Gays should not lead mostly Muslim nation, says Malaysian ex-PM says
Gays should not govern mostly Muslim Malaysia, ex-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said in a court filing last week, seeking to strike out Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's RM100 million libel suit.

Ex-PM Mahathir Mohamad retired in 2003 after 22 years in power.
Anwar claimed the words meant he was a homosexual, he engaged in activities contrary to Islam, he was a pervert, unfit to hold office, had criminal tendencies and was dangerous to Malaysian society.
The 81-year-old former prime minister in his affidavit claimed that his comments at a Malaysian Human Rights Commission conference about two years ago were fair and justified, and that he had qualified privilege to make them. In the application filed last Friday, the former prime minister said Anwar's writ of summons and statement of claim should be struck out because it was scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. He is seeking costs of this action from Anwar.
Dr Mahathir said his statement at the Press conference was based on the admission of guilt by Anwar's former speech writer Dr Munawar Ahmad Anees and Anwar's adopted brother Sukma Darmawan Sasmitaat Madja in 1998 of sexual misconduct with Anwar. Munawar served six months in prison for the crime.
The Malaysia New Straits Times quoted Dr Mahathir as saying: "I strongly believe we cannot have a prime minister who is a homosexual. Malaysia is officially an Islamic country."
According to various reports, Mahathir fired his deputy Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 alleging he was involved in corruption and had engaged in sodomy an illegal act in Malaysia after Anwar publicly denounced Mahathir's economic policies during the Asian financial crisis. Mahathir retired in 2003 after 22 years in power.
Anwar, now a key opposition figure, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of corruption and sodomy in 1998. A successful appeal in Malaysia's top court against the sodomy conviction set him free in 2004.
Anwar claimed the words meant he was a homosexual, he engaged in activities contrary to Islam, he was a pervert, unfit to hold office, had criminal tendencies and was dangerous to Malaysian society, reports the Times.
The High Court has fixed March 7 to hear the defamation suit brought by Anwar against Dr Mahathir.
Student's body scrawled with gay slurs
The autopsy report of a University of Texas freshman who was found dead with gay slurs and pictures of genitalia drawn with a permanent marker on his body revealed disturbing findings.

Eighteen-year-old University of Texas Phanta ''Jack'' Phoummarath was found with gay slurs and pictures of genitalia drawn with a permanent marker on his body.
The 18-year-old freshman was found on Dec 10, 2005 at the fraternity's house.
A family attorney says he was not gay.
The Travis County medical examiner's office reported that partygoers used green and black markers to write "FAG," "I'm gay" and "I AM FAT" on Phoummarath's head, face, torso, legs and feet. Someone also added drawings depicting naked men and women and blackened his toenails.
Three members of the Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity were indicted on hazing charges last month, following a year-long investigation into Phoummarath's death.
Used most frequently in the United States and Canada, hazing is described on Wikipedia as "an often ritualistic test, which may constitute harassment, abuse or humiliation with requirements to perform meaningless tasks; sometimes as a way of initiation into a social group" such as a fraternity.)
An affidavit said fraternity members chanted for Phoummarath and six other pledges to finish as many as eight bottles of vodka, whiskey and rum, while other drinks were being passed around as well.
His family alleges in a lawsuit against the fraternity that pledges were pressured to drink at the party and that someone wrote vulgar graffiti on Phoummarath's body after he passed out. The medical examiner ruled that Phoummarath died of acute alcohol poisoning.
Randy Sorrels, the attorney representing Phoummarath's family, said it's disturbing to see the behaviour shown by members of the Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity.
UT suspended Lambda Phi Epsilon as a registered student organisation until 2011 after determining that hazing had occurred.
Supermodel Eve Salvail comes out as a lesbian
Supermodel Eve Salvail, who is known for her trademark shaved and tattooed head, has confirmed in a TV interview that she is a lesbian.

Top image: Eve Salvail who came out on The Tyra Banks Show is known for her trademark shaved and tattooed head.
Until speaking on the talk show of fellow supermodel Tyra Banks last week, Salvail had refused to discuss her sexuality in public.
