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1 Oct 2015

Global businesses join together for LGBT inclusion

Open For Business is a business-led coalition to support LGBT around the world

Fourteen global companies have created a coalition to promote LGBT inclusion. The launch is marked with the publishing of a report entitled ‘Open For Business: the Economic and Business Case for LGB&T Inclusion.’

The initiative is supported by American Express, AT&T, Brunswick, EY, Google, IBM, LinkedIn, Linklaters, MasterCard, McKinsey & Company, Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Chartered, Thomson Reuters and Virgin Group.

Open For Business promotes the fact that “open, inclusive and diverse societies are better for business and better for economic growth.”

Their report, which is based on research from the first half of 2015, presents evidence that demonstrates that businesses thrive in tolerant societies and that the spread of anti-LGB&T policies runs counter to the interests of business and economic development.

The report contains knowledge gained by the global companies that support the new coalition and their own experience of the business case for LGBT inclusion.

It also incorporates the perspectives of activists in countries that are on the front-line of  discrimination, to ensure it is grounded in local country realities.

The report contains an overview of the global situation and paints a picture of thereunto developments of a growing a culture of respect for LGBT individuals in some parts of the world and rising antagonism towards LGBT people, who are suffering discrimination at the hands of politicians and lawmakers, in other parts of the world.

The report goes on to outline the economic opportunities associated with inclusion and ways these against the business risks of operating in areas where discrimination is present.

To read the full report find the below link

Reader's Comments

1. 2015-10-01 23:42
This is good and encouraging news....hope LGBT will be viewed as friendly organization even in trouble stricken states in African continent. The mad man Mugabe of Zimbabwe recently shouted or yelled in UN meeting and say that " I am NOT GAY" as if he was gay??? It looks like he likes to try young men and boys at his dying age of 90s LoL. in his bed time coffin now.
2. 2015-10-02 14:54
An exercise in stating the bleeding obvious.
Comment #3 was deleted by an administrator on 2015-10-13 22:49

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