An increasing number of gay men in Singapore and around the world are becoming more body conscious and many have probably at one time or another considered taking steroids to increase their gains. In The Pink brings you the facts and potential health risks associated with the use of anabolic steroids.
In response to the series on coming out to the military for gay men who are obligated to enlist, InThePink has some tips and advice for gay men as well as men who are transgendered.
In The Pink examines the use and effects of Ketamine, which is becoming a popular recreational drug in the global dance scene since the late 90s when Madonna's 1998 Ray of Light album reputedly contains tracks which describe the Ketamine experience.
Many of us have been told the importance of supplementing our diets with vitamins. But do we really need to? In the Pink has some tips for us before we visit the health food store again.
With a growing gay dance and rave scene in Asia, more and more gays and lesbians are experimenting with recreational drugs. Singapore-based gay medical group, In The Pink, takes a close look at the health and legal issues surrounding ecstasy.
Everyone wants a "Hollywood smile". We may not look as cute as Josh Harnett or as slim and sexy as Christy Cheung, but able to flash some gleaming pearlies could certainly boost the our confidence. Healthcare professionals from 'In the Pink' has some advice.
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship, Chat
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Happy Pride!
Male | 5' 6"167cm / 132lbs60kg | Vietnamese
Seattle, Washington, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Relationship, Chat
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Male | 46 | 5' 9"174cm / 149lbs68kg | Filipino
Boca Raton, Florida, United States
Interested in Men for Friendship, Chat
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Here for Chat/Cam/Friend w/GAM
Male | 66 | 5' 10"179cm / 152lbs69kg | Caucasian
New York City, New York, United States
Interested in Men for Anything
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Friends & Fun. Visit Asia & EU often.
Male | 71 | 5' 5"166cm / 165lbs75kg | Caucasian
Oakland, California, United States
Interested in Men, MTF, FTM, Intersex for Friendship, Action, Chat
Online: 15 hours ago
I'm a relationship oriented guy. Versatile, HIV-, no drugs, no drama. Love to laugh. Live right on a lake and enjoy the water. Love to explore, and the DC area has lots of interesting things to see and do. Looking for a decent looking guy, 24 - 39, whose mind is working, has a decent sense of humor and some adventure in him. Someone who says what he means and means what he says.
Male | 80 | 5' 11"181cm / 176lbs80kg | Caucasian
Reston, Virginia, United States
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Back in the US and living in Palm Springs and married to a great Filipino man.