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5 Apr 2010

It's the gays' fault

As homosexual clergy get blamed for the decades-long sex abuse crisis facing the Catholic Church (not unlike gay men being frequently accused of child molestation), gay and Catholic political commentator Andrew Sullivan explains why the blame is thoroughly misplaced.

With the Catholic Church and its spiritual leader Pope Benedict XVI in the headlines amidst a growing global clerical sex abuse scandal, Bill Donohue, president of the US Catholic League, took out a full page ad in The New York Times and on CNN blamed homosexual clergy for the sexual abuse of children. 

Titled "Going for the Vatican Jugular," the advertisement last Tuesday read in part: "The (New York) Times continues to editorialize about the 'pedophilia crisis,' when all along it's been a homosexual crisis. Eighty percent of the victims of priestly sexual abuse are male and most of them are post-pubescent. While homosexuality does not cause predatory behavior, and most gay priests are not molesters, most of the molesters have been gay."

Left: Andrew Sullivan, Pope Benedict XVI

Prominent gay and Catholic political commentator Andrew Sullivan hit back on his The Daily Dish blog, which is regularly named one of the most influential in America, and explained why blaming the child sex abuse crisis on homosexuals is so wrong:

The church teaches first of all that all gay men are "objectively disordered:" deeply sick in their deepest soul and longing for love and intimacy. A young Catholic who finds out he's gay therefore simultaneously finds out that his church regards him as sick and inherently evil, for something he doesn't experience as a choice. That's a distorting and deeply, deeply damaging psychic wound. Young Catholic gay boys, tormented by this seemingly ineradicable sinfulness, often seek religious authority as a way to cope with the despair and loneliness their sexual orientation can create. (Trust me on this; it was my life). So this self-loathing kid both abstracts himself from sexual relationships with peers, idolizes those "normal" peers he sees as he reaches post-pubescence, and is simultaneously terrified by these desires and so seeks both solace and cover for not getting married by entering the priesthood. 

None of this is conceivable without the shame and distortion of the closet, or the church's hideously misinformed and distorted view of homosexual orientation. And look at the age at which you are most likely to enter total sexual panic and arrest: exactly the age of the young teens these priests remain attracted to and abuse. 

That's the age when the shame deepens into despair; that's when sexuality is arrested; that's where the psyche gets stunted. In some ways, I suspect, these molesters feel as if they are playing with equals - because emotionally they remain in the early teens. I'm not excusing this in any way; just trying to understand how such evil can be committed. 

Ask yourself: how many openly gay and adjusted priests have been found to have abused minors? Or ask yourself another question: if straight men were forbidden to marry women, had their sexual and emotional development truncated at the age of 13, and were forced into institutions where they were treated by teenage girls as gods, an given untrammeled private access to them, how much sexual abuse do you think would occur there? Please. This is not that hard to understand.

Sullivan also wrote a column titled "I believe you’ve killed the church, Holy Father" in The Sunday Times (UK) on Apr 4, 2010:

I can only speak for myself — a wayward Catholic sinner, a married homosexual who still clings to the truth of the Gospels and the sacredness of the church. I wouldn’t do any of those things. Full stop. If I knew I had any role — witting or unwitting — in allowing children to be raped by someone I could have stopped, by someone over whom I had authority, I would not be able to sleep at night. I would be haunted for the rest of my life. The thought of covering up for someone who forced sex on deaf children in closets at night is incomprehensible to me. Allowing someone who had raped three children to go elsewhere and rape many more, when you were explicitly warned that this man was a walking danger to children? I don’t want to sound self-righteous, but: no. Never. Under any circumstances; in any period of time; for whatever reason. Even if my failure were mere negligence, my conscience would be racked. 

So, why, to ask the obvious question, isn’t the Pope’s? Even criminals in prison treat child molesters as the lowest of the low, the darkest manifestation of human evil. How can the Pope have any moral authority on any subject until and unless he has explained this series of events, held himself accountable and repented, if not resigned? Instead he carries on as if nothing has changed, as if nothing in these revelations about his life really matters. 

It has to matter. A pope with no moral authority simply cannot function as a pope. Yes, he has ecclesiastical power. But ecclesiastical power without moral authority merely exposes the hollowness of an unaccountable, self-perpetuating clerisy. Does he think we don’t know? Does he understand that any parent of any child will be unable to imagine themselves in the same moral universe as this man?

Reader's Comments

1. 2010-04-05 18:51  
Uh huh! What Sullivan said makes a lot of sense! Now I can see why the gay priests whose sexuality was stunted right after puberty would molest boys that age. To me, it is the church's condemnation of homosexuality aided by the system of celibacy that has created this evil. If, as the ad says, most gay priests are not molesters and not all molesters are gay, that means only a small fraction of gay priests are molesters, then I don't see why it should be labeled the homosexual crisis. The Catholic church seems to have dug its own grave and gotten stuck in the trap of its own making.
2. 2010-04-05 19:03  
The pope has long ago lost any moral authority, and the Catholic church like the Orthodox one needs a total overhaul, as both are lagging behind the times. Especially it gets obvious when it comes to interpreting the issues of modernity, including gender equality and gay rights. I hope the pope can make the right decision at the right time and resign.
3. 2010-04-05 19:05  
Anyone in a country where the press has not been covering the exposure in many countries of this institutionalised abuse, needs to read the article linked at the foot of this one, "I believe you’ve killed the church, Holy Father" @Times Online. The scandal the Church is facing is that the Pope, when a Cardinal, was responsible for covering up abuse across the globe and a policy of simply moving abusive priests to different parishes, protecting the church rather than the children.

