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18 Jul 2019

53% of Singaporeans would react negatively if a family member came out

However, more than half of respondents said they would react positively to a colleague coming out as LGBT.

More than half of Singaporeans would react negatively if they found out a close family member was LGBT, according to a recent poll. In an online survey, Yahoo Singapore asked 887 Singaporeans in June how they reacted to a number of LGBT-related situations. When asked about an LGBT family member, 53% of the respondents reacted negatively. What’s more, 14% expressed a ‘strongly negative’ response, while 39% reported ‘somewhat negative’ reactions. The poll also quizzed Singaporeans’ reaction to a colleague coming out, where 46% reported a negative reaction and 53% reported a positive reaction. Yahoo Singapore revealed this week the same poll found 80% of Singaporeans agreed that LGBT people face discrimination.

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Reader's Comments

1. 2019-07-18 21:59  
How utterly ridiculous! Fridae picks such a contentious headline when the survey group for the poll was a minuscule 887 Singaporeans. That's just stupid! For a polll to have any validity, the sample group has to be far larger. It also has to be scientifically tested with different age groupings, different areas where respondents live, sexuality and differing education levels of the sample made known. Naturally the information yet again came from virtually fridae's only source - Gay Star News. The old days when fridae actually had a staffer as a proper editor and selecting news items have long gone.
2. 2019-07-19 15:14  
Statistically speaking, 887 is sufficient as long as the sample is random. But this is online survey, thus not the case.
3. 2019-07-20 13:15  
I had no idea that 887 out of a population of more than 5.6 million is statistically relevant. I happily defer to your knowledge. But another question arises. Since the survey was done online, how can yahoo know if the respondents were in fact from the 3.5 million or so Singapore nationals or did they include the 2 million foreign nationals who live there? Few of these are actually Singaporeans! So I cannot see how the headline and the findings can be justified.
4. 2019-07-21 03:05  
just like in the Philippines, these Singaporeans have the same problem .. i just don't get it, just because you're a fruity doesn't mean you lose your masculinity .. you can still keep it and flaunt it up with the men, honey!! DAMN!!
5. 2019-07-21 16:17  
why no response from singaporean, here?
6. 2019-07-21 17:17  
are you blind?
i went to singapore few times, since arrival found immigration officers were women
I went to train..so many women inside train
I went to market, so many women worked there
i went to many places in singapore, so many women at everywhere to be everywhere as men.

Must be noted that Characteristic lesbians are they want to be as men
they want to be as level as men and even more.
The women probably marry men, but the acts were lesbianism.
That were lesbianism come out.

look the dress of women wear too.
you are weak to diagnose lesbianism.
7. 2019-07-22 12:45  
@gunoilh2o The actual number of samples required will depend on the level of confidence that you want, but yeah assuming a normal distribution in the population and a "regular" level of confidence, something like 100-200 of random samples should be enough. But the keyword here is random. As you mentioned "Since the survey was done online, how can yahoo know if the respondents were in fact from the 3.5 million", yes you can't. Online surveys are very limited in this aspect.
8. 2019-07-22 12:49  
@botwildfck I can't even...
9. 2019-07-25 11:44
@hylander - best not to feed the troll botwildfck

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