Malaysia's The Star newspaper reports that a man, who is believed to be gay and HIV-positive, has conned some 200 men of their money and valuables besides having sex with them.
The March 10 report says some 193 men, some of whom are teenagers, have claimed to be victims of the same man with at least 100 saying they had sex with him before they were cheated of money, laptops, mobile phones and other items.
The case came to light after one victim posted a photo of the man on Facebook, and other victims recognised him. No other details about the man was disclosed.
In a recorded press conference chaired by Datuk Michael Chong, Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Public Services and Complaints Dept. Chief, several victims who had their faces pixelated revealed how they came to be cheated by the alleged conman who was described as being soft-spoken and considerate.
The youngest victim, a 17-year-old student who said he met the alleged conman through a pen-pal magazine last October, has already tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease.
Datuk Chong said that although the number of the victims who have come forward was shocking they "believe there are many more who do not want to come forward due to shame.” Whether they come forward or not, Datuk Chong urged those who think they might have had a sexual encounter with the alleged con man to get tested for HIV and STIs.
PT Foundation operates a Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) programme and provides free and anonymous HIV testing services in Malaysia. Call 03-4044 4611 (office hours) or 03-4044 5455 / 5466 (telephone counselling) or visit ptfmalaysia.org for more info.
Reader's Comments
I hope he gets caught and punished but please young people dont be so naieve.
Just my two cents
I hope he gets caught and punished but please young people dont be so naieve.
Just my two cents
First, how long would it take any of you to enter into relationships (as is claimed in the story) and swindle nearly TWO HUNDRED people? Where was this story when there were 25 complaints? 50? 100?? Suddenly, there are just 193 complaints and it's making the news only now? Come on.
Second, despite 193 complaints and a Facebook page (which is supposedly how this guy met some of the young guys), there is absolutely NOT A SCRAP of relevant information given about this so-called "Casanova." No race, no age, no picture, nothing, nothing, NOTHING. (In the original newspaper article, I mean.) So it begs the question, how on earth would a news story be able to say he's HIV+?? They can't even identify anything about him, so where's the evidence? Sloppy, crap journalism.
Third, consider the country and environment in which this story was published. This is Malaysia, so any chance to bedevil or demonize gays is embraced with wild abandon. The thing to take away from the story is "Gay men are diseased and only want to sleep with young guys and infect them and steal their stuff." (I need hardly mention that every one of these alleged "193 complainants" has basically confessed to a crime, that is, gay sex in Malaysia.)
Then the public official says, "Whether they come forward or not, Datuk Chong urged those who think they might have had a sexual encounter with the alleged con man to get tested for HIV and STDs." How would anyone know if they had an encounter with THIS particular guy if he's not even identified??
It's a story that is really nothing more than shoddy journalism and sensational, loose-fact reporting. I'm appalled.
Read it here: http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/3/10/nation/8222148&sec=nation
the one i read this on (Sin Chew) didn't even bother to use sarcasm with this story. it seemed to me that the newspaper was so happy to have a group to write about that they know will not be able to counterattack in public.
young gay malaysians are very naive and desperate. at least most that i know of.
and its true that most of them are afraid to get tested. i know a lot of my friends who doesn't
it breaks my heart especially some of them don't even play safe.
What a Sick and Horrible Gay world we are living in!
"No race, no age, no picture" ... please watch the accompanying video....
If we should not blame the rape victim's sexy dress or her sexiness.
Come out to expose someone's bad deed should be considered as BRAVE NOT shameful act.
When come to sex and/or relationship, even adult can be naive. Not long ago, there is a "casanova" in Singapore, who cheated 400 female.
don't accuse they're naive, immature, show some sympathy please. they did a mistake yes but i think they're mature enough too to show themself in the news to stop the problem being continue.
and the old guy is a famous Malaysia politician who volunteer to help anybody, whoever in problem. Thousand of cases he been solved before. He is very helpful and wonderful guy, loved by the people.
