The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has decided that although Channel Seven had invaded the privacy of former NSW transport minister David Campbell when it outed him as gay in a news programme last year, the broadcaster did not breach the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice because the reasons that led to his resignation was ultimately of public interest.

It did not address the fact that Campbell's resignation was BECAUSE of the story and that if Campbell had not resigned, Channel Seven might have had no defence.
ACMA chairman Chris Chapman explained in the Sydney Morning Herald: "In this case, the resignation of the minister meant that the broadcast, which would otherwise have been an invasion of privacy, was justified, but solely because it provided a deeper explanation of the circumstances behind the resignation."
Seven News showed Campbell – a married father of two adult sons – leaving a gay sex club in Sydney. The report focussed on Campbell's use of his state-funded government car to drive himself to and from the club despite the fact that ministers are allowed to use their ministerial cars for personal use.
Campbell resigned from his ministerial post an hour before the report was aired after Seven sought his comment about the footage. Although he is still a Member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly for Keira, he announced last September that he will not be seeking re-election at the 2011 NSW election.
In the full report made available on its website, ACMA said it received two formal complaints about the story from members of the public who were concerned that Campbell was being "ridiculed" on the grounds of sexual preference and that the broadcaster's decision to air the footage as being "homophobic" as well as a "political and moral attack" on the politican.
Seven has previously said it is justifiable to broadcast the story because the minister's private conduct was at odds with his public persona as a family man. However, unlike other high profile outings of anti-gay politicians, Campbell is known to have a long history of support for gay issues and for those in same-sex relationships when speaking in Parliament as detailed in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald last year.
The TV report last year report drew severe criticism from various quarters, including media industry professionals and academics, gay activists and openly gay former High Court Justice Michael Kirby, who labelled the network "serial homophobes" for their coverage of the story. "Really they should be hanging their heads in shame, invading his space, invading his family … anything to humiliate and destroy. Well, it’s not acceptable, and the community is increasingly telling them that it’s not acceptable," he said at a TEDx Sydney conference last May.
Many academics and journalists issued a public statement: "We know that sometimes the private lives of public figures need to be exposed for public good, in the public interest. But you exposed this man for no public good; nor was it in the public interest. It was shameful and hurtful – not just for Campbell and his family; but for all of us. It demeans journalism."
Australian Marriage Equality's Alex Greenwich says the secretly filmed footage rams amounted to a gay witch hunt: "Whether he is gay, bi, curious or confused we need to appreciate that anyone of his generation grew up in a very homophobic Australia, both in terms of social attitudes and laws. Any gay person knows how hard it still is to come out. This man has dedicated much of his life to public service, and without any understanding of the psychological issues associated with someone of his generation being able to be comfortable with his sexuality, he is being condemned by the media for walking down the stairs of a gay establishment."
In May 2010, The ACMA also found that the news report did not breach clause 1.9.6 of the code as it was not likely to "provoke intense dislike, serious contempt or severe ridicule against the Minister on the ground of sexual preference."
Excerpts from the full report made available on
Personal or private affairs (pg 9)
Information about a person’s sexual preference and activities is generally regarded by ACMA as ‘material relating to a person’s personal or private affairs’.
Invasion of privacy (pg 9)
It is true that the Minister entered and exited the KK Club via a busy public road, and he could have been observed inside the club by other club patrons. However, the ACMA is satisfied that the footage and information relating to the Minster’s out-of-hours conduct attending premises offering sexual services is something that an ordinary reasonable viewer would consider private, Although a limited number of people may have been aware of the Minister’s conduct, there is no evidence that these matters were in the public domain.
According, in this case the ACMA is satisfied that the broadcast used material relating to the Minister’s personals or private affairs and invaded his privacy.
Whether there was an identifiable public interest reason for the broadcast of private material (pg 11)
Although the ACMA considers that the Code and Guidelines provide privacy protections to everyday individuals and public figures (including politicians) alike, the Authority also accepts that those holding public office will be open to greater and more frequent scrutiny in their personal lives than other citizens as a very consequence of their public office. In these cases, the public interest exemption to the prohibition of the broadcast of private material is more likely to apply.
