Updated: November 4, 2008
The police in the northern Malaysian state of Penang have arrested 70 men including locals, Americans, Europeans and a Chinese national on Saturday night following a raid at a gay sauna on the mainland, and a gay sauna and two massage parlours in Georgetown on Penang island.

The Star newspaper on Monday published a photograph showing men at Midlands Park being rounded up to be taken to the state contingent police headquarters for questioning.
According to sources Fridae contacted about the raids, the gay sauna in Seberang Jaya was raided for the first time although they have been operating for more than five years. The raid is also the first on mainland. About 45 men were detained at the Bukit Mertajam police station after the raid. All except the sauna owner, staff and two patrons who were not caught in a sexual act but literally "pants down" in the dark room during the raid have been released on Monday. They face up to 20 years imprisonment and whipping if convicted under Section 377A of the Penal Code which prohibits "carnal intercourse against the order of nature."
The owner may face charges for having pornographic materials such as DVDs and magazines that were being sold at the sauna, and additional charges for pirated non-pornographic DVDs.
The Star report quoted the police who said they found used condoms, pornography DVDs, gay magazines, lube and boxes of condoms although sources deny the presence of used condoms and lube.
The 10 men arrested at the gay sauna in Georgetown, which has been raided five times in the past, have been released and will not be charged. According to Fridae's source, the Police did not find anything questionable at the premises.
The source also told Fridae that there were no sex parties in progress during the police raids although it was reported in local and foreign media as such.
"There were no sex parties going on. In fact, the raids in last Nov and May this year weren't sex parties. It was just regular business hours for saunas and massage parlours. Perhaps it's the media's deliberate attempt to sensationalise the stories." Said the source who declined to be named. "One can just go to a gay sauna to relax, socialise or work out; not all go for sex."
In two recent high-profile cases, police raided and arrested 14 men in a fitness and sauna centre in May this year while 37 men were arrested at a "sex party" held at a fitness centre-cum-sauna last Nov.
Reader's Comments
Came to Bank-cock... we have alot foryou...
notice the last article on penang here on fridae was also about a similar raid... and they wonder why the tourism campaigns aren't having the desired effects
welcome to truly asia anyway...
Countries where X-tians and Islamic fundamentals hold power is where strife and trouble begins. It's just in their religious culture to separate the "good" from the "evil" (YAWN).
Countries like Thailand and Buddhist/Taoist practicing cultures like China/Taiwan/HK always pledge tolerance and harmony.
As much as possible, I never visit anti gay countries unless for unfortunate business reasons. I may be one, but I believe eventually, enough of those who believe in working together to save our own kind will pay off. It will. Just gotta do it !
Hey! Singapore was bad enough!
Gimme Hong Kong and China any day!
The current Malaysia government has continued their scape-goating of gay people and Section 377 even after 1998 and 2007 attempted to smear DSAI political career. Despite the rather obvious political nature of the government's prosecution of its leading proponent of democratic reforms, the prejudice against homosexuals is so severe that Anwar was discredited.
Gay people have no one to speak up for them in Malaysia. Even academic researchers are intimidated by being dependent upon government appointments and funding. Faculty at Malaysian universities are prohibited from 'engaging in political activity.' For example, several teachers were dismissed by the government's Teaching Service Commission
just for assigning students to debate political policies in a debate competition. Without any public discourse on the subject of equal rights for homosexuals, there is little opportunity for changing the attitudes of the public or government authorities.
Therefore, since homosexuality is considered an affront to Islam, any news relating to gay and lesbian rights, especially including calls for ending discrimination against homosexuals, is suppressed. This kind of police raiding, aided and abetted by a scandal-hungry media, continues. For example, at recent Malaysia moral police raid on gay parties on November 1,2008 at 5:30pm , and at 7:30pm on November 4, 2007, police raided a
gay party in Penang, and brought along reporters who took pictures of the gay men at this party. The police claimed there was sex going on at this party, though all of the photos that were made as soon as the police burst into the scene showed the men all fully clothed. Participants said that it was a purely social gathering, and denied
there was any sex going on. Whether there was sexual behavior or not, what is important is that this was a private gathering of consenting adults in a closed private business.
