Local participants and supporters from China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand braved the chilly winds and light rain to march from Ketagalan Boulevard to the Presidential Office.

The theme of the 2010 event – the eighth of its kind in Taipei – was 'Out & Vote'. The march called for a comprehensive government policy to protect gay rights.
Organiser of the parade Taiwan LGBT Pride Community, a coalition of LGBT and other civil society organisations, say although the size has grown tremendously from about 500 participants when it started in 2002, there has been no corresponding progress in gay and lesbian rights legislation during this period, reported Taiwan Today.
The theme was chosen to in a bid to move gay and lesbian issues higher up Taiwan’s political agenda and urge members of the LGBT community and its supporters to “exercise his or her political power” at the upcoming special municipality elections scheduled to take place in five cities on November 27.
“We are angry because the politicians in Taiwan have overlooked the needs of the LGBT community during numerous law-making and public policy decision-making processes… Those with power pose themselves at this moment as if they have suddenly recognized the visibility and political significance of the LGBT community. Yet time and again they leave empty promises with us and other social minorities such as the working class, the disabled, and the aboriginal citizens.” Read the official parade website.
“While we hoped the rally would raise awareness of gays and lesbians, the rally also aimed to vie for substantial support from the election candidates,” parade spokesperson Rex Shau was quoted as saying by AFP. “Some politicians just paid lip service, never taking real steps to adopt non-discrimination measures.”
In 2003, the Executive Yuan drafted a bill to legalise same-sex marriages and recognise the rights of same-sex couples to adopt children but proposed bill has yet to be passed, leading some gay groups to criticise its drafting as simply a ploy to woo voters.
All photos courtesy of Taiwan LGBT Pride Community,
visit flickr.com/photos/twlgbtpride/ for more.
Connie Chan (extreme left) marching under the Women Coalition of Hong Kong banner
Reader's Comments
it is good picture.
Anyway, the parade looks fabulous. I can't want to go to Taipei one day. :)
The pictures cannot convey the feelings of the events and unfortunately they can be used to misrepresent them. There are small groups of people in every Gay Pride event who like to expose there bodies, sometimes completely. It is done for fun, not to offend. It is a very 'gay' thing to do and that is why it should be done. 30,000 people in the street, having fun, cannot fail to make an impression and, really, only a tight-assed straight wanna-be would be disturbed by people having fun.
They are just in speedos, "dirt" is all in the mind of the beholder...
I wish, one day, also Singapore will share the same freedom.
I am not so much into marching half naked in the streets but this is only a matter of taste.
Taiwan is a great place and Taiwanese gays that I've met are great to be with.
All the best and success to the GLBT community in Taiwan!
Go Taipei !... what a fantastic site :) Such a vibrant community.
Taipei will always have a place in my heart , Living there for a short time opened my eyes to such diversity, This is on example of that diversity .
Love its people, and culture. THE LGBT PARADE.... omg !
So proud of you Taiwan .
No matter where we are, we will stay united and move along!
Going in underwear etc....don´t know if it is the right think or not but at least they will see us and they will heard us too (this i for people who don´t agree with the way the parade goes...) Guys you have all my support and respect.
We ARE gay, we are different but no more different than the heterosexual community. I was at the Gay Pride and when these guys walked past me, I was very proud of them, proud of my own sexuality and they form only a small part of the parade. They don't represent the gay community.
If you are there, you will see and understand what they are parading for and what the fight is all about.
Be different, be gay.
Be different, be gay.
Fair enough, it's just a couple of guys dressed in speedos. But why is it that this image is being emulated in virtually every gay pride parade? Why don't we see it often during New Year, Christmas, or any other kinda parades? It's not as fun to do it in other parades? Shrug... But it's sending out the wrong message.
"Gays are ordinary folks" or "Gays are extraordinary folks"? Will you try to be accepted and integrated into the mainstream, or will put a wide berth between yourself and the majority and expect them to be nice enough to give in to you?
im in Toronto Canada where gay rights and marriage are considered normal now after fighting so many years for that.
the same will happen in asia eventually but will maybe take a bit longer.
even with our equal status with straights here i sometimes think they could tone down the pride parades as a lot of gays are not really into the gay scene the older ones anyway, these pride events are not true representation of all gays but they are necessary to help fight for their rights in the beginning!
Furthermore, the parade is just part of the fight, there are constant negotiations, talks, petitions that have been going on to fight for gay equality and gay rights.
So we should not just look at the pride parade as the only representation. Regardless we are going to parade in costume or not, this fight will constant be an uphill climb so why not show the world who we really are? Instead of trying to "Intergrate" into the so called mainstream?
I say good job, well done and let's continue fighting for our rights!
Not only is it their way of expressing freedom and sexuality, but since when has the parade been for others to judge the gay community on how they show their "pride". I thought these parades were for the gay community to get together and celebrate their freedom.
