Supporting the 'Freedom to Love' in a bold statement of solidarity on Saturday, 26,000 turned the green space of Speakers' Corner of Hong Lim park into a glowing pink dot. The number of attendees is over ten times that of the inaugural event in 2009.
Amidst reports of rival protests from religious groups in the city, Singapore will hold its sixth consecutive Pink Dot event on Saturday 28th June at Hong Lim Park from 5pm.
Over 12,000 visitors attended Hong Kong's first Pink Dot festival at Tamar Park. The outdoor event welcomed LGBT and their friends, family and colleagues to a day dedicated to supporting inclusiveness, diversity and love equality.
Anthony Wong, cantopop superstar and one of Pink Dot Hong Kong's ambassadors, signed limited edition T-shirts in the latest event leading up to Hong Kong's Pink Dot on Sunday 15th June.
Pink Dot Penang 2014, an LGBT event scheduled to be held in George Town on March 29, has been cancelled by organisers amid protests from Muslim groups.
Following the success of Singapore's Pink Dot rally with a record turnout of 21,000, writer Lisa Li reminds the community that as the movement grows it needs to be more accepting of diversity within its ranks, and argues that LGBTs should be accepted as equal members of society as human beings and not just because we are "law-abiding... or productive members of the economy."
Close to 50 people protested the police's inaction by cycling near the park where the scheduled event was to be held but the gathering was cut short after participants were warned that members of the Islamist group bent on breaking up any IDAHO activity were on their way.
Over 4,000 people turned up and turned Hong Lim Park pink as a show of support for their LGBT friends, family and community, and made it the largest event ever held at the urban park.