4. 2010-04-05 19:07  
It just boggles my mind why such heinous crimes are committed. I may be a bit naive - but wrong is wrong. You'd expect those committing these acts on innocent kids know at least that much. Remove the labels we give people, and they are just only people.
5. 2010-04-05 19:36  
It's also worth reading this article: "Exactly Like a Holocaust" @ http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/

6. 2010-04-05 20:13  
I find it really sad that people are causing pre-emptive conclusions such as drawing links between pedophilia and homosexuality without any adequate backing.

With pedophilia statistically more common among men than women, and a predominance of male clergy being placed in charge of boys, rather than girls, could it just be the climate that shapes this statistic for those with pedophile tendencies?

It seems a bit of a stretch to me that the Catholic church's decision to ask its priests to maintain a celibate lifestyle causes them to become pedophiles. Afterall, they are free to leave the church, if they find it too much of a labour. Given the choice of working at your dream job and having to behave straight, or quitting that job to gain that sexual freedom, what would you choose?

Perhaps we need to analyse the details of these pedophiles as people, rather than clergy members, instead of focusing on how the church has apparently corrupted them.

This tragedy has been handled badly by Vatican who should have nipped it in the bud, rather than by covering it up out of fear of it coming to light. I also feel sorry for those members of the Catholic Church who have had their reputations tarnished by those who they find as repulsive as the rest of us.

I'm glad to see this issue out in the open finally, and only hope it can be understood and rectified as far as possible, without undue bias, misinformation and hastily drawn conclusions.

Not directly related to this article but I found this on the Vatican website and thought it an interesting read. Written by the Pope himself while he was still just a cardinal.


Different than the stance I expected to read.

7. 2010-04-05 21:23  
I am so tired of articles about religion here on Fridae... its like non stop religious news Christianity, Catholic priests, Islamic radicals, blah, blah, blah... no one agrees on anything for the last three thousand years, its there some study and discussion group for this crap?

Why doesn't Sylvia Tan start her own World Religions 101 and Gay Life Channel? Yuck, its like gay men have more interests than this junk, get back to hot guys and exciting date life stuff

In the meantime, check our Racheal Maddow's nice house and sexy extra large lover in this week's People Magazine, a true lesbian with class and other interests than relgion, I really wanna share recipes and come over for dinner

thank God for lesbians that don't watch TV at home

8. 2010-04-05 21:42  
Cool! :)

Gives me hope that my own cooking skills will improve, and more importantly...my boyfriend's. I'm sick of cooking dinner for us every night.
9. 2010-04-06 01:52  
Kinda agree with #7. We're not going to reconcile homosexuality with religion, and personally, I'm not keen to even try. Religion is fantasy, anyway. Magic plates and magic flying horses and magic virgins and magic ascensions, etc., etc. The fact that so many grown adults believe in this nonsense sometimes just baffles me but then I realize that they were all pretty much indoctrinated as children, as was I. Fortunately, I came to my senses over the course of time.

I understand the desire to have more depth on a gay site than just reporting on where the next white party is taking place, but maybe there's been enough of the religion-oriented stories for awhile. Surely there are other stories to be told.
10. 2010-04-06 03:35  
The incident just make perfect warring fodder for the Christian fundamentalists to cast the Catholics in the light of false church worshippers, while at the same time defame the homosexuals in a single swoop.

I don't think people care if there's a fine line to draw between a pedophile and a homosexual. If possible, people could blame homosexuals for global warming, their dogs died, their sons turn gay, etc... which they already did anyway, by calling it as a sign of wrath of God of homosexuals. People ain't rational when they hate.

Just a disclaimer... I've intended nothing against any religion... Just that there are people being unreasonable while hiding behind their faith as a shield.
Comment edited on 2010-04-06 03:42:22
11. 2010-04-06 08:14  
per Steve Uk's comments, what are you talking about the Holocaust for? Another anti-Jewish slur which is basically so offensive, gosh you are a real downer at the big gay dinner party, like a turd in a gay fruit flavored punch bowl Steve UK you need to get a hobby or something...

Anyway, I am in a good mood today so nothing real bothers me, except too many articles on religion when I should be getting in great and excellent shape for that upcoming water splashing festival in Thailand and getting my Polo Game in better form
12. 2010-04-06 19:25  
I agree with post 7. I could not careless about anymore religion-related news except how to abolish it.
13. 2010-04-07 10:06  
No amount of hail marys can save the dude in the dress and tall hat now
14. 2010-04-07 11:10  
If the articles on religion are not to your taste then don't read them. Others find it informative and useful. We can't all be frivolous fairies after all.
Better to know what your enemies are up to. And lets be clear, they are the enemy (mostly). Most of the discrimination against us is based on religious beliefs.
15. 2010-04-07 20:44  
@11, fakebro; what are you on about now? Didn't you promise ages ago to defect to Trevvy? Still here then despite all your person attacks on Sylvia Tan. See my comments about your posts under the article "Hostility, not homosexuality, flies in the face of true Koranic teachings", I'm not going to them repeat at length here.

