It was going to be fabulous.
Eight handsome men in skimpy underwear, a drag show, singing, dancing, and China’s first ever national gay beauty pageant. The organisers, local gay events group Gayographic said Mr Gay China “will undoubtedly contribute to the positive development of the LGBT community and raise awareness of relevant issues.” The foreign media was heralding it as the next big step forward for China’s gay community. The winner would head for the international Worldwide Mr Gay competition to be held in Oslo, Norway next month.
But it was not to be.

An hour before the show was about to start at LAN Club, a plush bar near Beijing’s CBD, eight or so police officers clumped in and told Ben Zhang, the man behind the competition that as he hadn’t got permission the event was off.
The police said: “the content, meaning homosexuality, there is nothing wrong with that. But you guys didn’t do things according to the procedures. So you have to go out there and cancel the show,” a disappointed Zhang told journalists on Friday night.
Many of those taking part or helping out said they were expecting this.
“I am disappointed,” said American Ryan Dutcher, Zhang’s boyfriend and co-organiser of the contest. “We worked very hard for this. But it’s not surprising. We kind of had this in the back of our heads.”
The police said that since the event contained shows – singing and dancing – Zhang should have first secured permission. As Zhang was corralled with the police for most of the night, Dutcher was fielding questions. He said Gayographic had left that part of the organising to the club. “They have events here all the time,” he said. “We left it up to them to organise. We thought they would know what to do.”
One of the eight contestants, Steven, 30, took the news with equanimity.
“You can say I was already prepared for this outcome, but then you can say I wasn’t prepared because we were just about to start when the police stopped it,” he said, giving a little laugh. “I am a little disappointed. But you know you can’t control this so there’s no point in getting too upset.”
Great progress has been made in terms of gay and lesbian awareness and the fostering of a GLBT community in China over the past decade. Along with economic advancement and the improvement of people’s rights in general, homosexuality was removed from the list of official mental illnesses in 2001, gay and lesbian bars and saunas have sprung up in most major cities, and the domestic press have been more open and more sympathetic in their coverage of GLBT issues. Amid efforts to curb the spread of HIV, the government appears to allow gay support groups to exist and grow. Last December, the local government even helped set up a gay bar in the tourist town of Dali in order to improve safe sex knowledge.
The problem arises, say commentators, when events are high profile or have a political content and are well organised. Mr Gay China was the biggest gay story among western media since last year’s Shanghai Pride, which also suffered police interference. A few events including a play and a film showing were cancelled then. But a few days before Mr Gay China, Zhang said: “We’ve got more media even than the Shanghai Pride.”
Top row (left to right): Steven, David, Xiao Dai, Emilio;
second row: Simon, Xuefei, Jay, Justin
Read 8 candidates vie for Mr Gay China title on Fridae.
The intense western coverage – which started a weekend before after Zhang held a press conference curtain raiser to the contest – sparked domestic media coverage. Zhang had purposefully avoided promoting it locally because he thought that might get the competition shut down. Also, many of the contestants wanted to keep a low profile domestically since they were not all out to their family and friends. But it out got out of control.
While there is no widespread homophobia in China similar to that of the West, not everyone is gay friendly. The Chinese language coverage of Mr Gay China on the Internet news portals of Sina and Sohu had sparked some nasty responses which ranged from obscenities such as: “Fuck! It makes me feel fucking sick! Beijing is holding this?” to “We might as well hold an incest beauty competition,” to “How come there are no beautiful girls?”
Many of those present thought the competition could be held another day, but more low key.
“I expected this to happen,” said Jeff Lin, a painter and photographer. “Police came to the gay art festival in Beijing last year and took away some paintings. It always happens this way. But I think we can hold it again. We always do. The police cancel it and then we do it again and it’s ok.”
How about this year?
“I don’t know. I hope so,” he grinned.
Dennis Sebastian, the organiser for the Asian contingent of Worldwide Mr Gay said: “It’s crazy. It’s terrible,” that the police had shuttered the show. But he added that he hoped Zhang and Dutcher could still choose one of the eight to go to Oslo. “They have been in close touch with the contestants for the past month, I am sure they could choose a suitable candidate, “ he said, adding it was very important for China to send an entrant.
In the aftermath of the police gatecrash what was most noticeable was that despite the last minute ban and the obvious disappointment, there was no anger, no riling against authority.
Someone had scrawled: “Oh well, let’s try again,” on the front board near the entrance to the show.
Simon, another contestant slipped into his first costume for the night: green jeans, outlandish purple furry shoulder pads, bare chest and black elastic straps and posed for photographs. He grinned and danced and at one point yelled: “Being gay has made me what I am today!”
There was laughter and a smattering of applause.
Reader's Comments
And the beauty of it is that there will not be a muthaf*ckin thing that Beijing can do about it cuz Mr. GAY HONG KONG is an American....
Okay, Rickee 1976, your finest hour lies ahead of you.....
OSLO needs to award the title to Mr. GAY CHINA IN ABSENTIA to put a world spotlight on Beijing tactics!