By defining homosexuality as 'vice' this 'Operation Clean' demonstrates the
extreme discrimination against gay people in Malaysia. Gay Malaysians living in exile responded that Operation Clean should be used to clean up rampant government corruption, and that police would be more useful in cleaning up the dirty streets of the city than in persecuting gay people. The fact that homosexuals are so commonly arrested is itself a sentence of punishment.
A person who is arrested for a crime in Malaysia often has to wait in jail for a long time, sometimes up to eight years, before being brought to trial. Guards regularly beat prisoners. Torture of prisoners is justified by the sentence of being flogged with a cane that is often meted out by the courts. This practice of caning is so severe that prisoners often faint from the pain, and are left with permanent scars. In the case of prisoners who are homosexual, the extensive publicity regarding government condemnation of homosexuality has sent the message to the police and others that
persecution of homosexuals is acceptable.
Stop persecution now against sexual minorities, and restore full equality for all. Every life has equal value. LBGT right is human right.
To support "Campaign Against Homophobia Malaysia", please reach me at equality.justice@gmail.com
For Equality & Justice,
Nellsen Jong
Wonder why some here are like an old record of begone years, always playing the same old tunes .... settling old scores ....
I am against geniune discrimations, but to link everything together from religion to government blah blah blah is as stinky as the Chinese foot binding cloth of begone days.
If homosexuals is making up of 10% of the world's population, don't we all like to see 10 "straight" parlours raided for every 1 gay parlour being persecuted? Truly a classic case of the majority "right & decent" discriminating against the minority "always wrong & indecent"! As if there are no used condoms, DVDs & sex magazines in those "decent" straight spas / saunas.
"There are no laws against homosexuality in Malaysia but acts such as sodomy and oral sex are illegal."
Can u imagine homo life without sodomy and oral sex...? LOL
Just walking along in certain parts of Msia and I get propositioned by girls in flowery clothing to "go upstairs for a massage". I don't see the hardworking, efficient Malaysian police doing anything about these in-your-face vice dens.
And I've experienced blatant extortion there when I was just like, 17. They love to target the youngsters for just a few miserable dollars.
Do something about your unsafe streets, Malaysia, before you start cracking down on gay vice dens.
If you complain about a thing but do nothing, you have - in essence - AGREED to it.
Come live in NZ - everyone has the same rights - gay, bi str8, irrespective of gender or race.
"There are no laws against homosexuality in Malaysia but acts such as sodomy and oral sex are illegal."
Can u imagine homo life without sodomy and oral sex...?
Why not ? Two gay guys sitting together knitting and telling each other bed time stories lor ...hahahah just kidding..
Remind me never to set foot in Malaysia!
Hey! Singapore was bad enough!
Gimme Hong Kong and China any day!
Hellooo Arthurg , you mean you do not enjoy Singapore ??? How come ??? maybe you were in the wrong crowd. MOve with the right crowd and u see the real side of gay singapore. hahahhaah
The only way to change is to change the mindset and at the comments by most here with fight with their D*** and A***, it's a long uphill road ahead.
Post #4 Gaymonk- so funny, yet so true lol
This is why, I wouldn't set foot in this Allah forsaken backwards country when I visit Southeast Asia. It's turning into the US!
I came from Manila, and Filipinos are not exactly forgiving about homosexuality ... but where compassion is lacking, tolerance is abundant ... Any civilized person would at least tolerate what they do not understand, no one is begging for understanding, even from those with ardent faith (Islam or Christian) ... But for chrissakes, leave us alone!!
And besides, I don't really think tolerance has a chance in a place where people seem to be used to imposing their own gods to others ... classic example is the fight between girlongirl and gymhotbod ... who would win? hmmm ... stay tuned ...
But on the contrary, this has helped me decide why I should move to Canada after my contract here expires ...
For gays who just want to be gay, continue on being one ... The best resistance is being who we are!!
