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5 Nov 2014

Look: Taipei Pride 2014


Taipei Pride returned for a 13th year this month. Hoards of LGBTers marched from Taiwan's presidential palace through the city.

Some demanded same-sex marriage, some just wanted a party, but all were well received with cheers and thumbs up from supporters along the route. 

The pride march welcomed friends from across Asia, including Japan, Malaysia, China, and Singapore. Guests welcomed the openness of Taiwan to the gay community and highlighted that equal rights for homosexuals are much further offer in other areas of the content.

The march has come a long way since in its years, starting with only 600 or so shy participants. This year saw 65,000 people join the march. Have a look at our choice pics courtesy of Kevin Mok.


Reader's Comments

1. 2014-11-06 21:41
This was my 4th Taipei Pride March. It is still a great event with a huge number of young people. The routes this year were shorter and there were more long stops than in earlier years. The weather was also cooler which may explain why there were not as many wearing just Speedos etc. The Red House bars and restaurants were packed on the Friday and Saturday evenings, and the queues for the male hot springs were really long! If you have never been, book for next year - last Saturday in October.
2. 2015-04-30 05:39

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