Let the contestants all touch my cock &kiss me!
I want!
No bf..
Sad sad..
To prevent such problems, the organiser should engage a lawyer (e.g. Zhou Dan, a gay activist in China) to submit on behalf of him the required forms to the relevant agency. Preferably, the submission process be videotaped. Gay rights activist, scholar and lawmaker Professor Li Yinhe should be invited to become the event's Guest-of-Honour for the event's next scheduled and registered proceeding. Preferably, a gay lawyer should also be present so that any conflicts with the police could be sorted out on the spot without delay to the proceeding.
This is an historic event for gays in China, overseas Chinese communities and the whole of Asia. Good luck to the organiser.
Does laoshiyan really think Beijing cares what MR. GAY HONG KONG WHO IS (*GASP* NO*) AN AMERICAN says to the 'press' in Oslo? They could close every gay venue in Beijing for months during the Olympics; hell, they kicked thousands out and arrested hundreds then, and it hardly registered at all in the foreign media.
Excuse me while I shrug...
So concentrate on the areas where you actually can achieve something, not on your immediate environment, because it is handy for you and your Yank boyfriend to pretend you've done a huge thing with little (if any) investment.
For crying out loud, you need a licence for live performance/show in EVERY country. Or hold the event privately, in your own hotel suite without publicity. But that would be totally futile, as you are a sucker for publicity, right?
Why on earth would the bar provide a licence, if you are being credited as organising the event??
China is well known as a state who violats human rights.
A country that suppress the Tibeten and support Iran. Do you really expact them to be liberal and open for gays?
I am so happy to live in a state that gays shares the same legal rights as all the others.
THANK GOD the American drag queens at the Stonewall in 1969 didn't think the way you do....
It's not what Beijing thinks about Mr. Gay Hong Kong's expose on the discrimination, it's an occasion for them to LOSE FACE globally.
All hug me there &start touching my body!
Let u all touch!!!
I wanna join!
Are you really so surprised?
How could Beijing lose face globally when nobody cares?
Stonewall: more insignificant mythology.
And WTH @ tommysadsad? Geez.
The reason it was shut-down, was because they didnt get permission.
Seems a rather open and shut case here.
Seems like sombody needs their butt kicked for not getting it..
Go get permission lawfully, and hold it again. sheesh.
If you can't legally do it, hold it privately and film the event. Put on the Internet and still send the winner to the Mr Gay Competition :)
They must be getting advice from the Malaysian Government
Daophos, stop showing your age and your ignorance.
Well, the same thing would have happened and has happened in other, much smaller, more developed Asian countries.
In any case, any event organiser would know you require all sorts of permits, especially when there's gonna be public performances.
So many contradictions in China, mostly lovely people, some thugs and fascists, mostly extreme nationalistic which government whips up in xenophobia from time to time and then they get boot lickers ( like the French after the Olympics)...
Fascinating place and sexy guys..keep your peckers it..and be safe...
However, the effort and time put in by the orgainsers must be appreciated, not forgetting the brave eight contestants. Certainly they have done a great job and motivated many to participate in future events. Cheers to them! Keep it up and i am sure there'll be more such events coming up across Asia.
I see the Chinese police have conceded that there is "nothing wrong with homosexuality".
I applaud the Chinese police for this stance and look forward to the next headline in china being "gay police come out".
By the way my vote is for 0101 Xiao..
Perhaps Fridae should run an online beauty pageant for these guys, we can view photos, download performances and vote online!!!
i firmly believe that we are heading towards a more open and positive future, although the roads are bumpy, being every individual of gays, we shall also pay more attention to our public image, more love, more healthy, positive attitudes, then in return, we are able to convince others that we deserve what we shall have had long time overdue...
#2) 1011
#3) 0111
But really they are all winners! hotties!
Gay rights have to do with basic human rights for gays to be treated equally and whose legal rights recognized so that eventually we can reach a point where being gay would be a complete non-issue (as it should be). It's hardly the same as having some silly gay boys strutting down a runway in skimpy outfits, is it?
Had the organizers approached this project in a more thorough business like manner and "crossed their T's and dotted their I's", to be doubly sure that all permits and forms had been filled out, submitted and approved by local authorities, it is possible the "pagent" would have gone on as scheduled, and the entire gay community would instead be posting their opinions about the handsome, charismatic winner here at
Had all forms, papers, permits been pre-approved by the relevant government jurisdictions, and the pagent was canceled, then we could logically, and rightfully focus our frustrations about human rights concerns and a homophobic government.
But this disappointment appears to be attributable to lack of due diligence and lack of follow-up by the pagent organizers and the venue owners.
So this time, let's not get our panties in a twist, throw the "B" (bigot) word and "H" (homophobic) word and the "HRA" (Human Rights Abuses) accusations into this boiling pot....and let's hope the organizers of the pagent, whether they try again this year, or begin planning next year's event, get it right the next time.
