specially prepared tunnel after the enraged audience threw chairs and cups of beer into the ring.
Cohen's last alter ego, Kazakhstani journalist Borat, duped Americans into making fools of themselves on camera and convinced a bar full of people in a small US town to sing "throw the Jew down the well" for his 2006 mockumentary comedy film which features real-life interactions with Americans.
Bruno is expected to be released in May 2009.
British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno interviewing an ex-gay pastor
The segment appeared in an episode in the second season of the Ali G show aired on HBO in the US in 2003-2004. The first (2000) series aired on Channel 4 in the UK.
Reader's Comments
Most of them probably never even realise the joke is on them because they take themselves so seriously.
He is really genius.
The interview with the minister is unreal & jawdrop hiliarious!!!
Being "fabulous" is a no no??? so many other innocent things??! OMG...Geez, it's tantamount to saying that it's a sin to be anything above boring and brain dead in life.
Whatever happened to "christians"? No wonder everything is condemned. Really messed up group of dangerous people trying to rule the world by oppression through faith.
Pink chocolate brunch anyone?..:P~
Bruno: "I love Romans"
"Nish nish"
Cohen has a penchant of creating these really cringe inducing but hilarious funny moments.
it's about time we had something as ingeniously "in-yer-face" as Bruno.
absolutely brilliant!!
I laughed so hard at the Nish Nish questions!
Gosh, thank goodness for Cohen! And damn I'd like to see that wrestling match too
He is so fricking funny!
you-know-what to? Or at least a very wild past?
He certainly seems to give off that kind of vibe :p
watching Will & Grace? Nicht-Nicht...
eating chocolate? Nicht-Nicht...
okay... what am i going to do...
And, since "our" in your post obviously entails a group of which you are a member, do you intend it to mean "gays regardless whether Christian, any other religion, agnostic, atheist, not necessarily atheist but anti-Christian, or not interested even in the fact that Christianity exists", or "Christians, including virulent homophobes, but possibly also some tollerant ones and -- gasp -- maybe even gay ones", or just the handful of people like yourself who claim to be "gay and Christian" at the same time?
BTW, "Bruno" is a creation of a heterosexual man with way too high academic degrees for his ephemeric show business career, whose cause certainly does not have to have any resemblance, let alone be the same, as mine.
I'm gay and Christian but I'm not taking offence on any side.
H I L A R I O U S!
everything has to be done in "the fellowship of christian friends" is ok?
What a STUPID thing to say?
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