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24 Feb 2016

Popular gay drama is pulled from internet in China

Addiction, a gay-themed television drama has been removed from Chinese streaming sites, state media reported Wednesday

An online television series that tells the story of love between two teenage boys is no longer available online, enraging fans.

The drama made its debut in January and so far 12 episodes have been aired. However, since monday this week popular video streaming sites in China such as v.qq.com and iqiyi.com, no longer had the show. Online searches lead to empty links.

Authorities in China maintain a firm grip on what can and cannot be shown in the country. Beijing's powerful State Administration of Press,

Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) has never published a list of what can or cannot be broached.

"There's no reason. It's a result of the broader environment," said the writer and producer of the series, who uses the pen name Chaijidan, news portal ifeng.com reported Tuesday.

Netizens expressed their anger at the banning of the show. “Why did they take away this drama?” on internet user wrote on Weibo according to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post. “There are millions of reasons to cover their move, but the truth is that they are afraid of gay [issues].”

Watch an episode of the series below:

Reader's Comments

1. 2016-02-25 17:57
why would they stop this show
2. 2016-02-26 04:39
It's was excellent... a tender story well told. It's sad that the government is censoring it.
3. 2016-02-26 05:05
the little snippet i saw here was fun and enjoyable.....hope all the old episodes are still available online. times are changing, there is nothing wrong in my view at all with the affection shown and the friendships made....wonderful that it was online at all!
4. 2016-02-26 05:09
they will not succeed in suppressing the chinese people
5. 2016-02-26 10:24
A nice movie. Cute tender guys...Beautiful Chinese accent...I wanna see more...
6. 2016-02-26 14:14
A country, any country that conceals its emotions, whatever they may be, is really LOST to the world.
If that be so … what a crying shame … as I believe that the Chinese people are a beautiful people and if their leaders set them free, in time will contribute a graet deal to humanity.
7. 2016-02-26 15:51
Lol. Popular with older white men it seems.
8. 2016-03-01 00:06
Hate to say this but I think it would have the reverse effect. Anything that is forbidden leads to the forbidden fruit syndrome. I'm sure there are tonnes of people who have not heard of the show and have now finished the entire Season 1.

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