This case is more about the moral issue in our own community than politics.
hmm... please lar, there was a time when Valentine's day is bad for muslim, n now they make a big fuss bout this matter....
the real problem is my state, Sabah... to many illegal immigrants!! please can the goverment do something bout this!~~
On the contrary I think it's a good thing that this is reported in the mainstream media. So what if it was just 5 or 50 men who were cheated, I don't think the actual number is particularly central to the story.
As for chadm252, this could also just be a bogus article to sensationalise the socalled "gay problem" in Malaysia.....
and I think this 4 or 5 guys that came forward to the media and public are particularly brave, BRAVO and KUDOS to them! imagine the pressure they must have felt especially in a conservative country like Malaysia, imagine the kind of discrimination they may have faced due to such bravery act from their friends, family and from EVEN FROM our own gay community. It's really sad even our own gay ppl are demonizing them for being brave enough to stand out and tell the truth, out of pure intention to warn other young potential victims.
Im not sure I believe it as it is written. The foto of the 'victims' looks completely staged. I don't believe the source.
and they laugh not because they are acting or think it's funny. it's just to cover up their nervousness and shame.
ps. and sorry, my English sucks too...
Falling in love so fast, and next day take him hotel, and had sex?- safesex?
could not fight back and decided to have sex in the hotel room?
got sms through penpal megazine and meet up and had sex- penpal or gayprofile?
it's obvious, when we are lack, other take advantage and cheat. One hand i feel sorry for the victims and on the other hand the news has political influence.
I totally agree with chadm252 & AMAZONDEITY
So read everything that comes out of this country with a barrel of salt. Singapore is a close second on CA-since it was cut from the same motherland cloth but with a bit of embroidery to make it claim to be (yawn) 1st world now. Shameless!
PS: If such a trashy looking gay can have such "powers" to be so hot cake and enchant & cheat so many loser gays, then I cannot imagine the national tragedies that will be caused by so many otherwise great looking guys plying the money boy circuit there, should anyone of them decide to do the same. Trash journalism at its best. Lol. Zzz.
21. 2011-03-11 01:04
To chadm252:
"No race, no age, no picture" ... please watch the accompanying video....
I was referring to the story in the newspaper, kind sir, as I mentioned. My copy of The Star doesn't come with the ability to play videos.
I rather newspapers didn't use sarcasm when reporting news. Newspapers tend to equal opportunity when it comes to such cases. I would disagree that newspapers should avoid gay-related stories even if it puts some gay people in a bad light. Such cases are pretty universal and the sooner people gay or not realise the dangers of hooking up with strangers or the existence of fraudsters the better. It sounds like some of the guys here are in a state of denial.
gay = HIV+
although it's not correct, but more people will be feeling this way.
rule number one, if you are not in a LTR never have unprotected sex, and even then only when you know you can trust your lover. Remember when you have sex with a man for the first time you have had sex with every man and women he ever had sex with.
There are so many successful youngsters in Malaysia. Pls open up yours' eyes to see...
SEX with CONDOM always pls.
This guy ex lover is one of them in the news according to my debt collector...
This Sherman has cheated me nearly 17k and one of the victim in news paid 4200 in past few months.
So,he is cheating others money to pay me.
No wonder i am so discomfort after saw the news
I must sue him to high court and punish him severely
And also want to help the guy in news to get back the 4200
If you're in contact with him, you're in danger!
That Bastard must get caught and been judge by the law has he has harm other innocent life and also bring shame and spoil our brotherhood reputation!@
A NGO in Malaysia providing information on HIV/AIDS and sexualities and at the same time encourage for them to come forward to get tested.
The test is totally anonymous and no record of name and no identity card is required.
Please be informed as well that our counselors are trained volunteers. Confidentiality is assured.