To the extent that the Minister’s activities were secret, the ACMA also accepts that engaging in covert activity while in a position of public responsibility or administration could make a personal vulnerable to being compromised…
However that mere vulnerability cannot be sufficient to permit the broadcast of otherwise protected material in the absence of, for example, any identifiable basis upon which to apprehend actual compromise (which absence was the case here).
Given, however, the then existing public criticism of the Minister and prior questioning about his discharge of his office, the sensitive public roles he held and had recently held, the suddenness of his resignation and the lack of insight that the explanation for his resignation (that is “for personal reasons”) provided, a relevant and legitimate public interest arose (namely the need for a deeper explanation of the circumstances behind the resignation)/ This is so because the community could then be better able to assess whether or not the Minister’s discharge of government and/or public administration had or had not been improper or had or had not been comprised.
On balance, the ACMA accepts that in these particular circumstances the linkage between the private material and an identifiable public interest was provided.
Reader's Comments
New South Wales has a place to be nude in Belongil Beach(for hetero) and King Beach for (for gay). But why is being gay become big issued? where is our privacy? Media (on 7) is not consider to private life but this media is only want to get rate. is that a good media?
This will never happen in Canada. Canadian Human Rights are far mature and powerful than many Western countries.
Shame to Australia.
Second, the government of Australia does support basic human rights. It was the TV channel that didn't respect an official's privacy. Disgusting, rude, and worthy of contempt, yes; however, no human rights were violated and no law was broken.
This issue was first debated in the US in the 80s, when some gay activists sought to 'out' gay celebrities, officials, etc. While it's true that after more and more celebrities have come out that acceptance of gays increased, it's also true that many forced out of closet had careers ruined, families torn apart, and, in some cases, suicides or violence.
Self-identifying as a gay man or woman should be an individual's choice.
That is why Channel 7 has gone to the gutter to get sensationalized stories about people's lives :)
If they were leading the News & Current Affairs with ground breaking News Items. Then they wouldn't be doing these kind of stories on outing public figures.
I felt very sorry for David Campbell after the outing, as he had been on the LGBT side even while in the closet.
I hope that he has had a chance to rebuild his life, after this very personal attack. More importantly I hope his family are still supportive of him, as he may have been closeted but he has had a relationship that has lasted a long time and children.
Probably a better life than the homophobic News Reporter!!
This minister was unpopular and any other opportunity could have been used to attack him. Since Australia like many other countries is generally not really comfortable with homosexuality and sex in all Anglo-Saxon countries is a taboo as far as public figures are concerned, the "gay sauna" incident has added to the shame and piquanterie.
As for the ruling, it does not really surprise me. Unlike, say, EU citizens, Aussie residents cannot count on fair treatment and a right to appeal above the country level. No human rights for Australian residents mate (check the anti-discrimination laws, or the state's stance on same-sex marriage). You are stuck with poor customer protection, privacy and other laws and if you don't like it, you can simply f*@%& off as your average Aussie would put it.
My advice: Don't take anything for granted; keep the bastards at bay, they'd love to take our freedom away.
If Mr Campbell was spotted coming out of a straight sex club, I think and I hope he would also resign from his public role.
Everyone would agree he has the right to do anything he wants as long as it is legal.
However, he is married with kids and getting caught walking out of a sex club does not go well with his public role. That's all.
Being a public figures means you have less privacy. They have to accept this is fact of life.
It is always a fine line between invading people's privacy in the interest of the public. If you are not famous or not known by the public, would media report you.
But this story is more about him cheating on his family more than just about him being gay. If he had walked out of a brothel, I think the story will also hit the news.
News media loves a scandal no matter in what form!
I wish the news stories were actually proper news and not just a 7 second sound grab. We have so much information thrust at us repeatedly by pompous sounding news presenters but they give us very little substance as to the details behind the headlines. No wonder our countries are filled with ignorance.
why everyone focus on his sex preference, other than what is the right thing to do as a minister.
I guess we will never know if his wife knew and sanctioned his extramaritial activities, if she had have and went public to support him it possibly wouldn't have been such a big deal, his apparent dishonesty was his own down fall, it's called 'self sabotage' it's not like a camera was filming over the cubicle wall while he was groaning obscenities taking it up the pooh shute just footage taken from a public street that journalists have a right to use of his entering a known gay sex on premices venue and then after a 'suspiciously' long enough period leaving.