One of the top models of the 1990s, the Canadian model was discovered by Jean-Paul Gaultier and is the first supermodel to shave her head. In addition to on-screen roles in The Fifth Element and Zoolander, she appeared as herself in the late Robert Altman's movie about the fashion industry, Pret A Porter.
Salvail, sporting peroxide blonde hair, talked openly about her girlfriend for the first time in the January 9th edition of The Tyra Banks Show, which was entitled "Coming Out Stories."
She said: "I was always with my girlfriend at the time backstage, but I'm very private about my personal life. She was my make-up artist, my manager, my hairdresser, my everything else."
The word is Nyanyuk, say it with me boys... Nyanyuk!
He thinks that people can't govern a country by virtue of their sexual prefrences? Ah but we ALL know how double standard Malaysia can be and speaking as a Malaysian I can say it with a grain of salt.
How about we leave the sexual gymnastics of the heads or potential heads of our country to, well, the bed, and make them prove themselves by bringing us to a corruption-free,discrimination-free and hate-free era?
Ah, maybe I'm being too idealistic, where's that dose of cynical numbness that we all gay boys possess and love? I left mine at the podium at La Queen when they raided it on new years day!
Those who had closely monitored the actual consequence of Anwar's case back in 1998 would agree with me, what I intend to put down in words here but feel mostly hesitated to. In another words, he was not defaming Anwar solely because of his homosexuality.
Mahathir is still and probably the only greatest leader we ever deserve in the independence of Malaysia.
So I will spare you foreigners, i.e. irishguy, isaacwnc and Lonemind, who may not have a clue what Mahathir has ever done to better his nation. It could have been bloody chaotic without his 22 years of presence as the PM.
Mahathir had been right and wrong but to be honest, he is the only leader of Malaysia who brings good economy to my country and I truly respect him for his contribution.
Anwar publicly denounced Mahathir's economic policies during the Asian financial crisis which today had proven to be the right move and Mahathir did the "right" decision to get Anwar off the power.
It might not be the "correct" way but truly most effective. 60% of Malaysian are Muslims and no way a Muslim dare to support a gay politician. Despite Mahathir use homosexuality as the scapegoat which I am sure 99% percent of fridae members must think I am crazy to said this, we will never change how Muslims think and believe. Just like in US because of religion, they still ban gay marriage.
Finally, Mahathir just like a normal straight guy, he doesn't love gay nor he really hate us. Do u guys know that his daughther is the president of a NGO for aids and indirectly supporting gay in Malaysia. Under the regime of Mahathir, government never bother us and they know where we hangout and what we up to. But they just cannot officially "accept" us because of religion reasons or they want to be vote back into office. :)
Can u imagine the hard core Islamic opposition party take this issue to their benefit and over turn my government and next thing I know....Malaysia will be the next Saudi Arabia and I need to wear veil!
New Straits Times quoted Dr Mahathir as saying: "I strongly believe we cannot have a prime minister who is a homosexual. Malaysia is officially an Islamic country."
I agree that too... Tun Dr Mahathir view is by far the most realistic and far more honest.. (the truth can hurt sometime) than many other world leaders.. (Tony Blair is a pansy) Hey.. look at the bigger picture... widen our mind. Anwar is a sensitive guy... (why not... plu huh.. look at some of the reply we have here) whether its tru or like Saddam to Bush.. and Anwar to Dr.M.. difference is.. its not as dramatically overwhelming ..
cummon guys.. admit it... how can gays be just and fair when judgement are usually based on physical apperances.. look at gay websites for instance... look at how marketing are potraying gay preferences... those bodies.. uhh how can we resist... those faces... uhhh.. those lips... those.. etc etc... (u see what i mean) Hard to decide which ministers is favourable to handle crucial portfolios then huh...
and religiously it is still a sin... (rite...)
Every country has its own way of managing its own social structure.. just like our own family... We cant impose what we think is right to our mind and own way to others.
Anyway... I think being gay is just to much over rated.
Its to much when you start prancing & dancing on the street just to demand equal rights... what a pansy. Start acting normal if we want to be accepted as normal.
Being gay and being homosexual is still a separate thing.
I know a straight guy who's a homosexual... aint gay..
and a gay friend who refuse to even think of having sex with another guy.
