According to media reports, the 37 men were arrested at a fitness centre-cum-sauna whilst a "sex party" was in progress.

Photos of the arrest were published in various mainstream newspapers and news web sites.
Local police chief Azam Abdul Hamid told the media on Tuesday that his team found numerous used condoms, seven tubes of lubrication jelly, 20 gay magazines, four pornographic VCDs and six boxes of condoms on the premises.
He said the raid was part of the force's ongoing operation codenamed Ops Bersih (meaning Operation Clean) aimed at keeping all types of vice activities in check.
Following the raid at about 7.30pm, the men were taken to the Patani Road police station and had their statements taken before they were released.
Azam was quoted by the The Associated Press as saying, "Based on our information, the center was regularly used for these gay activities."
"This is against our culture, our way of life."
Under Section 377 of the Malaysian Penal Code which prohibits heterosexual and homosexual sodomy, the men may face jail terms up to 20 years in prison and whipping if convicted. Section 337A more narrowly prohibits acts of "gross indecency with another male person" with punishment including up to two years in prison.
On April 3, police raided two similar establishments located in a shopping complex and picked up more than 30 men.
The third-largest economy amongst the states of Malaysia, after Selangor and Johor, Penang is highly industrialised with manufacturing plants such as Dell, Intel and Motorola.
The REAL reason behind this, is there is an election approaching in Malaysia. So faggots, clubbers and boozers, its time to hide for a little while. As sure as night follows day, the UMNOcracy will win in March. They want Kelantan from PAS, and the whole veneer of pretending to be more Islamic, more pure, better Muslims, while simultaneously pretending to extend the hand of tolerance to the other races are all part of this game.
Raiding the saunas is merely a sabre rattling exercise. I would'nt be overly concerned about it at all. Roughly every 6 months a gay venue gets raided, but by and large, the only person every done for gay sex here was Anwar Ibrahim.
11th November will go down as a dark day in the history of Malaysian "democracy", and the Bersih movement will be used as an excuse to censor the Internet. A lot of the information about the Umnocrats is on the Internet. The urban Malaysians of all races in Penang, Melaka, JB and KL are well informed. However, outside these places lies what is effectively another nation, Kampungs where the way of life has not changed much since Merdeka day.
As for the western outlook on Malaysia, its viewed as some sort of oppressive hellhole where the faggots get done over. Its far from that. Its not perfect, but it could be much worse, and in any case, if its illegal, then it must be good. Thats my view.
The real reason why many Malaysians are watching their backs is not down to the police. Its down to family, and the need for discretion. The cultural concept of 'face' is one that a westerner is not likely to understand.
Heterosexual and homosexual begin hundreds of years before his culture even started.
So, who is against our way of life?
Shame to hear this myth repeated over and over again. I have never been whipped, but I do not need to experience it to comprehend it.
I have lived in China for nearly 4 years, and had no less understanding of 'face' when I arrived than now. Sometimes I think westerners have more fear of losing face than some Asians - it depends on the individual although there are sometimes ethnic or social biases.
On the other hand, dont you think it is better to have place for ppls to share the same interests than hang around all over the places?
We need to improve and change, dont stay where you were unless somebody can prove he remains as he was even a minute ago.
On the other hand, dont you think it is better to have a place for ppls to share the same interests than hang around all over the places? Unless they have a way to content it but looking at local social issues, it is getting worse!! I mean those cases are not related to gays but straight men!!!
We need to improve and change, dont stay where you were unless somebody can prove he remains as he was even a minute ago.
it's because it's not natural ??
or is it because ur mum said so ....???
the majority of gay ppl are less than straight,
so ppl say it's wrong ....
the straight will always point their fingers at u ,
when they know u are gay ...
JUST think ... if the majority of gay ppl ... are more than straight ppl ...
the gay can point at the staraight ppl ... and saying the same thing ...
secondly, jail and whipping for gay ??
not the culture ??
i not trying to be stupid ...
but think ... no one controls everything ... if u became gay u became gay ...if u r gay u r gay ... jail and whipping won't stop gays to be gays ...
it's kind of sad ... u jail then and whip them ...
HAiz ... if u say ... conselleging sessions ...FINE ...
but jailing andwhipping ...
no way ...
i don know if u all undersstand what i'm trying to say ...
BUt ...that what i wanna say ....
when comes to politics, yes gay gets the hit...
to all gays, pls stand strong and be persevere
we'll make it through the rain...
to all the gay raiders and anti gay, im speechless. you will understand if oneday ur child happens to be gay...
skytrain coz i have been to funny. Sometimes a few drinks would make them more relaxed then drinking tea.
This country is a just a NO FUN COUNTRY. Stay away forever!
no matter how.. penang ppl is still nice to be with...
not as melacca people...they r totally arrogant, selfish,,, big liar, big group of gossiping especially those chinese girlish male .. beware of them!
but now the young one!
I don't like to hide, so I have not gone yet.