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8 Feb 2019

349 couples have registered for 'partnership certificates’ in Japan

Since 2015, 11 local administrations have started offering limited recognition to same-sex couples

Some 349 couples in Japan have registered for partnership certificates designed to recognize same-sex couples.
Local LGBT organization Nijiri surveyed the 11 municipalities that recognize same-sex couples with partnership certificates.
The certificates give couples limited recognition in government hospitals and housing. Some large companies also recognize the certificates to offer the same spousal discounts given to straight couples.
As recently reported, a number of LGBT couples have started to sue the Government over lack of marriage rights 

Some 349 couples in Japan have registered for partnership certificates designed to recognize same-sex couples.

Local LGBT organization Nijiri surveyed the 11 municipalities that recognize same-sex couples with partnership certificates.

The certificates give couples limited recognition in government hospitals and housing. Some large companies also recognize the certificates to offer the same spousal discounts given to straight couples.

As recently reported, a number of LGBT couples have started to sue the Government over lack of marriage rights.

For the full story: click here!


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