There are out homosexual men and woman in Australian politics who DON'T have the media scrutinising their every move cos well usually theres no deceit or quiet whispers to chase for example BoB Brown seems to enjoy a healthy public /private life the media doesn't intrude as does Penny Wong
I guess the moral of the whole sorry story may well be 'be true to who you really are and let people vote for you on that truth not some deceitful invention' much like when seeking a lover really.
its time to be gay and have a normal date again
gay saunas need to have truth in advertising laws and perhaps an independent review board and health and cleanliness rating code
or my gay polo team
actually it wouldn't be a story at all until we are all caught in a gay sauna in Malaysia and arrested
this is a crappy story and nothing to do with gay rights
Ugly, fat and being gay are not their choices in most cases. Be compassion! I always gladful about my look and so on. There are many gays who are not as fortunate like me. I do respect them as who they are when I discover some of them have great attitude and personality.
Do you think you look as good as now when you are 80+? I always aware I will be an ugly old man someday if I live long enough. But I will keep myself good looking not just base on my age, body shape, face and so on. Have you ever seen a handsome guy with ugly personality?
God is fair, no matter how handsome or beautiful we are, someday in life (if u live long enough), you will see how ugly we can be in front of a mirror when we are SICK or Old.
The minister, the gay sauna and a reporter with scores to settle
What is sad in the Campbell case is that he chose what proved to be a self-destructive existence in the closet. Hiding within his family values, wasting his prime years in pretence and avoidance, and then, long past the age when our sexual desirability has faded, seeking solace in anonymous, desperate but perhaps satisfying sex. Yet, I cannot imagine the pressures and logic that moulded him and obliged him to follow this particular path. And because I can’t possibly understand his circumstances, I can’t condemn or criticize him either.
The simple fact of being gay makes us special. We have to discover our own individual rules and our own individual morality. For you guys who like to preach messages and “truths”, take your pulpit somewhere else. We get enough crap from the religious nutsos. We don’t need any more from you.
self-obsessed, self-important, oversexed is hardly a gay monopoly... any good-looking straight man or woman is often accused and/or guilty of the same thing... admittedly we have more sex than straight guys but that's only because we don't have to deal with female sexuality and the frequent libido-suppressing effects of estrogen....well, most of us
and believe me, when straights tell you that you're not "gay acting", they mean you don't have a lisp and limp wrists and wear eye-liner ... my straight friends and colleagues are so sex-obsessed themselves that it wouldn't occur to them that my sexual promiscuity is any way remarkable ... of course we French don't get too overwrought by sex... it's just one of nature's many gifts ... like melon charentais ... best eaten before it goes rotten
Notwithstanding, the scandal around Campbell wasn't so much that he visited a gay sauna, even less that he may be gay; but that he, as a married father of two children visited a gay sauna. It was more about a public person being deceitful about who he was, much less about his sexuality. Bob Brown and Penny Wong are both openly gay senators swerving in Federal Parliament and in leadership positions. It's never been an issue for them.
And even though the fact that ACMA & ABA have no real powers whatsoever to discipline the commercial networks for anything, resulting in the endless flow of effluent on "current affairs" shows like Nine's A Current Affair and Seven's Today, Tonight; Australia has to also be commended for having one of the most diverse and independent media infrastructures in the world. We have state-funded but independent quality broadcasters - the ABC and SBS, we have the commercial networks, and we have a range of smaller, totally independent subscriber supported community broadcasters. So if you don't like the trash there's always something else to switch over to. This infrastructure is also what gave Melbourne the first dedicated LGBT radio station in the world: JOY-FM.
Not bad really, for a country that has no clauses addressing "freedom of speech" in its constitution and no Bill of Rights either.
Personally I don't think being gay makes any one especially 'special' thats exceeding superficial and simplistic, not all men are sex obsessed may be the ones with unconTROLLable sexual addictions, or just those who are immature and under-developed emotionally, what stands out in any man or woman is what he/she represents in his/her humanity, possibly living as honestly as you can to the best of your ability, some either trail blazing for others to follow or by simply showing others U can lead a simple healthy honourable life how ever you choose it.. I'm a renaissance man there is no substitute for developing good inner core values in my reality.
My heart goes out to poor Mrs cambell used as a public front and cheated on she deserved better.
And yes 'lagunabro' keep voicing your call for romance and beauty to be resurrected in this present day cynical unhealthy sexually addicted/obsessed environment
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