The following is an extract of a BBC report. Click on the link below to read the full article.

Two Argentine men have become the first same-sex couple to marry legally in Latin America.
Alejandro Freyre, 39, and Jose Maria Di Bello, 41, tied the knot in a civil ceremony in the southern city of Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego province.
Gay marriage is illegal in Argentina. However, the Tierra del Fuego governor issued a special decree allowing the couple to wed there.
Roman Catholic leaders in the country expressed alarm at the move.
A judge in the capital, Buenos Aires, prevented the couple from marrying there earlier this month.
The men, who are both HIV-positive, had planned to get married on 1 December, World Aids day.
They eventually travelled to Tierra del Fuego, where they received the support of provincial governor Fabiana Rios.
Although Argentina's civil code bans gay marriage, the constitution is silent on the matter.
Reader's Comments
That "Roman catholic leaders expressed alarm"...well, that means these guys are doing something loving, right and good.
The pin size country must consider very carefully. Sigh
i love it >_"
A crack of light has just opened further in the wall of discrimination and religious intolerance in Latin America:)
Before I go further, et me highlight that they are both HIV-positive. Their successful union and coming out should inspire HIV-positive gays around the world in 3 important ways.
First, HIV-positive persons need not hide in the closet. Look at this couple. Not only had they come out, they had come out to the world.
Second, HIV infection is not a sentence of lifetime loneliness. Many HIV-positive persons like this couple have networked among themselves and found a loving, understanding mate. It's often easier for a HIV-positive person to understand the emotional needs of other HIV-positive persons, so HIV-positive individuals had often found a good partner among HIV-positive persons. It's also easier for one to find a truly loving partner when he doesn't wear a mask to cover up his HIV-positive status. A HIV-positive person needs not cover up his status when his partner is also HIV-positive. In this respect, I hope that the Fridae's newly launched website for HIV-positive persons will succeed in helping the HIV-positive members among us to network with one another and perhaps to find a monogamous partner (if they choose to).
Lastly, and most importantly, this couple should inspire us to pursue our convictions. If we don't fight for what we want, they don't happen. This couple had encountered countless obstacles. They fell down, they stood up again and continued with their fight. If they had given up, they wouldn't have come so far.
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