The theme of the festival this year is "Faith in the Future" as the LGBT individuals are urged to "look ahead to what possibilities there are for the LGBT community – not just about LGBT rights, but how we envision our future as LGBT people in Singapore."
The kickoff event Faith in the Future on August 3 will feature a diverse panel to discuss a wide range of issues including aging, coming out, transgender members of the community and the arts. Panel members include prominent social commentator Alex Au, politician and civil activist Vincent Wijeysingha, co-founder of lesbian activist group Sayoni Jean Chong, artist and writer Tania De Rozario, and transgender rights advocates Tricia Leong and Vanessa Ho.
Festival organisers said in a blurb: "We are not just going have these speakers talk at you – but we want to engage everyone to think about and imagine what the future can be, what the challenges are, and how we can participate in making that future happen. Come and dream and hope together – because the only future we can have is the one we dare to dream of."
On August 3, Sayoni will also launch its coming out campaign which will feature LGBT individuals and their coming out stories in the lead up to International Coming Out Day on 11 October. During this period, individuals can make a pledge to come out to somebody or to themselves and share their story in the form of videos, write ups or photos.
Other highlights of the festival include a discussion on same-sex parenting on August 4; a Pink Picnic at the Botanic Gardens on August 8; and a reading of Akka, Singapore’s first queer Tamil play by playwright G. Selvanathan about the life of a transgender woman to be followed by a discussion on language, race and gender on August 23.
IndigNation event listing

For updates, visit
IndigNation 2013 Opening - Faith in the Future (Facebook)
At the opening of IndigNation 2013, we would be having an open discussion about possible futures of the queer community – touching on issues of ageing, rethinking what family means to us, and how we see our queer selves as being part of Singapore.
We would also be launching Queer Futures: (An)Other Singapore Conversation. (An)Other Singapore Conversation is an ongoing project that utilises art and words to platform the voices of Singapore’s queer community; their visions of the future,their hopes, dreams and fears. It will culminate at IndigNation 2014 in a community exhibition and an invitation to members-of-parliament to engage with community concerns raised via this platform.
In addition, we're also launching The Coming Out Campaign. "Come Out Come Home" is a movement to support all queer/LGBTIQ persons who wish to be (more) out, i.e., disclose their sexual and/or gender identity/orientation. It is also about the allies who love, accept and support their LGBTIQ family, friends and colleagues, enabling them to “come out”. It will start on IndigNation 2013 and end on Coming Out Day, 11 October 2013.
Venue: 72-13, 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Rd
Same-sex Parenting: Raising New Standards (Facebook)
Organised by Sayoni. Spend an afternoon with gay parents. Exchange ideas, learn from their experiences, build networks.
Venue : DYMK $8 entry includes 1st soft drink to cover venue cost.
Space is limited!
Venue: DYMK, 41 Neil Road
FRIDAY 9 AUG // 5PM till late
Pink Picnic (Facebook)
The non-event is happening again. Totally disorganized and unorganized since 2005, this picnic is just a picnic. No agendas, no parades, no marches. Except that we would like you to come in pink. It is just an afternoon of (hopefully) sunshine, and an excuse to say hi to fabulous folks with fabulous food in their picnic baskets.
Do bring extra food and drinks - you don't know who might come up to you to say hi!
Venue: Botanic Gardens, 1 Cluny Road
I Will Survive with Music(Facebook)
I Will Survive: Personal gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender stories in Singapore is a collection that brings together real-life experiences of love, grace, faith, dignity and courage from 21 ordinary gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in Singapore who have been through extraordinary circumstances.
Following the book launch in May, a community reading session in June, and a successful Indiegogo campaign which has raised funds to send more than 100 copies of the book to social service professionals working in the community, we now have a reading-cum-music session. Come join the editor, Leow Yangfa, and his musical guest, Lokies Khan, for an evening of stories, personal sharing and familiar tunes, to celebrate the triple occasion of IndigNation, Hari Raya Puasa & National Day!
A limited number of copies of the book will be available for sale at the venue, and the editor would be delighted to sign autographs!
Venue: Artistry, 17 Jalan Pinang
Gaylien Invasion : A Night of LGBT Science Fiction (Facebook)
Imagine what queer life might look like in the future… or on different planets… or with robots! Join us for readings of new short stories by local writers like Amanda Lee, Joel Tan and Jeremy Tiang. Curated and hosted by Ng Yi-Sheng.
Venue: Select Books, 51 Armenian Street
SUNDAY 18 AUG // 2-6PM
Be With Me: An OC Women workshop for women who love women (Facebook)
Register for the workshop -
Life can be a series of challenges. Worries about family, work, relationships, and finances can cause us to lose our confidence, our sense of self and direction, and it can be a difficult time of mixed and extreme emotions. Been there, done that? Join us for an afternoon to learn more about how to help yourself, and help others cope in a crisis. We'll discuss:
- The series of emotional stages in a crisis
- Activities, people, and organizations that can help in taking the steps to move on with life
- How to build an emotional support system for yourself
- Being a First Responder to crisis
- Being part of someone’s emotional support system
Organised by OCWomen, click here for more details.
Venue: International Plaza, 10 Anson Road
Akka (அக்கா): a reading of Singapore’s first queer Tamil play (Facebook)
Organised by Avant Theater and The Purple Alliance. In 1990, the playwright G. Selvanathan wrote and starred in Akka, a short play in Tamil about the life of a transgender woman. Join us for a staged reading of this play, followed by a discussion on language, race and gender. English subtitles will be provided.
Venue: Artistry, 17 Jalan Pinang
Transcending Gender (Facebook)
In 2012, two students did their final year project interviewing people from the transgender community. What was the process like? What did they learn? How did the transgender persons feel about being involved. Through this conversation, we hope that we start building the future where we transcend gender – where we see people as who they are – in the fullness of their humanity.
Venue: Free Community Church 56 Lorong 23 Geylang, Century Technology Building Singapore
Southeast Gaysia! (Facebook)
Organised by Sayoni. We all know about LGBT problems in Singapore, but have you heard about the queer rights revolutions happening in Cambodia, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations? Jean Chong and Ng Yi-Sheng, members of the ASEAN SOGI CAUCUS (sexual orientation and gender identity) group, will talk about different regional trends in queer rights.
ContraDiction: an evening of LGBT literature (Facebook)
Our annual reading of LGBT Singaporean writing is back to close IndigNation 2013! We’ll be featuring poetry, fiction, drama, essays and more from an eclectic bunch of Singapore’s queer writers! Curated by Ng Yi-Sheng and Jasmine Seah.
Venue: 72-13, 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Rd
Reader's Comments
It mean that so many places occupied by straights in major but no gay.
It is very important because that the work of religion invasion for years
i will be in S`pore from 17 oct. till 30 Nov.
Can anyone please tell me if there are any
"indignation" activities I can join ?
My name is Chye & U can write to
I have only about 4 gay friends in S`pore so I wish to meet more S`pore gays for genuine FRIENDSHIP. please drop me a line if U want to know more. Thanks.
With warm regards,
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