As responsible, caring and compassionate (gay) people, we should not kick and cry, throw temper tantrums and sling accusations around every time something doesn't go our way.
anyhow, it was really a good start organising although ended up fail. GUYS, NEVER GIVE UP. at least this has causing many rumours/ awareness amongst internationally.
here i would like to congratulate the 8 contestants whom successfully to be in final. well done.
for back-up teams and those friends who concerned and contributed, "THANK YOU"
Pageants like these do nothing to advance the gay "cause" - any more than they advance the cause of women when pageants like these were in vogue in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
We are living in the 21st century - and it is sad to see some gays harping back to a life when people were judged purely on their pecs.
The only ones who should be crying over this cancellation are the organisers - sho had expected to line their pockets with profits.
this year fail doesn't mean next year, next after next would have to be the same. it was really a good start already. at least create much attention internationally land locally.
congratulate to 8 SUPER STARS contestants, manage to be in the final.
for those back-up teams and friends who ever concerned and contributed to this show, "THANK YOU" you all are well-done.
Long live love.
Better planning next time girls !!!
I was kinda surprise to hear that the policeman actually said that "there is nothing wrong with homo-sexuality" and the main prob, or rather "only" issue was that the organiser did not have a proper licence for this event. I don't know, I may be skeptical but that statement seemed a little bit way too diplomatic to me, esp. looking at the timing it was made.
As far as I understand, the PRC authority has always been strict on events associating with homosexuality. Just look what'd happened during the Olympic in 08 and the 60th national day celebration last year: the authorities went all out to close down all gay saunas and clubs in Beijing whilst those karaoke clubs aka brothels for heterosexual remained untouched.
I seriously doubt that the organiser would be able to get a licence for such event in Beijing. Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that they are going to hold the event at a separate city after all the commotion. It's free publicity for them and I'm sure more ppl will pay attention to this event now.
Another way to look at this is, the police did give the organizers ample time to procure the necessary permits/documentation, before stepping in, diplomatically and calmly, at the very last minute.
Whether the pagent was shut down by government officials for political image + face-saving, human rights, homophobic, or cultural diversity reasons is somewhat irrelevant at this point.
The lesson we can all learn, is to approach projects professionally, exercise due diligence, be mindful, respectful and in compliance with the laws, rules and procedures. In this way, we may open the doors to respect, inclusion and normalisation.
Bravo Gayographic!
By the way, Steven and Xiao Dai are so cute, and of course the others are too. Can't really believe there are such pretty boys out there. Truly, nature's work of art is always the best and most beautiful.
I hope progress will not be that slow in China. (Remember: it took more than 30 years of Mao and his odious regime before China turned the corner socially and economically.) Note to Ngjoko: My mother lived to be almost 100. I never once discussed my sexuality with her!
I hope progress will not be that slow in China. (Remember: it took more than 30 years of Mao and his odious regime before China turned the corner socially and economically.) Note to Ngjoko: My mother lived to be almost 100. I never once discussed my sexuality with her!
Maybe in another parallel universse but not in this one, but who knows, maybe in the future another event will go ahead and perhaps all tasks will be performed to allow the event to go ahead.
My eyes will be watching this space.
I wondered if China was ever ready for something like this, but all will be exposed in good time.
Re a few comments that I read re the pageant. During times of repression and discrimination , pageants are the only way there is to make the general population realize that us gays exist , irrespective of how we portray ourselves. All laws of most western countries now , have not changed by us sitting down , and hoping for it to happen through divine intervention. We've marched , we've screamed , we've paraded and many of us have cried , as many have in the early days , sadly enough , taken their own lives.
Yes , I too will shed tears for gays in China.
Actifchine, I personally is not a fan of beauty pageant but I ses no harm, However, I think the intention of the Mr. Gay contest is far more than fame and glamour. Its seeking social acceptance and recognition. There are many gay organizion in many countries and working very hard organizing many different types of events for the same purposes and as well as encouraging self acceptance of many closeted gays.
It is not report if the organizer did or not applied for the permit or they were previously turn down for some other gay events, thus this time prefers taking the risk going ahead without the permit. It is not fair to say they are ignorant of the procedure. In my country, many times, authorities turn down permit without decent reason. Even if the permit is granted, the authorities can turn up last minute and shut down the event, just like this case, giving stupid reasons such as the venus is not suitable, the event is causing nuisance to the neighourhood, the event causing public inconvenience, etc.
Nevertheless, it a good attempt and the purpose of stimulating publicity is achieved at some extend. Also, the tolerance and tactics of the local authories in China is made known.
It is very very sad that other gay men who have posted on this site actually join in the attitude of the persecutors...they refer to "silly gays" who cannot obtain the necessary permits...they denigrate the pageant itself and give no room or respect for this aspect of gay life.
These men should hang their heads in shame.
A blind man can put two and two together from a 1000 miles away and understand that a totalitarian state does what it wants and makes up its rules on the suit itself.
Please open your eyes...china is not a democracy and there is no rule of law, only of power and prejudice.
also, post 32 is quite honest comment, it is true...
anyway, we still should have another way around, and make it better next time. ;-) DONT GIVE IT UP! you have entire nation gays here + friends from other countries to support.
love and support from Nanjing, China
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