For sex travellers, nothing beats Asia as the most popular destination of choice. Anyone looking for cute boys and sexy hunks for rent know that they will surely face less disappointment "shopping" in this region. Although Thailand, Cambodia and Burma remain the most famous - and most notorious for abuses - destinations, other parts of Asia are catching up. Take, for example, some places in China, namely Hong Kong, Mainland China (mostly Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing) and Taiwan. Of the three areas, the mainland remains the most popular destination because of its vast human resources and relatively cheap cost for sex.

In China, most gay activity occurs in the bigger and more prosperous cities. Not to say that there are no small operation of bars and hustlers in other area, but the big cities always tend to be more tolerant level - if not more glam. In fact, in all three cities (Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing) most of the hustlers and rent boys are not from the city itself, but fortune hunters hoping to find the golden pillow route to a better life. Since their education level is not high, quite a substantial number of them became dependent on their looks and physique to make their living. As in most Asian countries, up to 50% of rent boys are them are actually heterosexual, who only serve gays to make money. Most of these straight boys are part-time workers who will eventually return home or marry in due course. For gay hustlers with minimal education, however, most dream (or desperately hope) of becoming a male wife or mistress to some foreigner who will lift them out of poverty into a new life and citizenship aboard.
Each place also has its own "customs" when it comes to hiring a hustler. Shenzhen tends to be the busiest centre in all of China because of its special economic zone status, as well as its closeness to Hong Kong. There are two types of hustlers - the independent freelancer and the ones managed by a pimp. Most of the independent ones cruise the two main clubs (one of them is called Why Not after the previously successful gay karaoke in Hong Kong). Most will only speak Mandarin, since they are not from the Guangdong Province. Some have labour-intensive day jobs, while other will be unemployed. Freelancers usually charge about HK $300 a trick, although it's usually far safer to consult a "Papa-san". While more expensive (HK $300 for the trick and $300 for the Papa-San's introduction fee), it's usually safer and you get more professional boys. Meetings of this kind are held in a private building (usually the home of the Papa-San), where the john can view the "stable" at close range and select his date. Some johns choose to have sex right there, although many prefer a hotel for safety reasons.
Due to its proximity to Hong Kong and more varied choices, you will also find a fair number of "kept boys" in Shenzhen. These boys are in more permanent arrangements and are given an "allowance" of HK $ 2000 to $ 7000.
Shanghai rent boys tend to be cut from the same mold - most are not from the city itself and do not patronise the gay scene. Instead, most Shanghainese boys prefer a more subtle arrangement. They go to bars and clubs to meet friends. When they do meet a target (usually a well to do gentleman/ex-pat/ or rich foreigner), they try to develop a special kind of "friendship" with these men. Most "friendships" involve assistance in rent, luxury goods (designer clothes or watches) or even cash! There is no pressure for the gentleman to pay, but there is a kind of tacit understanding between both parties. These smooth operators from Shanghai pride themselves of their sophistication, and quite a few of them end up with rich or well off partners.
In Beijing, the situation is much similar to Shenzhen although it was not as blatant and brazen, as there are fewer bars (Only two in fact, Half-And-Half and Drag-On) in Beijing than either Shanghai or Shenzhen. However, the number of "massage" boys in this city tend to be quite numereous - and popular. These are very similar to the services being provided in Thailand, but in less glamorous settings as the freedom to engage in this sort of activity is still officially prohibited. Most of the boys are between 19 to 25, and most are also not from Beijing itself. Their services range from HK $300 to $700 per session. Always remember to clearly negotiate the tip before you indulge in "extras".

The former Crown Colony has its share of rent boys and hustlers, however the demand is lower since there are no less than 10 male saunas all over the territory. The ones who still operate now use the newspaper or Internet to advertise their services as "masseurs" with "swimmer's bodies" offering "relaxation". It's not really a thriving industry, as the allure of Shenzhen's comparatively cheap sex trade and Thailand's exotic ones tend to dampen any homespun industry in the SAR. Most hustlers cater to the foreigners and ex-pats. Prices aren't cheap. Some tricks go as high as HK $ 2000-$3000 for a so-so, yawn-are-you-done encounter.
The "beautiful island" has advanced much in its struggle for gay rights with the Annual Rainbow Weekend, as well as a host of publications geared exclusively for the gay crowd. In the rent boy business, they are still very much underground, as newspaper ads and the Internet remain a popular instrument for this sort of activity. For the most part, male prostitutes cater to lady clients (a certain former Hong Kong sex symbol still earns his keep through the patronage of a few rich and generous Taiwanese Tai-Tais). Most gay travellers have a good chance of finding someone without going to a brothel, In fact, the famed "New Park" in Taipei still attracts gays from all over the island (and foreigners from around the world) seeking to enjoy a night of passion or share an insurance plan. There is not a lot of information on the rent boy situation, although longer-term situations do exist, as it is very common in the Greater China Region While male prostitution in these areas is certainly less advanced than those in Thailand and other countries, it's still part of a growing, albeit still discreet, trend. As China moves closer to a higher industrialised status, more and more uneducated farmboys are going to find themselves left behind, with no better option than to sell their bodies and services to the highest bidder.