Guys in speedos can be seen everywhere, beaches, sports events, and here in Australia guys in swimwear parade in events such as raising awareness for surf life saving etc. Its not as if offends the general public.
Even politicians here are photographed in sporting events here in speedos.
why couldnt/wouldnt this expression of parading in speedos (sporting swimwear worn in the Olympics) not be interpreted by the general public as " oh, this group of gay people are swimmers, and divers and sportsmen like many of us !
Whats the problem ?
More guys in speedos on the streets, that what I reckon.
The wowsers should build a bridge.
Those Speedo boys deserve our respect by showing their pride of being gay, not receiving critical judgement of showing their body. No matter you like it or not, at least they have contributed themselves to the parade and our community, and this is absolutely better than those who had done nothing but judge.
I assume the issue comes from one’s fear of being gay and have low self esteem, and think the heterosexual community is much superior than we are. That’s also the reason why some of us have very low tolerance to other gay and can’t get away from high standard discipline. Only when they truly accept themselves and proud to be gay, then they will realize what the meaning of the parade is.
I believe it won’t do any good to our right by just sitting quietly and pretending we are “normal”. So, brothers and sisters, let’s keep proudly walking for ourselves and our next generation.
Equal rights and the quest for peaceful human rights for everyone is a heartfelt task worth much of our energy. Thanks Taiwan!!
the parade is fun, as well as a shout to be heard. guys carry rainbow flags, representing the diversity in gay culture, and dress in costumes however they want. if you feel like showing how intellectual you are, then just put your nerd glasses on, wear a sweater and carry a thick Larousse, no one has an objection. and you shouldn't have an objection on the drag queens, guys in speedos or a penis sticked into a pumpkin on the bus going down the alley. yes it is annoying for some "conservative eyes" who are looking for excuses to curse gays, and yes, let it be. believe me, as long as you are gay it is not also welcomed if you just show how mainstream, good boy you are. those "exhibitionists" are representing the gay culture, not all of it but yes a part of it. at least they are doing something. if you want to represent another fragment, have the guts and join the parade. so stop whining like a grandma and be yourself, have fun.
it is the diversity celebrated there, so let it be more colorful. Go boys
Mom : Is a parade sweetie.
Kid : Why they are naked and wearing funny dress Mom ?
Mom : ................. ( think )
Is Halloween parade sweetie.
Kid : Cooool ! I want to joint and wearing my scary costume with them !!
Mom : ....................
Imagine the Chinese of the KMT party between in the 1945-55. They went for war against the communists. In the Mainland they painfully lost every battle. However, in Taiwan the situation turned around and they won. This is because the Beijing has been established by satan as the religious center for Maoism to steal, kill and destroy the Chinese. Maoism spread from Beijing across the entire Mainland but Taiwan is a place of refuge chosen by God for the remnant Chinese, until the religious and demonic forces of Maoism had been destroyed in 1976.
Similarly the homosexuals in this age (1980s to present) are discriminated and try to speak up. Those in Singapore spoke up and those in Taiwan spoke up. But those homosexuals in Singapore will fail because Singapore has been established by satan as the religious center for Evangelicalism and Coelism. Evangelicalism and Coelism will spread from Singapore across East Asia to steal, kill and destroy homosexuals (their dreams if not their bodies) but Taiwan is a place of refuge chosen by God for the remnant homos, until the religious and demonic forces of Evangelicalism and Coelism has been destroyed in ??
Just like a farmer who sows seed in the ground, whether or not he reaps a harvest will depend on the type of soil he sows and also the season. If the soil is hard and the season is winter, he will have a big and painful loss. But if the ground is fertile soil and it is rainy season, he will have a bountiful harvest and becomes rich.
Homosexuals, by now you will know where is the 'good' soil. There are places where you will encounter the most resistance and some places least resistance when you go for your dreams. Reserve your energy and attention and sow in that 'good' soil! Go into the place of refuge!
Yes, the evangelicals will still be there but it is highly likely that they will fail the battle, if the place is a true place of refuge for homosexuals. Do not sow in religious centers. You will definitely lose the battle.
Note: Evangelical pastors have been prophesying that Singapore will be the Antioch for Asia (i.e. religious center for Christian missions) since the 1990s. It has been 20 years by now and has come to pass. So let go of Singapore immediately!
Anyone can tell me?
I noted that in your own personal profile you have photography of yourself that are semi-naked in nature. I have no issue with this, but your commentary and your personal behaviour seem at odds with one another!? Ironic, perhaps if I dare say even a touch hypocritical?
Beware of tossing stones, you may rip a big chunk out of your glass house you are living in. As an activist in my own country and as to the behaviour of the marchers that you have vilified, it takes a great degree of courage to do what they have done, in what is I am sure a traditionally conservative asian culture and society. Courage and resolve which I strongly suspect you do not posses?
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