Been here three years and it just looks like the dogmatic, ultra-purist view of the government seems to be going from bad to worse.
I just can't fathom how sex between two consenting adults can go against any religion on earth.
This is so true.
What goes on behind closed doors is none of anyones business and for police to go out looking for action is discusting.
More reason why i am now very reluctant to visit Malaysia, not so much because of these stupid raids but the general attitude towards us there.
corpun dot com
Then again, I'm not sure about living there, but I have some gay friends who live there and they still seem fine.
On another note: I'm seriously considering moving to New Zealand or the Netherlands where everyone is treated the same.. The only downside - I'm an 'international buffet' kind of person, but I'm not sure if there are enough asian boys there. :S
Yup we have plenty of beautiful gay Asian guys here in NZ from all over Asia. 23% of Auckland's population is Asian and more are coming "out" every day because here, it's OK :)
You can call me a foolish guy or simply un-educated but I do know there are lots of research and publications seeking for the truth of homosexuality for Christians. God is certainly NOT against PLU. It is only until the early 20th century was homosexuality being prosecuted in Europe and generally the Western world. From ancient times the "gay" sub-culture has been thriving in all Europe and Asia.
The most important truth is that God loves us all humankind, whether male, female, straight, gay, transexual, disabled, whatever colour and whatever language, creed or ethnicity.
It's only evil people who are using religion as a reason to create a purist society and to instill fear on others to conform to their own narrow minded thinking. Others may be for greed or power so they can stay in a self myopic "higher" position to "rule" over others.
Sorry to say it - but if you want your rights and your freedom, you may have to be prepared to do your own version of Stonewall. Enough is enough.
And on a finer point: who are your larger population? Your govt? The corrupt Police? Religious leaders? I would suggest that gays or gay-friendly persons far outnumber all of these morons put together. If you want change, then CHANGE it. Like I said - get rid of them. Kick them out. Take away their power. No-one said it would be easy.
I am planning to visit Malaysia next year but will skip now and head to Thailand instead.
and no body is responsible about what other body do. right or not ?
If gay is really a sin, ask yourself, why there is a crime in this world till today never been solve? Why all the bad guys still alive? Then I think all these bad guy should be banish then, as its against God Wills. As God want this world in peace and harmony. Look at the world nowadays, human actually created their owner disaster to destroy themselve. Especially global warming. Don't you guys agree?
God actually is Merciful and Bountiful and Forgiveness. Or else you think you can stay alive in this earth? No way. If gay is sin again, I think those straight man are even sinner than us.
On new testament on Matthew 5:27 till 5:30 stated for Adultery, You have heard that it was said, "Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
On the 5:31 till 5:32, Divorce. "It has been said,'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become a adulteress, and anyone who married the divorced woman commits adultery."
Please do read the above for straight men and women. Oh My God!! What an all SINNERS in this world!! Ironic huh? AS they always said gay are sinner in bible stated but how about those SO CALLED NORMAL PEOPLE? THEY ARE SINNERS TOO, ALL GO TO HELL. Most of the straight man will said, oh, I already asked God to forgive me, and I had forgiven. Try to ask yourself, WHICH STRAIGHT MAN NEVER FUCK AROUND WHEN WIFE NOT AROUND OR PREGNANT? WHO STRAIGHT MAN NEVER GO TO GET A WHORE TO ENJOY THEIR LIFE?HAHAHA... Oh My God..... Oh My God!! Ha ha.. what a beautiful sinner like a Devil Wears Prada!! Then if gay ask for forgiveness our answer are not going to be bless? How pitiful foolish man talk. You know why I said this, cause in this column had stated, on Matthew 18:21 till 18: 35, THE PARABLE OF THE UNMERCIFUL SERVANT.
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked,"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered,"I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owned him ten thousand talents was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. The servant fell on knees before him. 'Be patient with me,' he begged, 'I will pay back everything.' The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go. But when the servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owned him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him and began to choke him," Pay back what you owe me!" he demanded. His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, 'Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.'
