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4 Jun 2015

Saunas in Seoul accused of discrimination against old foreigners

A renowned gay sauna in South Korea's capital is said to have banned old, unattractive foreigners.

A gentleman has told the Korea Observer that Black, a famous gay bathhouse in the Shinnonhyeon area of Seoul, has banned customers based on weight, age, and race.

“When trying to visit there I was rejected saying that this place was only for KOREAN PEOPLE,” the source said on the Consumer Complaints Forum of The Korea Observer.

The complaint goes on to say: “Clearly foreigners for them means white people and not Asian because I saw a Chinese guy going inside which is a clear discrimination based on race. I was very offended by this policy.”

An employee of Black told the Korea Observer that they only discrimination taking place is based on whether someone looks attractive or not. The employee claims that this is necessary to keep the bathhouse "hot."

An employee of Prince, a popular gay sauna in Shinchon, said that many other gay saunas in Seoul have a stricter policy than Black to fill their bathhouse with customers who have a strong sex appeal. “We need to make the majority of our customers happy to stay in business,” said the employee.

Black made the headlines in 2012 when the owner was arrested for allowing gays to have sexual intercourse in his public bathhouse.

Reader's Comments

1. 2015-06-05 18:12
Wow, I am a white 43 yr old Australian, I intend going to South Korea in October, wonder if I will get rejected, or have to rely on GRINDR or SQUIRT to find some fun. If the article is true, its abhorrent.
2. 2015-06-05 19:45
It's a fairly common practice in Japan, too, except at the three 24 Kaikan establishments, which are open to all.
3. 2015-06-05 21:00
I won't be visiting any Asian country that tolerates bans on visits to sauna's based on race and age. Stuff that.

Imagine the outcry here in New Zealand if the saunas imposed a 'no Asians' policy. And for those who support the Korean, Japanese etc sauna's making bans on old white guys - please explain why we shouldn't ban Asians?

Discrimination has no place in a civilised society. I have assumed (till now) Korea is civilised....
4. 2015-06-05 23:11
typical cave man thinking in certain Asian countries!
thank goodness i live in Canada the best country in the world for Gay people to live in!
5. 2015-06-06 03:53
These saunas' policies are discriminatory, but the wider issue is that these businesses are still in business and catering to their customers' perceived preferences. As a novel idea, let the customers decide who they deem attractive. And while we're at it, let's not ignore the wider discrimination that still exists globally toward LBGT communities, women, the elderly, ethnic minorities, the poor, etc. Perhaps a higher priority than the dubious policies of some saunas in Seoul.
6. 2015-06-06 09:26
Discrimination in any form is ugly and causes unnecessary resentment amongst those being discriminated. I remember when all those gay online dating sites first surfaced....I was so disappointed with the gay community when almost every second ads in Sydney says "No fat, No fam, No Asians etc etc" But luckily most have finally learned a bit about internet personals etiquette. Gays have been discriminated for centuries and one would think that those who have been oppressed have learned not to oppress others...But very obviously NOT!
7. 2015-06-06 14:07

Ginger Tuesday's!!!! Lol

Gays love to make money out of each other.

Just what do people go to saunas for???!
8. 2015-06-06 18:05
Let me put my views here...folks...I come from a tiny Kingdom of BHUTAN. I have been to all over Europe and..SE Asia too.!!!

I am neither AGAINST nor FOR this motion ( LoL) on any such ban on gay saunas. Please don't forget that - where there are few such places even in Europe too and non whites are not allowed to get into gay discotheque or gay bars or drag queen shows. I know few of them when I was denied too in EU states. I did not get MAD at them nor became UPSET at all. Be it so, God bless them instead!! I am from Buddhist background.. good karma, bad karma...both will face the justice one day - when Maitra Buddha or Future Buddha rules the whole world.. am I too religious???

I fully agree about bad idea of discrimination..but this sauna has nothing to do with race I am sure. It is more of fit, gym rats, sexy looking men they look for? I can understand that this place has lot of hot men for casual fun and that makes the owner to make lot of bucks..hey....LoL.

So, guys, don't be perplexed. If one sauna rejects you, that is not the end of the world.. go to other one...like the one - Babylon in Bangkok. They say, go and bang your cock and that is Bang..kok...!!! Cheerio for now...!!!
Comment edited on 2015-06-07 01:45:24
9. 2015-06-06 18:09
Let me put my views here...folks...I come from a tiny Kingdom of BHUTAN. I have been to all over Europe and..SE Asia too.!

I am not AGAINST nor FOR this motion (LoL) on any such ban on gay saunas. Please don't forget - where there are few such places even in Europe too where non whites are not allowed to get into discotheque or bars or drag queen shows. I know few of them where I was denied too... in EU.

