Pussies come in all forms. Thickly furred, or neatly trimmed, sometimes even totally hairless. One could find them in all shapes, sizes, textures and colours, each one being so unique in character as well. I must admit, it is a turn on being able to be in bed, caressing my love's fur quietly, without her mewling like so many others that she needs more than just that. The only problem is my other pussy gets jealous.

Perhaps the one reason why I feel such an affiliation to cats is because I understand them completely. Cats are so much like women; they let everyone else think that they're running the show while completely controlling them with their allure and psychological sophistication. One might think that a cat needs a human to play mouse with, however, it's the cat that grudgingly amuses the human by actually play-killing the mouse.
Humans who might think that they own a cat are sorely mistaken. One is owned by a cat, or at very most, is the companion to a cat. No owner, pardon me, companion of any cat, would dare ignore it for long. Especially when those baby blue eyes gaze pitifully at you for some mouse-tossing or a longed-for treat. Just like a woman, a cat would know exactly how to pull those heartstrings to attain what its heart desires.
Cats understand the need to preen for hours on end, making sure that every single strand of hair is in place. I am actually quite envious of the naturally dark lashes and kohl-lined eyes of my Abyssinian cat.

One thing I am glad about cats is that they absolutely refuse to look cheap. No cat in its right mind would allow its fur to be unkempt, or to wolf its food down like a dog. Cats not only refuse to look cost-effective, but a word comes to mind when one thinks of cats.
How else is a human able to possess a pelt of such magnificence while maintaining that politically correct aura for the now environmentally conscious social lifestyle? You could pick a fur of your choice, from the classic Persian's snow-white coat, to the plush velvet of the Cornish Rex. Why, if you so desire, you could even have the very exotic Bengal, or Leopard Cat gracing your living room. It is such a thrill when impressed guests coo when they spot one or two of the lovely creatures lounging on your delightfully contrasting bedspread.
I cannot say on behalf of other feline lovers what their cats are to them but for myself, cats have always been a part of me. They are family, and accept me for who I am, regardless of how I look like in the mornings, or when I lay on the couch in my oldest shirt. And this acceptance is much more than I can say for many of my ex-partners. It is during the cold winter months, or those lonely summer nights when a furry companion is all I need to be comforted.
My cats have had their fur soaked by my tears, been picked up and danced around the living room with, and they have never protested. They allow me to be who I am, and sometimes, when I get out of hand, ignore me completely. It's a relationship based on mutual adoration. I adore them for what they are, and they adore me when I give them a treat. Life is simple.
Venusa is a 21-year-old student who lives in Perth, WA with her two cats.
EDITOR'S NOTE - The cats pictured live in Brisbane, QLD with their owners.