Dharun Ravi, the roommate of Tyler Clementi, who tragically jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge on Sep 22, 2010 just three days after being secretly watched on a webcam being intimate with another man his dorm room, will finally stand trial for multiple counts of invasion of privacy, bias, intimidation and hindering prosecutors. If convicted on all counts, Dahrun faces up to 10 years in prison and deportation.

The 18-year-old's death and a series of suicides by gay teenagers last year sparked a national conversation about the impact of bullying of young gays in the US.
According to an ABC report, the trial is expected to be broadcast live across the country and as far away as India, where Dharun was born.
Prosecutors say 19-year-old Dharun, who grew up in New Jersey, is a homophobe who used a laptop camera to spy on his roommate while the latter was being intimate with man in their room at Rutgers University in New Jersey on Sep 19, 2010.
He tried again two days later and allegedly invited others to watch the webcam footage, as well as messaging friends about what he'd seen.
Initially, another Rutgers student, Molly Wei was also charged in the case but she entered a plea-trial intervention program last year that allows her to avoid jail time and emerge without a criminal record if she meets a list of conditions for three years. She also agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in their case against Dharun.
Dharun has pleaded not guilty and refused a plea deal, insisting that he intended no harm in what his defence says was simply a bad-taste prank.
Although the court of public opinion quickly condemned Dharun in the immediate aftermath of Clementi's death, revelations since the tragedy have shown that the relationship between Dharun and Clementi was more nuanced than had been initially reported or portrayed in the media.
In an extremely in-depth profile about the two roommates in the New Yorker published on Feb 6, writer Ian Parker documented online communications between the pair as well as exchanges between Dharun and his friends about Clementi even before the pair moved into their dormitory room. When they found out they’d be roommates at Rutgers, Dahrun and Clementi separately checked each other out online.
Dharun didn't appear to have a problem with his roommate being gay and wrote to a friend about Clementi, “FUCK MY LIFE / He’s gay,” but continued, “I’m just like LOL / Maybe I’m still a little buzzed.”
The article also suggests that Dharun who is from a wealthy background and drove a BMW in high school was more classist than homophobic. The article read: "Once Ravi understood that he would be living with Clementi, he felt that he knew these essential facts: his roommate was gay, profoundly uncool, and not well off. If the first attribute presented both a complication and a happy chance to gossip, the second and third were perceived as failings. 'I was fucking hoping for someone with a gmail but no,' Ravi wrote to Tam [Jason Tam is Dharun's high-school friend]. Clementi’s Yahoo e-mail address symbolized a grim, dorky world, half seen, of fish tanks and violins. Ravi’s IMs about Tyler’s presumed poverty were far more blunt than those about sexual orientation. At one point during his exchanges with Tam that weekend, Ravi wrote, 'Dude I hate poor people.'"
It also noted that Clementi had come out to his parents shortly before college began. He wrote to a friend that his father had accepted the news, and “Its a good thing dad is ok w/it or I would be in serious trouble / mom has basically completely rejected me.”
The trial is expected to last four weeks.
Reader's Comments
Ravi's defence is that it was a 'bad taste prank'. That is utter rubbish, he knew what he was doing and should face up to the consequences.
Side note to Tim1975 and bobochan - one thing I like about Fridae (and a court of competing Asian site) is how few people use dick shots as their profile photos.
Thanks Sailor #8 for your comment... If the best and first thing we have to offer the world is our genetalia, then maybe the world should think of us as nothing but dickheads...
Maybe some guys in prison will do him well !!!
1/this is a gay website dude
2/better than hiding behind a blank image as you have done
3/ if I took the time to respond with a dick less picture once I changed it back to a picture of any sorts it would appear next to the comment.
4/if dick offends you suggest you leave Fridae.
I for one take no offence whatsoever at the sight of your dick. Display away.
However, I don't think life would be appropriate for spoiled Mr. Ravi. A decade should do for being an arrogant insensitive little douche. Understanding fully how delicate young gays are during the coming out process, Mr. Clementi had a choice on that bridge. He could have man'd up and faced Ravi down, or he could let the haters win. He chose incorrectly so there is some culpability on his part.