What's all this "anti-Jewish" stuff? The correct term, (if you were really American or Jewish, you'd know), is "anti-semitic". Another calculated (and defamatory) lie by your boring fictional GossipGirl extra.

If you follow the link I gave it's to a quite good article about the abuse by priests, and the cover-ups by the pope, likening the suffering of the thousands, maybe millions, of victims to a sort of spiritual/emotional holocaust. You have to scroll down as there are more equally good articles posted since.
16. 2010-04-07 20:49  
@14; absolutely! There's room for both types of article, and they seem pretty evenly split, even if they arrive in batches sometimes. No one's forced to read the ones they're not interested in, so no need to whinge.
17. 2010-04-07 21:25  
Mr Ratzinger and his hooligans should be treated with the respect they deserve, the catholic religion like all religious groups only aquire power by stealth, just as aristocracies do, it's idiots acceding their power over to them buying into the illusion they have created around them selves, there is nothing worse than seeing pitiful homosexual men and woman banging on the doors of these institutions seeking to be let in, forlornly crying out for acceptance, show some back bone people vote with your feet and stop dignifying them as Popes and Bishops and clergy thats just some construct they have created for them selves to impress the stupid and easily impressed I was 14 when I woke up to the great lie and walked away from it seeing it's shallowness and deceit, it's not so hard if you have even half a functioning brain
18. 2010-04-08 20:04  
I was shocked to read the age of consent for both sexes in the Vatican State is 12. They haven't exactly been keeping up with modern standards of child protection, abroad or at home.

Seems to me the papacy would rather keep as many children as possible in children's homes at the mercy of paedophile priests, than allow adoption to loving homes, fully checked-out, of gay couples.
19. 2010-04-08 20:32  
Makes perfect sense, but who cares?

Why follow the often brutal rantings of semi-nomadic sheep herders at all? (Particularly when filtered by two thousand years of politically driven intrigue). The pews are emptying, the seminaries shuttered, pretty much everyone ignore papal dictums on condoms and no one really believes in miracles anymore.

Religions come and go, and this one is well and truly past it’s used by date.
20. 2010-04-08 21:51  
@19, "The pews are emptying...":

- not necessarily so, it depends which country you're in and how savvy the population are.

In the meantime any confidence trickster can set up as a "pastor" (read cult leader), and use modern methods of neuro-linguistic programming, theatre, and mass audience control, to persuade thousands of otherwise sensible, educated, well-off people to pay him a voluntary tax of 20% of their income ( a medieval practise called tithing, that was outlawed by the mainstream churches a long time ago ). A new mercedes? It's God's will! And a lot of these guys end up sexually abusing their followers, whatever the denomination, religion or sect.
Comment edited on 2010-04-08 22:05:26
21. 2010-04-08 22:13  
What about gay being bashed by people on the street? being condemn as the wrong human being all the time? and Priest ...pleasee... if you have sexual fetish on child molestation, don't blame the shit out of gay, blame it to your own mentality... isn't that the first thing make you wanted to be a priest so you don't need to get married? and to the church... ya all just not much improved as a human being but being brainwashed just like in the 1950's post war period.. come on.. it's 2010 and we are seeking freedom but not being a living object to hear what priest or whatever religion said.. in the end it's all made up by another human being just like you write thesis in university. The smarter you are, the more your book is going to be published. So im learning to be the best and i can make a bible of HOMOSEXUAL for the 22nd century... one that is sexier than the old church bibles...so who will be my sexy priest? enrollment begin from NOW! =p
22. 2010-04-08 23:07  
The pope wears red velvet Prada shoes with gold thread stitchings! I'm sure Laoboutin does his night slippers with peacock feathers and angora rabbit fur linings.
23. 2010-04-08 23:38  
I agree with #7, why isn't there any more fabulous articles other then what is right and wrong?

FYI, no one article on Fridae paid tribute to Mcqueen when he passed, clearly the skull prints that some of you Fridae team have hidding in the closet has everything to do with Mcqueen, and the passing of YSL? Start from Gianni and there is plenty to write about.

It's fashion week all over the world, and here we are picturing ugly dressed priests doing young boys!!!!
24. 2010-04-08 23:54  
Nope, it's the devil who wears Prada! The Pope + Prada shoes thing is said to be an urban legend :)
25. 2010-04-09 00:21  
@23 "why isn't there any more fabulous articles other then what is right and wrong?"

Have you tried the Lifestyle section? There's loads there.
26. 2010-04-10 06:20  
New evidence of pope's attitude when cardinal. The priest concerned apparently went on to molest many young girls as well as boys, who are suing the church.

See article "Pope Directly Involved In Sex Abuse Coverup" at http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/

27. 2010-04-13 23:25  
Here we go again...


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