For further information, please log on to : www.ptfmalaysia.org or call 03-4044 4611 (office hours) or 03-4044 5455 / 5466 (telephone counselling)
why u want a few minutes of pleasure to become your entire lifetime pressure??
think about it!!
i m sure the teens nowadays are not so gullible. my 7 year old nephew is more street smart than i m.
Secondly, i sure hope the victims had common sense to have safe sex.
thirdly, is this some anti gay propaganda???
in a forum
that he is so famous bec he lie more ppl already
but at now
still more ppl will lie by him
But having said that, I've had my fair share of guys.. having `family medical emergencies, wanting to commit suicide becos of financial problems, being robbed, losing whole month's pay on the LRT, waiting for salary that never came' ......... it happens all the time ... and I learnt my lesson, the very expensive way. And the worst part is, I didn't even get sex in return !!! Come to think of it... thank goodness!!!
"All that glitters is not gold". I have one personal "test" I use sometimes to put me in reality when I am becoming suddenly infatuated......that is...to think............(sorry) "I wonder if he is clean and maybe he smells?" Then I shock myself and think twice. And now usually walk away.
A friend of mine went on a road trip with some of his buddies, one of whom picked up a date from a cruising spot. The next morning, they woke up to find themselves locked in their rented apartment, wallets empty and worst, the car was stolen - and the car was borrowed from a family member.
We older gays have to take the time to care for and advise the younger ones to protect themselves, don't just lust after their hot bodies! ;p
1) Practise Protected Sex:
No matter whom (BF, stranger, self-proclaimed virgins, date, etc.) you have sex with, always practise protected sex. Preferably, wear a flavoured condom for oral sex too, because STDs-- like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Hepatitis B/C and Wart--may spread through unprotected oral sex. Always choose a suitable lubricant for your condoms also. Oil-based cream and gel will break condoms. Choose water-based and silicone-based lubricants.
2) Don't borrow money from your friends, and don't lend money to your friends:
If you want to keep your friends longer, follow this rule.
3) Don't bring strangers home for sex, and don't go to strangers' homes for sex:
So that you won't become a victim of theft, burglary, blackmail, etc.. Instead, go to gay saunas or hotel rooms for sex.
4) Screen for STDs regularly:
Beside HIV, there are other STDs that you may be exposed to. For example, test for sylphilis annually. This STD may be cured (100% removed from your body). The earlier you treat it, the less damage it does to your body.
5) Consider to vaccinate against STDs for which vaccines are available:
Vaccines for Hepatitis B and HPV are available. You might also want to take Combined Hepatitis A & B vaccines instead of just Hep B vaccine. Additionally, you should consider flu vaccine once a year. If your sex partner has flu such as H1N1, you may catch the disease from him during sex. So, flu could also be regarded as a STD. You can get your vaccine by taking just a jab a year. Talk to your doctor for advice regarding the suitability of you getting any of these vaccines.
And, last but not least, if you ever fall victim to any bad guys' cheating, the rule is that you must always make it clear that you blame that cheater for his despicable ACTIONS, not SEXUAL ORIENTATION. There are bad guys who are gay as much as there are those who are straight. The public should not be misled into thinking that gays are much more likely to con and harm others than the rest in our society.
I can't believe how some people will blame the victims as being gullible. You can educate people how to better protect themselves but blaming them as being partly responsible? Will this community value honesty and integrity or has this community been so jaded by anonymous encounters and fear of being outed?
the big question is did all this really happen as reported by the newspaper and if so why was their no police involvement which normally would happen!
there are many unanswered questions about this!
always remember newspapers have to print stories to stay in business!
some are true some are not!
Would have tended to agree with their comments , if there weren't so many unanswered questions. I say this coz many years back , I too was victim of such swindle. The truth may have been distorted for whatever reason , but swindlers do exist and one has to be careful. Whether totally or partially true , whether false or true at all , the story should not be seen as a homophobic one but rather as one that teaches gays the wisdom of being more discerning and careful about their encounters.
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