I did not get MAD at them nor became UPSET at all. Be it so, God bless them instead!! I am from Buddhist background.. good karma, bad karma...both will face the justice one day - when Maitra Buddha or Future Buddha rules the whole world.. am I too religious???

I fully agree about bad idea of discrimination..but this sauna has nothing to do with race I am sure. It is more of fit, gym rats, sexy looking men they look for? I can understand that this place has lot of hot men for casual fun and that makes the owner to make lot of bucks..hey....LoL.

So, guys, don't be perplexed, if one sauna rejects you, that is not the end of the world.. go to other one...like the one - Babylon in Bangkok. They say, go and bang your cock and that is Bang...kok...!!!
Cheerio for now...!!! -
Comment edited on 2015-06-07 01:46:37
10. 2015-06-06 21:40
When I first read this article just now, it didn't surprise me in the slightest. Even though it's been limited, I've had contact with South Koreans, and they do tend to be very discriminatory towards non-Koreans(And Japanese with non-Japanese, etc). It's just one more form of discrimination that needs to be tossed out the window!
11. 2015-06-07 01:43
Let me put my views here...folks...I come from a tiny Kingdom of BHUTAN. I have been to all over Europe and..SE Asia too.!

I am not AGAINST nor FOR this motion (LoL) on any such ban on gay saunas. Please don't forget - where there are few such places even in Europe too where non whites are not allowed to get into discotheque or bars or drag queen shows. I know few of them where I was denied too... in EU.

I did not get MAD at them nor became UPSET at all. Be it so, God bless them instead!! I am from Buddhist background.. good karma, bad karma...both will face the justice one day - when Maitra Buddha or Future Buddha rules the whole world.. am I too religious???

I fully agree about bad idea of discrimination..but this sauna has nothing to do with race I am sure. It is more of fit, gym rate, sexy looking men they look for? I can understand that this place has lot of hot men for casual fun and that makes the owner to make lot of bucks..hey....LoL.

So, guys, don't be perplexed, if one sauna rejects you, that is not the end of the world.. go to other one...like the one - Babylon in Bangkok. They say, go and bang your cock and that is Bang....kok...!!!
Cheerio for now...!!! - - See more at: http://www.fridae.asia/gay-news/2015/06/04/13082.saunas-in-seoul-accused-of-discrimination-against-old-foreigners#sthash.8rBjygVA.dpuf
Comment edited on 2015-06-07 01:48:29
12. 2015-06-07 16:09
Nooooooo! Can't go to another one because all the hot boys are at the other one!!!!!


Best to leave the shagging around and stds to the kids.

Dirty gays!
13. 2015-06-08 05:57
Freedom of association is a good thing.

I think if you an old white guy sauna in South Korea, you should start or help finance one.

And isn't it better to be where you are wanted and can easily be found anyway?

Yes, such practices are racist and ageist. But let's face it. A lot of these guys choose their partners based on race and age. Many seem to only complain about such criteria when it inconveniences them.
14. 2015-06-08 14:45
It's actually bad business practice. They are losing income doing this.

Simply charging oldies double or more would limit their numbers
15. 2015-06-11 15:20
I've never heard of Black, so I will have to try to get in on my next visit! I will test if I am up to their standard of sexiness!

I've lived in Asia six years and visited baths in each country I visited there and frankly I have no problem with one prohibiting me from entering by imposing their standard of attractiveness on me (as is quite common in Japan). It saves me time and money when I can be enjoying myself in another place where the clientele will warmly receive me as opposed to standing around in a sauna being ignored by customers with superior attitudes. I have no problem with saunas segregating themselves according to type: this one is for bears, this one is for twinkies, this one is for hard bodies, this one is open to all, etc. Let's face it: these are "clubs" geared toward fantasies, not social justice centers geared toward civil rights. Customers are going to go where they feel most comfortable. To many younger Asians, it is rather uncomfortable to be pursued and gawked at by older out of shape foreigners. I can understand why this sauna set limits on who gets entry--their customers probably complained about the foreigners to them and threatened to stop patronizing it!
16. 2015-06-12 17:17
I first encountered similar practices in Manila and Tokyo 30 years ago. I wasn't allowed into certain venues because I was white. Even today there are places in Bangkok which cater for locals and not foreigners. It's simply a matter of preference. People who speak only their own language and have no interest in white men should be allowed a space where they are most comfortable and not likely to be harassed by foreigners. Why are they jumping up and down and demanding they be let into places that don't want them? Find a gay places that welcomes foreigners - there are plenty in Tokyo, Manila and Bangkok and leave the locals alone.
17. 2015-06-13 08:26
As much as I LIKE Asian boy.....I will N O T give this sauna my business.....EVER
18. 2015-06-21 15:55
Some gay saunas in Canada are going the other way by advertising select days for straight women patrons, maybe because not enough gay ugly fat old foreigners are using the gay saunas; e.g., Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton. Hmmmm

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