As Tun Dr Mahathir once said... he is a Muslim Fanatic.. which truly practise Islam in everyway.. truly MODERATELY.
& that also mean.. being fair and just even in dealing with ones sexual preferences... as long as its doesnt affect the whole well being of majority.. what you do under your sheet is between u and whoever.. (refer mushu.. para 5)
and if you believe in God.. then its in His hand to decide your sincererity.. whether its truly love or lust. Bodily pleasure.. try not to abuse the rights we have. I think..Yeah.. definitely I am GAY... and God is Great!
thats is really professional. In general she is accepted and acknowledge professionally by her true capability without stereotyping her sexual preferences.
guys... some of us need to learn from this lady. dont have to flaunt it all the time. enough stereotyping... its affecting our true capability and uniqueness.
Seriously, just be urself and DUN GIVE ME NO EVILS!!!!!!!
Afterall, I am the ONLY GAY IN MY VILLAGE! :P
Proud to live in Malaysia, proud to love Malaysia
This type of news is so vital but you hide it on the front page with just a link "news around the world 10-jan-07". Surely the link should say something more intriguing or tempting? How about less space to adds and a bit more space/pics for NEWS? Afterall, Fridae wants to become a more powerful lobbying/human rights based organisation (which I fully support).
Great story!
But please look at other countries like S Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, how much have they grown in the same period in the last 25 years? Please don't tell me to compare to Maynmar or North Korea. Otherwise we can always stay in the hut and drink coconut juice.
In another measure, what about the wealth distribution? If you look at the poor macik (Malay aunty) selling nasi lemak (a popular Malaysian breakfas rice) for RM1.00 at the roadside stall, and 3 pieces of goreng pisang (banana fritters) for also RM1.00, tell me what so good about the national car policy? To be more technical can anyone look into the measurement of wealth distribution, Gini coefficient in Malaysia in the last 25 years? Wonder why we never talk about this by the government? Especially the Ginin coefficient amongst group of people that needed most help? Where is our wealth concentrated in?
The topic of talking about his contributions and damages to the country is too wide. I guess it is best to limit this space to his particular opinion that concern the community in this website. But I guess you know where my opinion is.
Sgp is better compare to Msia...that's y i moved here~~
Really hope one day, Msia can accept what we are..
Because Mr. Anwar was clearly not living under Mr. Mahithir's dictates and would not be controllable if made prime minister a way to make sure he would never hold that position had to be found and it was. Mahithir's huge need to control and dictate were demonstrated again recently during the UMNO party meetings. That alone should alert any moderately intelligent person that we are dealing with a person needing serious help.
Lets hope that UMNO and the rest of Malaysia will finally wake up and realize this man has no honor or love for his country only for himself and his self aggrandizement.
Shame on you Dr. Mahathir, shame shame shame.
now wouldn't that be easy... only a true malaysian understand whats going on... Tun Dr. M doesn't hate gays... neither he loves them... he leaves it alone.. he know the existence.. god sake.. he let his daughter support the HIV's campaign.. she was the president for quite awhile.. help lots of homosexual in everyway possible by creating understanding.. indirectly towards the gay community.. Tun Dr. M didnt disagree with what she did... he & his wife even support those campaign & work. plus many other things.. etc etc etc...
if gays in malaysia want the same stuff that gays in the west are sugesting.. ie.same sex marriage etc... then move elsewhere if you cant wait... understanding comes with times.
living in m'sia is easy... but grass always look greener on the other side.. ie. s'pore.. hey.. its just across the bridge.. Tun.Dr.M was even planning to build another bridge so u guys can go there easily... go. go .. just go.. and dont forget to send poscards... you'll get visitors... sydney would be nice too...
Its all politics.. has nothing to do about Tun Dr.M view on gays... the article doesnt do any justice about how gays are in m'sia. its a stereotype article of finding some prominet figure who should be hating gays...
you can never find a perfect leader... can never please everyone... thats why we have leader... we follow one road.. instead of many. (i bet Paris Hilton would be great as US president.. PERFECT!!)
its a disapoinment to see unintelligent reply/comments... anyway its an old story.. just ignore it... guys.. go out and play... Paris will sort things out.