It's just a dick, not like it was broadcast over a webcam against bobochan88's will thus subjecting him to the ridicule of his friends and colleagues leading to acute mental distress and the subsequent self destructive act of suicide.
Thank you Sir.
Now my first thought was that like most extreme homophobes (not your garden variety religious dogma types) Mr. Ravi prol'ly had some unrequited issues of his own.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Mr. Ravi will never want for cigarettes and ramen in jail.
As for Ravi's attitudes towards poor people and those with Yahoo accounts, I don't think he should be thrown in jail for being an elitist. Instead of pointing a finger at him, think about how many times you've ever felt holier-than-thou and looked down at someone for being too overweight, too "low class," not goodlooking enough, etc., etc. It's human nature to judge people, no matter how hard you try to convince others otherwise. I don't think the law should punish for personal thoughts and beliefs--only on actions.
After reading a few news articles online, I'm not convinced Clementi committed suicide over being spied on by his roommate and some chick. Yes, the proximity of each event seems to suggest that they're linked or that there is causality. I don't see any evidence that Ravi taunted him or humiliated him to the point of suicide.
It seems like the media is treating Ravi like a scapegoat. Yes, it's tragic that Clementi died as a result of a "bad-taste prank" and, yes, gaybashings and bullying and all of that stuff are horrible events, but everyone deserves a fair trial. At the end of the day, I hope justice will be served.
And honestly, if I had to share my dorm room today, I would google my new roommate and find out everything there is to know as well.
Whether he's a homophobe or not is not really the issue for me. He's an insensitive dick and a bit of jail time may wind up "taking him down a few pegs," as we say in the States, and ultimately make him a better person.
Everybody Googles everybody. Its the sad world we live in. Takes the place of good ol' fashioned interpersonal communication.
Also, I don't think Ravi is a homophobe. I think he's a homo. Or at least bi-curious as they say. But the issue is the crime of secretly recording his room-mate's sexual escapades then inviting equally douche-like people to view the home porn for the sole purpose of humiliating his the guy. Whether because he doesn't like poor people, Yahoo users or people who don't drive Beemers or in fact has issues with gays.
Like every bully he is a cowardly little punk and his actions are utterly indefensible. In point of fact, if viewed through another lens, he seems more like a stalker than anything.
Look, this privileged guys actions destroyed two families and for what, to show off to friends that turned on him at the drop of a dime.
Any reasonable LBGT person whose ever dealt with coming out issues (you closeted types can stop reading now) can't do anything but empathize with Clementi. Doesn't matter if Ravi was a geniune 'phobe or just an a-hole.
Anyway, Mr. Ravi would have been a perfect candidate for his own douchebagsofgrindr posting.
very sensitive and thoughtful words.
As a man who has been "out" for more of his life than" in", I am just struck by the sadness of it all. Ravi has ruined his own life and at the least enabled the ending of another. Young and stupid exacts a big toll in age where any vapid thought or hair brained idea can be immediately broadcast to a wide audience.
A quiet thought for all the young guys who have not been able to see the beauty in what we are.
Quoth MR Leary: " Question authority... " and never stop doing so
Do gay guys film their straight room mates having sex? Not that I have heard of, I also think Ravi will get his poetic justice in jail and will probably come out years before he is let out.
True sadness for the victim, who knows I may have reacted like that were I in his shoes. But after coming out and living out I now realise that fear is not north giving up life for.
Also, R.I.P to Tyler. You will not be forgotten.
Bobochan, post any pic you want, I for one dont mind seeing your dick! Its yours, you can do with it as you wish
How many times have we heard of the fallacious accusation of homosexuality being a "Western import/disease/agenda" ad-nauseum? Not very conducive for gay & lesbian people there in the long run.
As for #1 Tim1975 complaining about #2 Bobochan88... WTF???? He is fully clothed Tim! Are you the the moral police here?
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