But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what happened, they were greatly dis-stressed and went and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master called the servant in. 'You wicked servant,' he said, "I canceled all that debts of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?' In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.
THis is how my heavenly Father will will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from you heart."
So, do not simply judge on people are they right or wrong. Cause again in the bible, new testament on Matthew 7:1 to 7:6 had stated on Judging Others:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judge. For the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not thrown your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn to tear you to pieces.
As simple as the story above, major of us like to judge who so and who so. Same as what happen to the case happens as above. Cause they always thought is right, only they are right. So, THEY JUST A HYPOCRITE. As the above story stated in early about forgiveness, is 7 times by 70 times. Did you know how much is that figure will be? Is a billion! Billion, my man! What does it mean? Is an open heart to accept the facts as long as others not interfere your life! This column had the same meaning as what Buddha, Lao Tze, even Islamic itself, called unlimited forgiveness.
That's the reasons why in the Bible New Testament, on Matthew 6:5 had stated on the prayer and this is how we should pray. "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And leads us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Then continue from the 6:14 to 6:15, For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Again, loud and clears the above prayer way same as Buddha wish THE MORTAL WORLD TRANSFORMS TO THE LOTUS WORLD. Lotus is pure and define although it growth from the dirt.
This is my first time I post here as I really felt sad on what our govern done. But i hope our brothers in here understood what I try to say. Please forgive me if i said anything offends your feeling here. May God light shine upon you and bless you all. Cheers...
Is there a law which can be used against those ignorant Muslims for persecution of other human beings against the order of nature? Why does a religion have so much power in the administration of government and why does it have to be so oppressive? If a religion is as good and natural as they claim it to be then why do they have to be so intimidating to its own citizens? All radical religions are against the order of nature and those affected ought to act to take away their power.
We can see here that in this case, Malaysia is truly an anti-democratic authoritarian state.
I will advise my parents,friends, neighbors , the national and international press not to visit until positive change happens.
Is Malaysia really TRULY asia as it's tourism slogan boasts?
Regardless of any country, the authorities will take action where there are information based on drug abuse, prostitution or any illegal activities that take place based on the facts of case.
Singapore notwithstanding.
To conclude, it will be totally immature to boycott a certain country just b'cos their Authorities clamped down such places. The truth is NOT always known to the public & that's the way the system work.
Consider this: the (minority) spas in Singapore is open to cater PLUs in order to contain the cruising grounds in the country. Hence, if one misbehave & starts to trade illegal activities amongst the other (within spa), don't point your finger at the Authority. You're no less than a criminal like any ordinary convict does.
I sincerely hope that other communities in countries less restricted will stand firm in solidarity and do all we can to support them. Write to your MP, lobby your government and most importantly bear witness to these human rights violations!
For travellers, whenever and wherever you go it pays to know the law regarding homosexuality etc. It's not worth getting lashings or worth.
and can find no reference warning PLU not to visit Malaysia.
Or warning that natural acts between like minded consenting adult men in a discreet private location could result in arrest, imprisonment and corporal punishment.
As aircraft approach Malaysia passengers are warned that some crimes result in capital punishment, maybe they should now tag on and for any GLBT on board please note that you are liable to be flogged - welcome to Malaysia and have a pleasant stay.
Malaysia is NOT truly asia, which is sad as it has the potential to be a great country and has fabulous people...in our community at least! Tourists should not be too discouraged by these bigots but really why boost the economy of the intollerant when other Asian countries welcome us with open arms, something the Tourism Minister may like to answer?
I think you all have the wrong approach! it doesn;t help if you all evade and avoid Malaysia. Instead you should go there and show your pride!!!
That helps much more to open the society for PLU people.
There would not be any PLU liberation in the world if all had run away or hidden somewhere!
Instead of marketing itself as The Real Asia perhaps they ought to try some truth in marketing and go for something like Come Straight to Malaysia, or Be Happy But Not Gay - insh'allah
Malaysia (the country, not the ppl- bless them)
is indeed proud of being a cultural backwater.
So just leave her alone.
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